
"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head

author:JJ Sanshun

Some netizens posted:

"I don't know what the point of saving money is for a moment"

"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head

"I have a monthly salary of 4,500, a rent of 1,200 per month, a meal of 1,500, plus shopping and daily expenses, I can save about 1,500 by saving money for a year, I can't buy a car I like, a big-name bag or something, I broke the defense in an instant, I don't know what the meaning of saving money is?"

In just a few lines, it can be seen that this netizen is now on the verge of confusion, and he doesn't know what he is saving money for every month? I can't buy a car I like, a big-name bag I like.

"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head
"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head

4500 in January, you can still save 1500 per month, which is already very good for many people, but what this netizen thinks is that the salary of 4500 per month matches the famous bag and famous car, isn't this pure embarrassment for yourself? [covers face]

"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head
"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head

It's not that ordinary people can't think about a better life, but your ability to keep up with your desires, famous cars and bags, everyone likes it, who doesn't want to live a good life, eat and drink spicy food and travel around the world, but the premise is that these people who can live this kind of life, the money they earn can pay for their desires.

So, what exactly is the point of saving money?

"I've been trying to save money for the past few years, but I don't want to repeat the experience of being poor when I was young, and I can't forget the feeling of powerlessness and unwillingness."

"Saving money is to give yourself a little sense of security, although it is small, but suddenly there is an unexpected big expense, and you will not panic."

"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head

Some netizens said: He was also moonshine before, and even consumed ahead of time, but as a result, after changing departments, he was not very happy at work every day, and he really began to save money seriously, so that when he didn't want to do it, he could resign at any time.

"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head
"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head
"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head
"I don't know where the point of saving money is for a moment", the comment area hit the nail on the head

I have read such a sentence, with the increase of money, when you have a sum of money of your own, and this money conveys positive feedback to you, giving you enough confidence, this happiness will become a habit.

Yes, saving money is really happy, since the year before last my personal life changed dramatically, last year I experienced some very bad things, the reason is because of the urgent need for money made me lose my judgment, this nearly a year, as long as I have extra money, even if it is 100, I have to save it in time, watching the money save up little by little, that sense of security and confidence, is really indescribable, even if I still have some things from last year, I need to deal with them when I didn't expect it, I need to come up with a little money every month, but it is because of the habit of saving money that I have become calm after a short period of trouble, so this is the meaning of saving money.