
What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

author:JJ Sanshun

After parents learned to shop online, what outrageous and strange things have they bought?

Some netizens said: "My mother bought two hamsters online, and the two hamsters gave birth to another litter, and this litter of little hamsters gave birth to another litter when they grew up, and the newborn baby hamsters gave birth to another litter. There is no end to the children and grandchildren. My mom kept sending hamsters and kept giving birth. Finally, when my mother got up at night to go to the bathroom, she found that the mother hamster was squeaking and eating something, and when she got closer, she saw that it was a hamster cub. The cub's head has been chewed up, and half of its body is left outside. My mother was so frightened that she gave away all the hamsters the next day, and never raised them again. The roses that my dad bought online bloomed and looked like they were all in the moon season. My grandma happily showed off the gold bracelet she bought from Pinduoduo, and a month later the bracelet rusted. My grandfather likes to buy ginseng from Pinduoduo, no one knows whether it is true or not, and the main thing is a psychological effect. ”

Haha, what an interesting family, the family atmosphere is very enviable. In fact, almost all the good-looking roses on the market are monthly, and the real roses are not very good-looking, and the merchants call them roses for good sales.

Don't look at how much people eat, but people really work, don't they? Laughing to death 8 batteries a day [covering face]

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

There is a kind of love that makes my mother afraid that you will lose weight, and then raise you 10 chickens

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

Let my uncle remember to update the inventory to prevent it from expirating, otherwise I will have diarrhea when the time comes.

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

I don't know if it's useful, the main psychological effect [呲tooth]

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

That kind of incense is useful, but it's only outdoors, like a barbecue stand or something

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

At this moment, I should be glad that my mother doesn't have WeChat, and there is no Alipay [covering her face]

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

Look for payment there to see if there is, or look at the recently used applet, and there are some group applets

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

Hahaha, is this burning incense and worshipping the Buddha? Such a big mugwort [tears]

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

Although it is fake, as long as the old man has fun, it will be fine [呲tooth]

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

Where can I get such a mother? Rich is really capricious, 70 an eyebrow pencil, I will be scolded to death by Li Jiaqi [laughing and crying]

What outrageous things did parents buy after learning to shop online? My dad was worried about the end of the world and bought compressed cookies

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