
Juvenile Song Xing: After understanding what Hua Jin said to Bai Wang, I realized that she didn't support Xiao Se!

author:Genki lamb ho

In the hit drama "Youth Song Xing", Hua Jin's role has always been a mystery. She saved Xiao Se and healed the emperor, and seemed to have a close relationship with the Xiao royal family. When the emperor asked her to heal the White King, she went to ask Xiao Se's opinion, which puzzled many viewers. However, when we carefully savor what Hua Jin said to the White King, a hidden truth gradually emerged.

Is Hua Jin really a supporter of Xiao Se? Why did she insist that the emperor had asked her to come, not Xiao Se? Is there a deeper meaning behind these words?

Juvenile Song Xing: After understanding what Hua Jin said to Bai Wang, I realized that she didn't support Xiao Se!

The mystery of Hua Jin's identity

Everyone in the world knows that Hua Jin is a miracle doctor, but they don't know that her origin is so mysterious. It is rumored that Hua Jin was born in the rivers and lakes, and he had excellent medical skills at a young age, and he once saved Xiao Se's life by chance. This move made her form an indissoluble bond with the Xiao royal family.

Some people say that Hua Jin is a mountain village aunt, and she will learn medical skills by chance; It is also rumored that she is a closed disciple of a hidden master, and her medical skills are all over the sky. In any case, Hua Jin's miraculous healing skills soon spread throughout the Apocalypse Kingdom.

That year, the emperor suddenly contracted a serious illness, and the hospital was helpless. Xiao Se remembered Hua Jin's kindness and recommended her to enter the palace for the emperor's treatment. Hua Jin's wonderful hand rejuvenated, and the emperor turned the corner within three days. Emperor Longyan Dayue gave Huajin the name of "Divine Doctor" and allowed her to enter and leave the palace freely.

Since then, Huajin has become famous in the country of Apocalypse. She is a skilled doctor, low-key, does not ask about the world, and concentrates on hanging pots to help the world. But who would have thought that this seemingly indisputable miracle doctor would become an important chess piece in the court battle.

Hua Jin's relationship with the Xiao royal family has caused many people to speculate about her position. Some people think that she must be a supporter of Xiao Se, after all, Xiao Se was her savior. But is it really that simple?

Just when people were talking, an unexpected figure appeared - Lan Yuehou. This important minister of the DPRK and the central government has always been known for his loyalty, but he suddenly paid special attention to Huajin. Not only did he often appear by Hua Jin's side, but he also personally served as her bodyguard.

Lan Yuehou's personal protection made Huajin's situation even more confusing. Some people say that this is the emperor's will, in order to protect the safety of this divine doctor. Some people also speculated that Lan Yuehou's move had another deep meaning, perhaps to use Huajin to contain Xiao Se.

While everyone was speculating, the news of the White King's eye disease spread throughout the palace. The emperor summoned Hua Jin and asked her to treat the white king. Hua Jin was unusual, and even went to ask Xiao Se's opinion. This move surprised everyone.

Why did Huajin do this? Does she really want to hear Xiao Se's opinion, or does she have other plans? What's even more puzzling is that when Hua Jin finally decided to treat Bai Wang, what she said to Bai Wang was even more intriguing.

She said that Xiao Se did let her come, but that was not the main reason she came. What's more, the emperor asked her to come. These words are like a key that opens the door to Huajin's true intentions.

Hua Jin's move was neither completely on Xiao Se's side, nor did he form an alliance with the White King. She skillfully maneuvered between the various forces, not offending either side, but also leaving room for maneuver for herself. This hand can be described as extremely clever.

In this way, Hua Jin gained a firm foothold in the court battle. She neither clings to Xiao Se nor falls to the White King, but uses her wisdom and medical skills to survive independently in this whirlpool of power. Every move she made was cautious and full of wisdom.

The court: the contest between Xiao Se and the White King

Above the court of the Apocalypse, a war without gunpowder is quietly going on. The protagonists of this contest are the ambitious Xiao Se and the difficult White King. The battle between the two not only affects the entire imperial court, but also affects the future direction of the Apocalypse Kingdom.

