
The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

Text: Xixi Guiquan


Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? Our CCTV goddess Wang Xiaoqian actually "defected"! That's right, it is the "national host" who has been with us for 23 years. She packed her luggage silently, quietly slipped out of the CCTV building, and plunged into the arms of Internet celebrities.

This is even more exciting than "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves"! But wait, don't rush to label her a "betrayal". Let's take a look at what the hell this "defector" is up to!

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

Earth-shattering decision

23 years, what a long time! For us viewers, Wang Xiaoqian is like an old piece of furniture at home, turning on the TV every day, she is always there, smiling, and gently broadcasting news for us. However, one day, this "old piece of furniture" suddenly had an idea of its own.

"Sister Wang, are you really leaving?"
The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

The shocked expressions of the colleagues seemed to say, "Oh my God, our treasure is running away!" "

And what about Wang Xiaoqian? She was like a young girl who had just finished up, and her eyes flashed with excitement and anticipation. "Yes, I want to try something new and see what else awaits me in the outside world." When she said this, she looked like that, tsk, even more excited than seeing a new type of lipstick.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

Colleagues looked at each other, probably thinking, "Could it be that the pressure is too great and the brain is burned out?" "But, dear viewers, don't be deceived. What kind of pressure is this, this is clearly a woman's desire for freedom!

Sweet Spring Festival Encounter

Speaking of Wang Xiaoqian's decision, we have to mention her love story that is comparable to an idol drama. Think about it, in that era when mobile phones were not popular, a chance encounter on the Spring Festival train turned out to be a good story.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!
"Thank you, it's really tiring to sit for so long, you young man, sit down."
"You're welcome, Auntie, sit here."
The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

It was such a simple scene, but it made Wang Xiaoqian's girl's heart jump with a puff. Tan Jianghai, this name has been deeply engraved in Wang Xiaoqian's heart from this moment on.

A few hours on the train seemed like a century to them. From studies to ideals, from life to trivial matters, they talk about everything. The passengers next to him were dumbfounded, thinking, "What kind of fairy accosting technique is this?" "

On this Spring Festival train, not only people are on the way home, but love is also rushing in its direction.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

The North Drift Years: A sweet time of bitterness

Don't think that Wang Xiaoqian and Tan Jianghai are living a happy life like this. Naive! This is in Beijing, where every inch of land is valuable. They live in small apartments on the outskirts of the city and spin around like spinning tops every day.

"How's your job today, my dear?"
The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!
"It's okay, it's just a little dizzy busy."

This kind of dialogue has almost become a regular program for them every day. However, don't look at this conversation as unremarkable, but there is a lot of love hidden in it! Tan Jianghai stroked Wang Xiaoqian's hair, that action, tsk, more cherished than touching any precious treasure.

What about Wang Xiaoqian? Every time I was hugged by Tan Jianghai like this, my heart was as sweet as drinking honey. Bitter is bitter, but with the flavor of love, this bitter day has become sweet and delicious.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

CCTV career: starry but unwilling

Wang Xiaoqian's career in CCTV can be said to be thriving. Her hosting skills are like growing up after drinking hatred and medicine, and she is getting stronger and stronger. The audience's love for her is as crazy as chasing stars.

But, guess what? Wang Xiaoqian has always had an unfulfilled wish in his heart - to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Every year, when she sees the Spring Festival Gala program list coming out, her heart feels like she has been pricked with a needle.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!
"Honey, you know what? This year's Spring Festival Gala program list is out, but I still haven't been selected. "
"Don't be discouraged, my dear, your chance will surely come."

Tan Jianghai's comfort was like a booster, which rekindled Wang Xiaoqian's hope. However, this hope has been disappointed year after year.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

A Crossroads in Life: To Leave or To Stay?

Finally one day, Wang Xiaoqian felt that he had reached a career bottleneck. She sat in the studio, looking at everything familiar, and suddenly felt a pang of suffocation.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!
"My dear, I've been working at CCTV for so many years, maybe it's time to consider some new possibilities."

When Tan Jianghai heard this, he probably thought in his heart: "My God, is this about to change the sky?" However, as a considerate husband, he still held Wang Xiaoqian's hand and asked softly:

"Have you really thought it through? It's a whole new path. "
The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

Wang Xiaoqian's eyes were as determined as if he was going to fight: "Yes, I feel that I need to challenge some new heights and explore some different possibilities. "

In this way, Wang Xiaoqian made an earth-shattering decision - to leave CCTV and embark on an unknown road.

Internet celebrity anchor: The phoenix reborn from the ashes

Wang Xiaoqian's transformation can be said to have shocked everyone's jaws. From a CCTV host to an Internet celebrity anchor, this span is simply bigger than jumping from the earth to the moon.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

Her video of Israel's trip to the Dead Sea caused an immediate uproar when it was released. Netizens said: "Is this still the Wang Xiaoqian I know?" It's so much fun, isn't it? "

Wang Xiaoqian talked eloquently in front of the camera, not only has the skills of a professional host, but also does not lose the liveliness and cuteness of Internet celebrities. Her transformation journey, although difficult, has paid off handsomely. Not only did she grow herself, but she also brought a whole new perspective and experience to the audience.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens believed: "Wang Xiaoqian is so brave that he dares to jump out of his comfort zone and pursue his dreams." This spirit is worth learning from! "

Some netizens also said: "I still prefer CCTV host Wang Xiaoqian, but now she feels a little exaggerated." "

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

Some netizens believed: "Whether it is a CCTV host or an Internet celebrity anchor, as long as you can give full play to your talents and bring high-quality content to the audience, it will be successful." Wang Xiaoqian's transformation has given us a lot of inspiration, and life should not be limited by a framework. "

Interestingly, some netizens ridiculed: "Wang Xiaoqian's operation is simply a 'good' reverse operation!" 'Go to the sea' from within the system to be an Internet celebrity, this operation is too showy! "

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

Some netizens said: "I think Wang Xiaoqian's transformation is very successful." She retains her professionalism while incorporating the characteristics of new media. This combination makes her content both in-depth and interesting, which is really rare. "

Another said: "Actually, I think Wang Xiaoqian's transformation reflects the transformation of the entire media industry." The lines between traditional and new media are blurring, and those who can adapt to this change are the real winners. "

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

Wang Xiaoqian's transformation is not only a person's choice, but also a microcosm of an era. It shows us that in this fast-changing world, only by constantly learning and having the courage to try can we find our own place.

The former CCTV host appeared in Israel, frantically promoting foreign countries, and now he has become an Internet celebrity with goods!

So, dear readers and friends, what do you think of Wang Xiaoqian's transformation? Do you think her choice was a wise move or a risky one? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section!

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