
Being in a high position but having no talent and no strategy, Li Ying was finally betrayed by Wang Junkuo, and scolded on his deathbed: The villain betrayed me

author:The plum fragrance is the same

In the summer of 626 A.D., the Youzhou Governor's Mansion sang and danced, and the sheng songs rang out in unison. Li Ying was intoxicated, and suddenly heard a confidant hurriedly come to report: "Lord Dudu, something big has happened in Chang'an!" For a moment, the laughter and laughter came to an abrupt end. Li Jin's face was solemn, and he urgently summoned his deputy Wang Junkuo to discuss. Who would have thought that this call would become a turning point in his life.

Li Ming, the little-known Li Tang clan, sat on the position of the governor of Youzhou by virtue of blood relationship. And Wang Junkuo, a general who was born as a robber, became Li Jin's right-hand man with his true skills. When the news of Li Shimin's Xuanwumen incident came, how would the pair of gods and servants deal with it? Can Li Ying see through Wang Junkuo's ambitions? How will their fates evolve?

Being in a high position but having no talent and no strategy, Li Ying was finally betrayed by Wang Junkuo, and scolded on his deathbed: The villain betrayed me

1. Li Jin's life experience and the position of the governor of Youzhou

In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, blood relations often became a fast track for career promotion. Li Ying is a typical beneficiary of this system. As Li Yuan's cousin, although Li Yuan has no outstanding merits, he has been able to rise to prominence because of his blood connection.

Li Yuan's father, Li Xiaoji, was Li Yuan's cousin and followed Li Yuan to raise troops during the turmoil at the end of the Sui Dynasty. However, Lee Hyo-gi did not have much military achievements, and relied more on clan relations to obtain an official and a half-position. Li Ying inherited his father's path, and by virtue of his kinship with the royal family, he was gradually promoted in the court.

However, Li Ming's talent is extremely incommensurate with the high position he occupies. He lacked both statecraft and military strategy. In the imperial court, Li was often indecisive and had difficulty dealing with complex government affairs. In military affairs, he is even more ignorant, and often needs to rely on the advice of his subordinates to make decisions.

Despite this, Li Yuan appointed Li Ying as the governor of Youzhou. Youzhou, located in the northeastern border of the Tang Dynasty, was an important barrier against foreign invasions such as Turkic and Goguryeo. The strategic position of this region is very important, not only related to the security of the frontier, but also the key to maintaining the national glory of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuan appointed Li Ying as the governor of Youzhou, perhaps out of trust in his clan relatives, believing that blood ties could ensure Li Yuan's loyalty. However, this decision also reflects Li Yuan's limitations in employing people, relying too much on blood ties and ignoring the importance of talent.

When he first arrived in Youzhou, Li Ying showed his incompetence. He is often at a loss when faced with complex border situations. In order to make up for the lack of his own ability, Li Ying had to rely on his deputy Wang Junkuo. Although Wang Junkuo came from a humble background, he had a wealth of military experience and political wisdom. With Wang Junkuo's assistance, the situation in Youzhou was barely maintained.

However, Li Ying was not aware of the huge gap in ability between himself and Wang Junkuo. He indulged in singing and dancing, and gradually handed over the power of Youzhou to Wang Junkuo. This not only weakened his own authority, but also laid the groundwork for future tragedies.

Li Jin's incompetence also caused dissatisfaction among the Youzhou soldiers. Many generals privately discussed that Li Ying was unworthy of such an important position. However, due to Li Jin's royal status, they did not dare to express their dissatisfaction publicly. This undercurrent created favorable conditions for Wang Junkuo's usurpation of power in the future.

In the governor of Youzhou, Li Jin's greatest "merit" is to build a luxurious mansion. The mansion is vast and richly decorated, in contrast to the harsh conditions of the frontier. Li Ming often entertained guests here, indulging in singing, dancing and drinking, but neglected to care about the defense of the border.

In this way, Li Ying relied on his blood relationship to occupy the important position of the governor of Youzhou, but he could not really perform his duties. His incompetence not only affected the governance of Youzhou, but also laid a hidden danger for future political turmoil. When the news of the Xuanwumen Incident came, Li Jin's fate also came to a turning point.

Second, the rise of Wang Junkuo

In the turbulent years of the early Tang Dynasty, Wang Junkuo's rise was legendary. From a thief to an important minister of the imperial court, his life trajectory reflects the particularity of that era.