Xiao Se, as a leader in the imperial family, has always been a strong contender for the throne. He was not only of noble birth, but also talented, and had many supporters in the court. Xiao Se's ambition is not a secret, and his desire for the throne has long been a well-known fact in both the government and the opposition.

However, Xiao Se's ambition was not without obstacles. As an important minister of the dynasty, the White King has always been the biggest obstacle on Xiao Se's road to the throne. The White King not only had a high prestige in the court, but also won the trust of the emperor. The contest between the two can be said to be evenly matched.

Although the White King has a prominent position, his situation is not easy. As the emperor's confidant, he not only had to deal with Xiao Se's pressing steps, but also had to guard against other courtiers who coveted power. Every decision made by the White King may affect the direction of the entire court.

At this critical moment, the White King suddenly had an eye attack. This news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the court. The eye disease of the white king is not only related to his personal health, but also may affect the balance of the entire court.

Seeing this, Xiao Se immediately launched a series of actions. He first sent people to secretly inquire about the white king's illness, and at the same time began to spread various rumors in the court, trying to shake the white king's position in the court. Xiao Se's actions all show his desire for power and his grasp of the opportunity.

Although the White King suffers from an eye disease, he is not powerless. With the connections and prestige he has accumulated over the years, he still firmly controls the overall situation of the DPRK and China. The White King knew that once he fell, Xiao Se would definitely take advantage of it. Therefore, even though he was seriously ill, the White King still insisted on handling the government affairs in order to stabilize the situation.

It was at this delicate moment that the emperor's attitude became a key factor in determining the direction of the situation. Although the emperor has a lot of trust in the White King, he can't completely ignore Xiao Se's existence. In this power game, every decision of the emperor can change the whole situation.

The emperor's decision to ask the divine doctor Hua Jin to treat the white king undoubtedly added new variables to the situation. The appearance of Huajin is not only related to the health of the White King, but also affects the trend of the entire court.

When Xiao Se learned of this, he immediately sent someone to see Hua Jin to try to influence her decision. He hoped that Hua Jin would refuse to treat the White King, or at least delay the treatment. Xiao Se believed that as long as the white king's eye disease was not treated in time, he would have the opportunity to expand his influence in the court.

Juvenile Song Xing: After understanding what Hua Jin said to Bai Wang, I realized that she didn't support Xiao Se!

Although the White King suffers from an eye disease, his vigilance has not diminished in the slightest. He sent his henchmen to spy on Xiao Se's every move. At the same time, Hakuo is also actively preparing for various situations that may arise.

In this contest, the role of Huajin is becoming more and more important. Every decision she makes may affect the fate of Xiao Se and the White King. Although Hua Jin is a skilled doctor, she also knows that she has been involved in a game that is far more complex than curing diseases.

Just when the government and the opposition were paying attention to this contest, an unexpected news came: the Nine Emperor Princes went to the Dark River in the name of Xiao Se. The news was like a thunderbolt, disrupting everyone's deployment. After hearing the news, the white king disregarded his own safety and went to the dark river alone to investigate.

This move has made the situation even more confusing. The contest between Xiao Se and the White King is not only limited to the court, but also extends to the mysterious place of the Dark River. The game between the two has also changed from an open and secret battle to a life-and-death struggle.

The Mystery of the Dark River: The True Identity of the Nine Emperors

The Dark River, this mysterious place, has always been a forbidden place in the folklore of the Apocalypse. It is rumored that the Dark River hides the biggest secret of the Apocalypse Kingdom, and even related to the change of imperial power. However, just as Xiao Se and the White King were in the middle of their battle, a shocking news came: the Nine Emperor Princes actually went to the Dark River in the name of Xiao Se.

The Nine Emperors, who had always been inconspicuous in the court, suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention. What is his true identity? Why did you go to the Dark River under the guise of Xiao Se? This series of questions, like a fog, shrouded the sky over the entire Apocalypse Kingdom.

According to the memories of the old people in the palace, the Nine Emperors have been weak and sickly since childhood, and they have not seen the light of day all year round. His existence is almost forgotten by everyone. But such a seemingly insignificant prince made such a bold move at this critical moment.

