
Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

author:The blue sea chats about the world
Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor
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Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

In May 2021, an exciting news came out from the Central Conservatory of Music: the famous soprano Wang Lida won the 30th Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre.

This girl from Lukou Town, Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, has conquered the hearts of countless audiences with her singing. However, what is less known is that Wang Lida's road to success has not been smooth sailing.

From an unknown small town girl to a "lark in the army" who shines on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Wang Lida's music road is full of challenges and opportunities. She has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala nine times, bringing New Year's blessings to the national audience with her beautiful singing.

At the age of 32, which no longer seems to be young, she won the gold medal in the Youth Song Competition with amazing perseverance and talent, proving her strength.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

What's even more amazing is that at the age of 42, Wang Lida ushered in another gorgeous turn in her life. She shifted from the high-profile stage to the podium and became a professor at the Central Conservatory of Music, passing on her experience and wisdom accumulated over the years to more young people who love music.

Wang Lida's story is not only an inspirational legend of an ordinary girl chasing her dreams, but also a moving movement about perseverance, breakthrough and never giving up. Her experience teaches us that as long as we dream and keep our passions, nothing is impossible.

So, how did this girl from a small town rise to the pinnacle of music step by step? Let's walk into Wang Lida's musical life and unveil the mystery behind her success.

In 1978, Wang Lida was born in an ordinary working family in Zhuzhou, Hunan. Although her family was not wealthy, she had a special love for music since she was a child.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

In kindergarten, every time the teacher played the piano, Little Lida's eyes would sparkle and her heart would be full of yearning for music. However, the fact that her family could not afford an expensive piano made her feel lost at a young age.

But Little Lida did not give up her musical dreams because of this, but secretly determined to become an excellent singer.

After graduating from primary school, Wang Lida successfully entered the Zhuzhou Art Troupe with a song "Nanniwan". She thought she was finally on the road to becoming a singer, but she never thought that fate would play a joke on her.

She originally applied for the vocal music major, but by mistake she was assigned to the flower drum opera major. In the face of this accident, although Wang Lida was confused and disappointed, she quickly adjusted her mentality and decided to meet this challenge.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

During her time at art school, Wang Lida showed amazing perseverance and enthusiasm for learning. Every morning at six o'clock, while the rest of her classmates were still asleep, she had already started her day's practice.

From basic skills to singing, from figure to expression, she has put in several times more effort than others. Soon, Wang Lida's clear, high-pitched and penetrating voice attracted the attention of the teachers and became a leader among her classmates.

In 1997, the opportunity finally came. Wang Lida was admitted to the Vocal Music Department of the China Conservatory of Music with excellent results, and finally took the first step to become a professional vocal actor.

What excites her even more is that she is fortunate to be a student of the famous vocal educator Professor Jin Tielin. Under the strict and meticulous guidance of Teacher Jin, Wang Lida studied hungrily, and her singing talent was fully developed and improved.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

Looking back on this difficult starting road, Wang Lida deeply feels the wonder of fate. The experience of being mistakenly assigned to the major of Flower Drum Opera not only hindered her musical career, but laid a solid foundation for her future opera performances.

From a small town girl to a vocal music student, Wang Lida used her own efforts and persistence to move forward towards her dream step by step, planting the seeds for her brilliant achievements in the future.

The Road to the Youth Song Competition: From Failure to Gold Award

Wang Lida's road to the Youth Song Contest is like an inspirational drama with ups and downs. In 2000, Wang Lida, who was in her third year of college, stepped on the stage of the National Young Singer Grand Prix for the first time.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

With dreams and apprehensions, she confidently prepares for this important game of her life. However, fate seems to have played a joke on her. On the eve of the match, she unfortunately caught a cold, and her voice was greatly affected.

Coupled with the huge psychological pressure, Wang Lida's debut was not satisfactory, and it can even be said to have ended dismally.

This defeat dealt a heavy blow to Wang Lida. She spent three days alone in the dormitory, afraid to face others. However, just when she was at her lowest, a phone call from her mentor Jin Tielin gave her the strength to regain her strength.

Teacher Jin encouraged her: "I am willing to give you 100 chances to fail, and you have only failed once so far, and you still have 99 more to try." These words were like a shot in the arm, allowing Wang Lida to regain her self-confidence.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

After two years of adjustment and hard preparation, in 2002, Wang Lida once again stood on the stage of the Youth Song Competition. This time, she chose the song "Yimeng Mountain, My Mother's Kiss".