Wang Junkuo was originally a bandit leader in Shandong, leading a group of outlaws to plunder everywhere. At that time, the Central Plains was full of heroes, and heroes from all walks of life occupied the mountains as kings. With his extraordinary courage and strategy, Wang Junkuo quickly gained a firm foothold in Shandong and became a force.

However, with the establishment of the Li Tang Dynasty, the world gradually returned to unification. Wang Junkuo knew that there was no way out for the bandits, so he decided to change his course and take refuge in the new dynasty. He led thousands of his men and took the initiative to surrender to the Tang Army. This decision not only saved his life, but also laid the foundation for his future career development.

Li Yuan usually adopts a policy of softness towards such generals. He believes that these people are brave and resourceful, and if they can be used by the imperial court, it will be a great help. As a result, Wang Junkuo was pardoned by the imperial court and appointed as a mid-ranking military officer.

In the army, Wang Junkuo quickly showed extraordinary talent. He is not only strong in martial arts, but also good at using soldiers. In many border conflicts, Wang Junkuo repeatedly made military exploits and gradually won the appreciation of his superiors. His military talents were fully utilized, and he was promoted step by step from an ordinary officer to eventually become the general of the right leading army of the Youzhou Governor's Mansion.

However, Wang Junkuo was not satisfied with mere military achievements. He knew that to gain a foothold in the imperial court, martial arts alone was far from enough. So, he began to devote himself to studying government affairs and learning the way of being an official. In dealing with military and political affairs, Wang Junkuo showed extraordinary political acumen and skill.

After Li Ying was appointed as the governor of Youzhou, the imperial court took into account his lack of practical governance experience and deliberately arranged Wang Junkuo as his deputy. This decision is undoubtedly a recognition of Wang Junkuo's ability, and it also creates an opportunity for his further development.

When he first arrived in Youzhou, Wang Junkuo showed superb political wisdom. He knew very well that although Li Ying was a relative of the emperor, he had no practical talent. Therefore, he adopted a humble and courteous attitude, thought about Li Ying everywhere, and quickly won Li Jin's trust.

In the handling of government affairs, Wang Junkuo often takes the initiative to undertake heavy work and solve problems for Li Jin. He was good at handling the relations between all parties, not only coordinating the contradictions within Youzhou, but also properly handling the relations with the surrounding ethnic minorities, so that the situation in Youzhou tended to be stable.

In order to further consolidate his position, Wang Junkuo even did not hesitate to marry his subordinates and married Li Jin's daughter. This family affair not only brought him closer to Li Jin, but also made his position within the Youzhou Governor's Mansion unshakable.

However, Wang Junkuo's ambitions did not stop there. He knew that his background was destined to prevent him from attaining a higher position through normal means. Therefore, he began to secretly cultivate his own forces, enveloping the generals in the Youzhou army, and preparing for possible opportunities in the future.

In Li Jin's eyes, Wang Junkuo is a capable assistant and loyal son-in-law. But in fact, Wang Junkuo has long regarded Li Ying as a stumbling block in his career. He was respectful on the surface, but in fact he was careful everywhere, waiting for the opportunity to replace Li Ying in one fell swoop.

Just when Wang Junkuo's power was growing day by day, news came from Chang'an that shocked the government and the opposition: Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen Rebellion and killed the crown prince Li Jiancheng and the king of Qi Li Yuanji. This sudden event not only changed the political pattern of Chang'an, but also provided Wang Junkuo with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In the face of this change, Wang Junkuo behaved extremely calmly. He did not immediately express his position, but closely followed the changes in the situation in Chang'an. At the same time, he began to secretly operate in the Youzhou army, preparing for possible actions.

When Li Ying was panicked and didn't know how to respond, Wang Junkuo saw the opportunity and began his long-planned action. His goal was clear: to use the coup d'état to seize de facto control of Youzhou in one fell swoop.

3. The situation in Youzhou after the Xuanwumen Incident

The news of the Xuanwumen Incident was like a boulder, thrown into the originally calm Youzhou political arena, stirring up thousands of waves. At the beginning of July 626, a swift messenger arrived at the Youzhou Governor's Mansion with the astonishing news of a coup d'état in Chang'an. Li Shimin launched a surprise attack, killed the crown prince Li Jiancheng and the king of Qi Li Yuanji, forced Li Yuan to abdicate and ascended the throne as emperor himself. This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, plunging Youzhou into chaos.