Rumor has it that the Nine Emperor Princes are actually Xiao Se's conspirators. The two had already secretly joined forces with the intention of subverting the imperial court. As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar. If this is true, then Xiao Se's ambition is not as simple as fighting for the throne.

However, another voice is also quietly circulating. Some people say that the Nine Emperors are actually the white king's secret chess. Knowing that he was old, the White King secretly cultivated the Nine Emperor Princes, hoping that he would become his spokesman in the future. This argument may not sound so convincing, but it is not impossible.

What's more, there is speculation that the Nine Emperors may be the descendants of the deceased crown prince. The death of the crown prince has always been a mystery, if the Nine Emperors are really the sons of the crown princes, then his inheritance to the throne is higher than that of other princes. As soon as this speculation came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the DPRK and China.

Just when there were different opinions, an unexpected figure appeared - Lan Yuehou. This courtier, who has always been known for his loyalty, actually took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the Dark River to find the Nine Emperor Princes. Lan Yuehou's move made the situation even more complicated.

Why did Lan Yuehou venture to the Dark River? Whose order was he? Or does it have its own purpose? No one can give definite answers to these questions. But what is certain is that the addition of Lan Yuehou has undoubtedly made this trip to the dark river even more confusing.

Just as Lan Yuehou was about to set off, another important person joined the search for the Nine Emperor Princes - the White King. Regardless of his own safety, the White King went to the Dark River alone. This move not only surprised everyone, but also completely disrupted the situation between the DPRK and China.

Juvenile Song Xing: After understanding what Hua Jin said to Bai Wang, I realized that she didn't support Xiao Se!

Is the White King's trip to find the Nine Emperor Princes, or to uncover the secrets of the Dark River? Or is he trying to take this opportunity to get rid of Xiao Se's entanglement? In any case, this decision of the White King shows that he is by no means an idle person.

At the same time, Xiao Se was not idle. Although he did not go to the Dark River in person, he sent his own henchmen. Xiao Se's move not only shows the importance he attaches to the Nine Emperor Princes, but also exposes his covetousness for the Dark River.

Just when everyone's eyes were focused on the dark river, there was a shocking news from the palace: the emperor was sick. This news was like a hammer that changed the whole situation in an instant. What was the emperor's condition? Who will preside over the government? These problems have instantly become the focus of attention of the government and the opposition.

In this case, the identity of the Nine Emperor Princes is even more important. If he is really the son of the crown prince, then in the current situation, he may well become a key figure in changing the whole situation.

However, just when everyone was speculating about the identity of the Nine Emperor Princes, an unexpected figure suddenly appeared near the Dark River - Hua Jin. The appearance of this miracle doctor has added another variable to the whole situation.

Why does Huajin appear in Dark River? Was she looking for the Nine Emperor Princes, or was she for another purpose? More importantly, how will her presence affect the situation? These problems have become the focus of everyone's attention.

In this way, in the figures of the Nine Emperor Princes, the White King, Lan Yuehou, Xiao Se's henchmen and Hua Jin, the mystery of the dark river became more and more confusing. The true identity of the Nine Emperor Princes seems to be the key to solving the whole mystery. And the answer to this puzzle is likely to be hidden in the mysterious dark river.

Dark River Night Detective: The White King's Desperate Bet

The Dark River, a place full of mystery, is now the focal point of the Apocalypse power struggle. Regardless of his own safety, the White King went to the Dark River alone, which was undoubtedly a desperate gamble. On this night full of dangers, the actions of the White King affected the nerves of the entire court.

The White King and his entourage quietly came to the edge of the dark river, and the moonlight sprinkled on the river like a thin veil, adding a bit of weirdness to this mysterious place. Although the White King was old, his steps were still steady, and his eyes were like torches, scanning every corner around him. The accompanying cronies followed closely behind, vigilantly observing the movements around them.