Her soulful performance impressed the judges present, and finally succeeded in winning the silver award. This song also became her famous work, which helped her quickly make a name for herself in the music industry.

However, Wang Lida, who pursues excellence, is not satisfied. In 2004, she became a soloist of the General Political Song and Dance Troupe and challenged the Youth Song Contest again. Although she won the silver medal again in this competition, her lack of comprehensive quality made her realize that she still has a lot of room for improvement.

This experience made Wang Lida understand that becoming an excellent singer requires not only excellent singing skills, but also comprehensive quality.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

In 2010, 32-year-old Wang Lida made a decision that surprised many people - to participate in the Youth Song Contest again. This time, she was prepared. From the selection of tracks to the image design, every detail is strived for perfection.

She chose the challenging track "The Yellow River Fisherwoman" and perfectly interpreted the character's emotions in her singing. In the end, Wang Lida won with a whopping 199. With an astonishing score of 35 points, he successfully won the gold medal of the 14th National Young Singer Competition in the professional group of national singing.

When the host announced the results, the audience was shocked, but Wang Lida seemed unusually calm, as if all this was the result she had foreseen.

This calmness comes from her unremitting efforts and self-confidence over the years.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

Wang Lida's road to the Youth Song Competition, from the initial failure to the final gold award, witnessed her transformation from youth to maturity. Every time she participates, it is her breakthrough and transcendence of herself.

This experience not only honed her singing skills, but also tempered her tenacity and willpower. Wang Lida interprets the true meaning of "persistence is victory" with practical actions, and her story also inspires countless dreamers: as long as you don't give up, one day, your dreams will come true.

Military career and artistic exploration

In 2002, Wang Lida graduated from the China Conservatory of Music with the first grade in her major, and immediately joined the General Political Song and Dance Troupe as a soloist. This marks her official entry into the ranks of professional singers and the start of her wonderful military career.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

In 2003, Wang Lida ushered in an important moment in her life - her first appearance on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. On that night of family reunion, she brought New Year's blessings to the national audience with her beautiful singing.

This experience not only made her gain more attention, but also made her deeply feel the responsibility and mission of being a military singer.

However, Wang's work is not limited to glamorous stage performances. As a military singer, she has gone to remote areas many times to send condolence performances to the soldiers who stick to their posts.

On one occasion, she went to an isolated island where only seven soldiers were stationed and there were few visits on weekdays. The environment on the island is harsh, with only a simple barracks, and the natural conditions are extremely harsh.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

However, when Wang Lida saw that these soldiers still maintained high patriotic enthusiasm, positive spirit, and selfless dedication, she was deeply moved. On the island, she sang four songs, each of which she shook hands with the soldiers.

This experience made Wang Lida cherish every opportunity to perform even more, and she firmly believed that as long as her singing voice could give strength to the soldiers, it would be her greatest honor.

In 2005, while Wang Lida's career was developing steadily, she also began her own artistic exploration. She released a music album called "500 Miles".

On this album, she boldly experiments with traditional folk songs and modern pop music, showing unprecedented artistic charm. Although this attempt at innovation has sparked some controversy, Wang Lida has not deterred.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

She firmly believes that young people should have the courage to try and challenge themselves.

In order to ensure the quality and response of the album, Wang Lida often goes to the audio store to pay attention to the sales. When she saw the endless stream of buyers, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Subsequently, she successfully held a solo concert, most of which were from the album "500 Miles". What is gratifying is that this concert not only received an enthusiastic response, but also received high praise from his mentor Jin Tielin.

With the continuous growth in her military career, Wang Lida's ideological realm has also been greatly improved. She deeply understands that as a military singer, she must not only have excellent singing skills, but also have deep patriotic feelings and dedication.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

This experience injected rich emotional connotations into her later artistic creations and performances, and also made her singing more infectious and shocking.

Wang Lida's military career is not only an important stage of her personal artistic growth, but also a valuable experience for her to have an in-depth understanding of life and understand life. This experience made her singing no longer just a simple display of skills, but full of love for life and deep affection for the motherland.

Although she has made outstanding achievements in her singing career, Wang Lida has not stopped her pursuit of knowledge. She knows that only by continuing to learn can she go further on the road of art.