Being in a high position but having no talent and no strategy, Li Ying was finally betrayed by Wang Junkuo, and scolded on his deathbed: The villain betrayed me

When Li Ying learned of this, he immediately panicked. As Li Yuan's cousin, he knew that his position might be shaken by the coup. Li Ying immediately summoned the senior generals of the Youzhou Governor's Mansion to discuss countermeasures. However, in the face of such a major change, Li Ying appeared indecisive and had difficulty making a clear decision.

At the same time, Wang Junkuo behaved unusually calmly. He suggested that Li Ying stand still for the time being and wait and see what happens. Wang Junkuo pointed out that the situation in Chang'an is not yet completely clear, and rash statements may bring unnecessary risks. This suggestion was approved by Li Ying, and Youzhou temporarily maintained a semblance of calm.

However, the reaction of the military and civilians of Youzhou to the changes in the imperial court was not calm. For a while, rumors spread and people were panicked. Some people say that Li Shimin's usurpation of the throne is false news, a rumor spread by people with intentions; Some people believe that Li Shimin's move is justified and is to stabilize the situation; There are also fears that the new emperor will purge the old ministers, and Youzhou may be implicated.

In the face of divergent public opinion, Li Ying seemed powerless. He did not dare to openly support Li Shimin, nor did he dare to explicitly oppose it. This attitude not only did not quell the discussion among the people, but only intensified people's suspicions. The situation in Youzhou has become more and more delicate.

At this time, Chang'an sent an envoy with an edict from Li Shimin's ascension to the throne, and at the same time asked the Youzhou Governor's Office to express its position. The news put Li Ying in a dilemma. If Li Shimin's rule is recognized, it means betraying loyalty to Li Yuan; If you refuse to accept the new king, you may be seen as rebellious.

At this critical moment, Wang Junkuo once again demonstrated his political wisdom. He proposed a compromise plan to Li Ming: ostensibly accepting the edict, but actually delaying his statement. Wang Junkuo believed that this would not offend the new imperial court, but also buy more time for Youzhou to observe the situation.

Li Ying took this suggestion, but his hesitation had already aroused the dissatisfaction of some generals in the Youzhou army. These generals believed that in the face of the great changes in the imperial court, Youzhou should quickly express his position to show his loyalty. They began to privately discuss Li Jin's abilities, believing that he was not suitable to continue as the governor of Youzhou.

At the same time, Wang Junkuo began to operate in secret. He met secretly with some important generals to discuss the future of Youzhou. In these meetings, Wang subtly hinted at Li's incompetence while demonstrating his talent and vision. This practice undoubtedly deepened the dissatisfaction of the generals in the army with Li Jin.

As time passed, the situation in Youzhou became more and more tense. On the one hand, the Chang'an court continued to exert pressure on Youzhou to make a clear statement; On the other hand, the contradictions within Youzhou are also intensifying. Li Jin's indecision caused him to gradually lose the initiative in this political game.

At this time, Wang Junkuo made a bold suggestion: Youzhou should take advantage of this court change to strive for greater autonomy. He believed that the new imperial court had just been established and was in need of support from all over the country, and if Youzhou could skillfully take advantage of this, it might be able to gain more benefits.

This suggestion gave Li Ying hope. He began to seriously consider refusing the imperial court's recall, and even came up with the idea of separating one side. However, Li Ying didn't realize that this suggestion was actually a trap carefully designed by Wang Junkuo.

Being in a high position but having no talent and no strategy, Li Ying was finally betrayed by Wang Junkuo, and scolded on his deathbed: The villain betrayed me

Just when Li Ying was hesitating, some officials loyal to the imperial court in Youzhou began to secretly report the situation to Chang'an. They believed that Li Ying was rebellious and asked the imperial court to send troops to suppress him. These secret reports further intensified Chang'an's suspicions of Youzhou.

The situation has reached the point where it is on the verge of eruption. Every decision she makes can have serious consequences. And at this critical moment, Wang Junkuo seemed confident. He seems to have anticipated what will happen next and is waiting for the final moment to come.

Fourth, Wang Junkuo's seizure of power

In the autumn of 626 AD, the situation in Youzhou had reached the point where it was on the verge of breaking out. Li Jin's indecisiveness has caused contradictions within the Youzhou Governor's Mansion, while Wang Junkuo has been secretly accumulating strength, waiting for the best opportunity.

