
Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

author:The faint sound of rain

"Angelababy's career trough: a momentary mistake by a public figure, the road to comeback is difficult"

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one


Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

In the early stage, there was a high-profile incident in the entertainment industry, the well-known actress Angelababy caused a series of turmoil because of a trip, which not only led to the banning of her social account, but also involved other issues, which can be said to be twists and turns, which cast a shadow on her career.

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

Angelababy has always been a high-profile actress, whether in her career or life, she has many fans, but this incident made her fall into a low period of her career, and when she tried to make a comeback, she also encountered many difficulties, which can be said to be a wave of unevenness.

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one
Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

First, the beginning and end of the incident

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

Angelababy went to Paris, France to watch a Crazy Horse show because of a trip, and her every move was filmed by the people around her at that time, and she was recognized by some netizens, which can be said to be in the spotlight.

Just after this trip, Angelababy's social account was banned, and the ban time was not ordinarily short, a full seven days, which can be said to be quite long, and this also troubled its fans.

After that, some netizens began to dig out some of the content posted by Angelababy on social platforms before, and found that there were some non-compliant aspects of its suspected publicity, which was also one of the reasons why it was banned.

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

Second, netizens reacted

For Angelababy's incident, netizens' reactions can be said to be different, some netizens feel that the seven-day ban time is too heavy, after all, she just went to watch a fashion show and did not do anything illegal.

And during this period of time, Angelababy's work has also been affected to a certain extent, and it can be said that there are a lot of losses, so some netizens feel that this way of dealing with it is not very reasonable, and it should be dealt with accordingly according to the actual situation.

There are also some netizens who feel that this way of dealing with it is deserved, after all, as a public figure, no matter what time it is, you need to be responsible for your words and deeds, not to mention that it also involves issues such as misleading publicity, so it is reasonable to be banned.

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

3. The road to comeback

After this incident was exposed, Angelababy has remained silent, did not make any response, and also missed the best public relations period, which also affected its image in public opinion to a certain extent, which can be said to be worse.

And during this time, her fans have also been speaking out for her, hoping that she can make a comeback as soon as possible and return to everyone's sight, but just recently, Angelababy tried to make a comeback and participated in some work, but it didn't get much praise.

Especially in the sales of some foreign magazines, it is obvious that Angelababy's influence has declined to a certain extent, and in its fan base, there are also some low-cost sales of its signed photos, which can be said to be quite embarrassing.

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

Fourth, the performance of others

When Angelababy's career was at a low point, some other stars performed quite well, such as Simba, who recently appeared in the live broadcast room as the spokesperson of a brand, and is also a "top-rated" star, which can be said to be in the spotlight.

However, when he mentioned Angelababy in the live broadcast room, the whole person's expression was a little embarrassed, and he tried to please fans in some ways, but he seemed a little restrained, which can be said to be quite embarrassing.

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one

Fifth, deep-seated problems

Through this incident, we can't help but wonder why a simple trip would make Angelababy fall into such a turmoil, in fact, there are many problems exposed behind it.

As a public figure, no matter what time it is, you need to be extra cautious, and a moment of carelessness may get you into trouble, so in your daily life, you need to pay extra attention to your words and deeds.

Moreover, in today's social media era, public figures have higher requirements for their behavior, and once they touch some laws and regulations, they may be banned and other punishments, so they need to pay special attention.

Moreover, behind a seemingly simple incident, deeper problems may be exposed, which need to be paid attention to by the public and the entertainment industry, and cannot be taken lightly.

Angelababy's comeback has been a difficult one


Angelababy's career trough also sounded the alarm for celebrities, no matter what time it is, it is possible to encounter a low period in their career, and it is not easy to make a comeback, you need to have enough strength and opportunities.