Just as the White King was about to go deep into the dark river to investigate, a strange sound suddenly came. The White King immediately motioned for everyone to stop and listen carefully. The sound seemed to come from a bush on the riverbank, and someone could be faintly heard talking in a whisper. The White King narrowed his eyes and slowly approached in the direction where the voice came from.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly burst out of the bushes and rushed towards the White King. Although the White King is old, he is still agile. He quickly dodged sideways and shouted at the same time, "Who? The accompanying cronies immediately stepped forward to subdue the black shadow.

In the moonlight, everyone was surprised to find that this black shadow turned out to be Lan Yuehou's entourage. This discovery made the White King frown. Why did Lan Yuehou send someone to ambush here? Did he perceive something too?

Just as the White King was thinking, another commotion came from the depths of the dark river. The White King immediately led the crowd in the direction from which the voice came. As they went deeper, the sound of the water in the dark river grew louder and louder, and there was a damp smell in the air.

Juvenile Song Xing: After understanding what Hua Jin said to Bai Wang, I realized that she didn't support Xiao Se!

Suddenly, a familiar voice came into the ears of the White King. That was Lan Yuehou's voice! The White King immediately motioned for everyone to stop and listen carefully. Through staccato conversations, the White King vaguely heard the words "Nine Emperors" and "Secret".

The White King felt a pang in his heart, could it be that Lan Yuehou had already found the Nine Emperor Princes? Or did he discover some secret that no one else knew? Whatever the case may be, the White King knows he has to act as soon as possible.

Just as the White King was about to move on, a rush of footsteps came from behind him. The White King turned around and saw that it was Hua Jin! The sudden appearance of this miracle doctor made the situation even more confusing.

Hua Jin panted and said, "Lord Baiwang, please leave this place quickly!" Someone has set a trap to harm you! When the White King heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised. Although he had been prepared, he did not expect the situation to be so critical.

At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly sounded from the depths of the dark river. Immediately after, a puff of smoke rose, obscuring the moonlight. The White King immediately realized that someone might be destroying the corpse.

The White King made a quick decision and led everyone to rush in the direction where the explosion came from. However, just as they were about to arrive, there was another violent explosion. The explosion was even more powerful, and the entire Dark River was shaken.

When the smoke cleared, Bai Wang and the others were surprised to find that a huge whirlpool had appeared in the middle of the dark river. Something seemed to flicker in the center of the whirlpool, but it was too far away to be seen.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the center of the whirlpool. Under the light of the moon, the White King was surprised to find that it was actually the Nine Emperor Princes! The appearance of the Nine Emperor Princes undoubtedly added more mysteries to this dark river night exploration.

However, just as the White King was about to step forward to inquire, another figure burst out from the shadows and quickly took the Nine Emperor Princes away. Although the white king wanted to catch up, he was too old and his physical strength was exhausted, so he could only watch the two disappear into the night.

This night's exploration, although it did not directly find the answer, provided many new clues to the White King. The appearance of the Nine Emperor Princes, the actions of Lan Yuehou, the mysterious explosion, and that strange whirlpool, all of which point to a larger secret.

The White King knew that he had to sort out these clues as soon as possible and find out the truth. Because he knows very well that this is not only related to his own fate, but also to the future of the entire Apocalypse Kingdom. And this dark river night exploration is undoubtedly a key step in unraveling the mystery.

Hall Standoff: The truth emerges

With the end of the Dark River Trip, the situation in the Apocalypse Kingdom has become increasingly tense. After the White King returned from the Dark River, he immediately summoned the important ministers of the court and prepared to uncover the truth in one fell swoop in the main hall. On this day, the palace hall of the Apocalypse Kingdom was full of people, and the courtiers were seated one after another, and the air was filled with an atmosphere of tension and anticipation.

The White King sat on a high seat, his eyes like torches, and he glanced at everyone in the hall. Xiao Se stood on the left, his face gloomy; Lan Yuehou stood on the right, his expression solemn; Hua Jin stood near the temple gate, quietly watching the situation. The most striking thing is that the Nine Emperor Princes also appeared on the top of the main hall, his face was a little haggard, but there was a hint of elusiveness in his eyes.

Juvenile Song Xing: After understanding what Hua Jin said to Bai Wang, I realized that she didn't support Xiao Se!