So, in addition to her busy performance work, she resolutely chose to return to school and pursue a graduate degree.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

In order to balance her studies, work and family, Wang Lida has made a strict time plan. Every morning, when the child is still asleep, she quietly gets up, takes her laptop and leaves the house, looking for a quiet café to start studying.

When she returned home in the evening, she began to practice the repertoire for the exam repeatedly. This kind of hard work attitude and strict self-requirements make people around them feel admired.

Wang Lida's efforts were not in vain. Not only did she successfully complete her master's studies, but she also successfully passed the doctoral entrance exam. In the process of pursuing her PhD, she devoted herself to her studies and research.

She delves into music theory and studies vocal techniques, but also does not forget to apply what she has learned to practice and constantly improve her singing skills.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

In June 2018, Wang Lida received her Ph.D. with honors. At this time, she was already a well-known singer who had won many awards on stage.

But she still retains her thirst for knowledge and love for music. At the graduation ceremony, Wang Lida held a unique solo concert. She chose the song "Kiss the Motherland", which is full of patriotic feelings, and sang her deep attachment to the motherland with her more mature and moving voice that has been honed over the years, winning warm applause from the audience.

This concert is not only a showcase of her years of learning, but also a summary of her artistic career. From undergraduate to doctorate, Wang Lida has proved with her own actions that learning and creation are complementary to each other.

Her rich theoretical knowledge has injected more connotation into her singing, and her stage practice has given her a deeper understanding of music theory.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

Wang Lida's study experience not only enriched her knowledge reserve, but also laid a solid theoretical foundation for her later teaching work. Her experience has taught us that no matter what age or what achievements have been made, maintaining a passion for learning and a humble attitude will always be the key to continuous improvement.

It is this thirst for knowledge and never-ending learning spirit that allows Wang Lida to go higher and farther on the road of music.

In the process of continuous self-improvement, Wang Lida's artistic vision is also expanding. She set her sights on a more challenging opera stage, hoping to find new breakthroughs in this more comprehensive art form.

This decision opened a new chapter in her artistic career.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

Wang Lida has participated in many well-known operas such as "On the Banks of the Jinsha River", "Wilderness", "Horn" and "Ying Xiong". In these works, she not only needs to show excellent singing skills, but also to show rich emotions and superb performances.

Surprisingly, Wang Lida showed amazing talent on the opera stage. This is thanks to her early experience of studying flower drum opera, and the "accident" of being mistakenly assigned to the flower drum opera major has become a major advantage in her opera performance.

In 2018, Wang Lida ushered in the pinnacle of her opera career - starring in the large-scale national opera "Yimeng Mountain". In this work, she successfully created the image of the heroine Begonia.

The character of Begonia has complex emotions, which requires the actor to switch between sadness and strength freely. With her singing skills accumulated over the years and her deep understanding of the role, Wang Lida has vividly shown the inner world of Begonia, and has won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

The success of "Yimeng Mountain" is not accidental. Since its debut in December 2018, the opera has completed more than 150 performances in just over two years.

There is a performance almost every few days, and such a high-intensity performance is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Wang Lida. However, with her deep professional skills and excellent physical fitness, she has maintained a stable and excellent performance in every performance.

In 2019, Wang Lida's life ushered in a new turning point. She officially retired from the post of military singer and became a master's tutor at the Central Conservatory of Music.

This means that she will pass on the experience and wisdom she has accumulated over the years to more young people who love music. From the stage to the podium, Wang Lida began a new chapter in her life.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

In 2021, Wang Lida won the Drama Plum Blossom Award for her outstanding performance in "Yimeng Mountain". This award is the best recognition of her years of hard work in the field of opera.

From a young student of Flower Drum Opera to an opera singer who won the Plum Blossom Award, Wang Lida uses her own experience to explain what is the charm of art and the power of perseverance.

Looking back on Wang Lida's artistic career, from folk vocal music to opera performances, from stage actors to educators, she has always maintained her love and pursuit of art.

Her story teaches us that as long as we dream and stay passionate, nothing is impossible. Wang Lida's success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all those who pursue their artistic dreams.

Famous singer Wang Lida: Became the champion of the 32-year-old Youth Song Contest of the Spring Festival Gala and finally turned around to be a professor

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