At this critical moment, Chang'an sent an envoy again, demanding that Li Ying immediately return to Beijing to report on his work. This order put Li Ying in a dilemma. If he returns to Beijing, he may face punishment from Li Shimin; If you refuse, it is tantamount to open rebellion. Li Ying fell into a state of indecision again.

Wang Junkuo saw the opportunity and began his long-planned action. He first gathered a group of close generals to secretly discuss countermeasures. At the meeting, Wang Junkuo pointed out that Li Jin's hesitation has seriously threatened the security of Youzhou, and decisive action must be taken.

Subsequently, Wang Junkuo began to spread rumors in the army, saying that Li Ying had secretly colluded with the forces opposing Li Shimin and was preparing to rebel. The news quickly spread among the Youzhou army, causing a huge panic. Many generals began to fear that they would be implicated.

At the same time, Wang Junkuo also sent people to secretly contact the envoys sent by the imperial court. He hinted to the envoy that he had the ability to control the situation and ensure the stability of Youzhou, as long as the imperial court supported it. This practice undoubtedly increased his weight in the eyes of the imperial court.

Just when the heart of the Youzhou army was shaken, Wang Junkuo suddenly took action. In the name of safeguarding the interests of the imperial court, he led a group of cronies and generals to suddenly besiege Li Jin's mansion. In the face of this sudden change, Li Ying was completely unprepared and was easily subdued.

Wang Junkuo immediately announced that due to Li Jin's suspicion of rebellion, he temporarily took over the military and political power of the Youzhou Governor's Mansion. This decision was supported by the majority of the generals. They believe that at this critical moment, only Wang Junkuo can stabilize the situation.

In order to cloak his actions in a veneer of legitimacy, Wang Junkuo immediately sent someone to report the situation to Chang'an. He claimed that he had to resort to such extraordinary measures in order to protect the interests of the imperial court. At the same time, he asked the imperial court to send someone to thoroughly investigate Li Jin's "crimes".

Being in a high position but having no talent and no strategy, Li Ying was finally betrayed by Wang Junkuo, and scolded on his deathbed: The villain betrayed me

After the news reached Chang'an, there was disagreement within the imperial court about how to deal with the incident. Some people believe that troops should be sent to suppress it immediately to set an example; Some people also believe that it should be handled cautiously to avoid irritating the military and civilians in Youzhou. In the end, Li Shimin decided to wait and see Wang Junkuo's next move for the time being.

And in Youzhou, Wang Junkuo's actions did not stop there. He quickly adjusted the military and political layout of Youzhou and installed his cronies in various important posts. At the same time, he ordered Li Jin's cronies to be closely monitored to prevent them from colluding to resist.

In order to appease the people, Wang Junkuo also took a series of measures. He reduced some of his taxes and released some innocent prisoners, a move that won the support of the people of Youzhou. Many people began to think that compared to the indecisive Li Ming, Wang Junkuo was the one who was really capable of governing Youzhou.

However, Wang Junkuo's ambitions were not satisfied. He began to secretly contact some military forces in the surrounding area, trying to expand his influence. He hinted to these forces that if they supported him, there would be a great reward in the future.

At the same time, Wang Junkuo did not ignore the relationship with the Chang'an court. He frequently sent recitals to the imperial court, reporting on the situation in Youzhou and expressing his loyalty. He also sent people with heavy gifts and secretly visited some important ministers of the court in an attempt to win support for himself.

Just when Wang Junkuo was gradually consolidating his position in Youzhou, an unexpected news came: one of Li Jin's cronies took advantage of the chaos to escape and was secretly organizing forces to resist. This news made Wang Junkuo realize that his rule was not stable enough.

In order to completely eradicate the hidden danger, Wang Junkuo decided to adopt more radical measures. He ordered a large-scale manhunt in Youzhou, arresting all those associated with Li Ming. Although this action has aroused the dissatisfaction of some people, it has also discouraged potential opposition forces from acting rashly.

Just when the situation in Youzhou was gradually stabilizing, news came from Chang'an that the imperial court decided to send a special envoy to Youzhou to investigate the situation. This news made Wang Junkuo realize that his political career was about to usher in an important turning point. He began to prepare carefully, determined to establish himself once and for all in this investigation.