The White King spoke, "Ministers, I have summoned you here today to uncover a mystery that has plagued my Apocalypse Kingdom for many years. As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar in the hall.

The White King continued, "During our trip to the Dark River, we discovered some amazing facts. First of all, the true identity of the Nine Emperor Princes has been ascertained. As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were focused on the Nine Emperor Princes.

The Nine Emperor Princes slowly stood up, saluted everyone, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have indeed concealed my identity. Truth be told, I am the son of the late Crown Prince. This explosive news threw the entire hall into chaos.

At this moment, Xiao Se suddenly stood up and said in a loud voice: "Since this is the case, then according to the laws of our dynasty, the Nine Emperor Princes are the most qualified candidates to inherit the throne!" "

The White King sneered and said, "Xiao Se, you are in a hurry to promote the Nine Emperor Princes because you have already made an agreement with him in private, right?" When Xiao Se heard this, his face suddenly turned pale.

At this time, Lan Yuehou stood up and said, "Lord Baiwang, there is something unknown about the minister. Since the Nine Emperors are the sons of the crown prince, why did they hide their identities for many years? "

The Nine Emperor Princes sighed and explained, "When the crown prince was killed, my mother had to hide my identity in order to protect me. It wasn't until recently that I learned who I really was. "

The White King nodded, then turned to Xiao Se and said, "Xiao Se, do you know how the crown prince was killed?" When Xiao Se heard this, his face became even more ugly.

At this moment, Hua Jin suddenly spoke: "Lord Baiwang, the minister has something to report. After getting permission from the White King, Hua Jin walked to the center of the hall and took out a letter from his bosom.

Hua Jin said: "This is a secret letter I found in the dark river. The letter recorded in detail the murder of the crown prince that year, and the mastermind was Xiao Se! "

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall was in an uproar. Xiao Se's face turned pale, his legs weakened, and he fell to his knees.

The White King shouted, "Xiao Se, what else do you have to say?" "

Xiao Se trembled and said, "Minister... The minister is guilty. It was indeed the minister who planned the murder of the prince back then. The minister thought that this matter had been seamless, but he didn't expect to leave evidence. "

The White King sneered, "Do you think that's all there is to it? You colluded with foreign enemies in an attempt to subvert the imperial court, and we have also found out these crimes. "

Juvenile Song Xing: After understanding what Hua Jin said to Bai Wang, I realized that she didn't support Xiao Se!

When Xiao Se heard this, he completely collapsed and fell to the ground and wept bitterly. The White King waved his hand and motioned for the guards to take Xiao Se down.

At this moment, the Nine Emperors suddenly spoke: "Lord Baiwang, the minister has something to ask for." The White King nodded and motioned for him to continue.

The Nine Emperor Princes said, "Although Xiao Se is extremely evil, he is my uncle after all. I implore Lord Hakuwang to read the merits he has made for the imperial court, and to be lenient. "

The White King pondered for a moment and said, "Reading the request of the Nine Emperor Princes, Xiao Se will be spared death, but he will be imprisoned for life and will never be released. "

After dealing with Xiao Se's affairs, the White King turned to the Nine Emperor Princes and said, "Nine Emperor Princes, your identity has been confirmed, and it stands to reason that you should inherit the throne. But are you willing to accept the burden? "

The Nine Emperors were silent for a moment, and then said solemnly: "The minister is willing to accept this burden, but the minister is still young and inexperienced. I implore Lord Hakuwang to continue to assist the government until the minister can take charge on his own. "

The White King nodded in agreement, then turned to the ministers and said, "Ministers, do you have any objections?" All the ministers responded in unison: "The ministers have no objection!" "

In this way, the power struggle of the Apocalypse Kingdom came to an end for the time being. The Nine Emperors succeeded to the throne, and the White King continued to serve as an auxiliary. Xiao Se's conspiracy is revealed, and stability is restored to the court.

However, the truth revealed by this confrontation in the hall is not only about the struggle for power, but also about the fate of a country. It tells us that the truth will eventually come out and justice will be served. And this lesson will forever be engraved in the history of the Apocalypse.