5. The disposition of the imperial court and the subsequent development of Youzhou

In the winter of 626 AD, an envoy sent by the Chang'an court finally arrived in Youzhou. This investigation team, led by Wei Zheng, an important minister of the imperial court, shouldered the important task of finding out the situation in Youzhou and dealing with the dispute between Wang Junkuo and Li Jin. As soon as Wei Zheng and his party stepped into the territory of Youzhou, they felt the tense atmosphere permeating this land.

Wang Junkuo had already received the news and carefully prepared to welcome the arrival of the envoy. He ordered officials from all over Youzhou to line up to greet each other, and the lights were displayed along the way, like a scene of singing and dancing. However, Wei Zheng, as the eyes and ears of the imperial court, could not be confused by this superficial prosperity. He secretly sent his henchmen to find out the true situation in Youzhou.

Being in a high position but having no talent and no strategy, Li Ying was finally betrayed by Wang Junkuo, and scolded on his deathbed: The villain betrayed me

After the envoy arrived at the Youzhou Governor's Mansion, Wang Junkuo immediately presented a detailed report, listing various "crimes" against Li Jin, and emphasizing that he had taken over Youzhou in order to stabilize the situation and defend the frontier. Wei Zheng took the report quietly, and only said that he would review it carefully.

In the next few days, Wei Zheng summoned officials and military generals at all levels in Youzhou to inquire in detail about the incident. In the process, some officials who were suppressed by Wang Junkuo took the opportunity to expose some of Wang Junkuo's illegal acts to Wei Zheng, including abuse of power and exclusion of dissidents.

At the same time, Lee's supporters did not sit still. They secretly contacted Wei Zheng and provided some evidence to try to prove that Li Ying had no intention of rebelling, and that Wang Junkuo was the one who really plotted against him.

In the face of the complicated situation, Wei Zheng appeared calm and composed. He did not take his position lightly and continued to investigate in depth. He even personally traveled to various parts of Youzhou to inspect the people's situation and understand the people's views on this power struggle.

In the course of the investigation, Wei Zheng found that the situation in Youzhou was more complicated than he imagined. Although Wang Junkuo was tough, he did stabilize the situation to a certain extent, and even implemented some policies that were beneficial to the people. Although Li Ying did not have obvious rebellion, his indecisive style did affect the development of Youzhou.

After a month of detailed investigation, Wei Zheng finally had a preliminary judgment. He believes that both Wang Junkuo and Li Ying are to blame. However, considering the special geographical location and strategic importance of Youzhou, it is not appropriate to change the commander easily.

Wei Zheng reported the results of the investigation to the imperial court and put forward his own proposals: keep Wang Junkuo's position for the time being, but send important officials of the imperial court to serve as the supervisor of Youzhou to supervise Wang Junkuo's behavior; At the same time, Li Ying was transferred back to Chang'an as a punishment.

After receiving Wei Zheng's report, Li Shimin finally adopted this suggestion after careful consideration. He ordered the appointment of Wang Junkuo as the acting governor of Youzhou, but at the same time sent a senior official to serve as a supervisor. Li Ying was transferred back to Chang'an, nominally to report back to the DPRK, but in fact he was under house arrest.

After this decision reached Youzhou, it caused a lot of shock. Although Wang Junkuo retained his position, he also knew that his every move in the future would be under the surveillance of the imperial court. He had to rein in his edge and act more cautiously.

As the new political landscape gradually stabilized, the situation in Youzhou began to take a turn for the better. Under the strict supervision of the imperial court, Wang Junkuo did not dare to act recklessly, but focused his energy on governing Youzhou. He began to pay attention to the people's livelihood and improve border defense, so that the social and economic situation in Youzhou has improved significantly.

However, Wang Junkuo's ambitions did not disappear. He secretly continued to encircle the generals in the army and cultivate his own forces. At the same time, he is also actively looking for opportunities to try to break free from the control of the imperial court and realize his dream of separating one side.

Being in a high position but having no talent and no strategy, Li Ying was finally betrayed by Wang Junkuo, and scolded on his deathbed: The villain betrayed me

At the same time, Lee's supporters have not completely disappeared. Although they lost their leader, they still retained a certain amount of influence in Youzhou and became a force to counterbalance Wang Junkuo.

In this way, the undercurrent of Youzhou is surging under the surface calm, and the forces of all parties check and balance each other, forming a delicate balance. This situation lasted until the Zhenguan period, and it was not until Li Shimin personally toured the north that the political disputes in Youzhou were finally completely resolved.