
This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Text: Xixi Guiquan


In the entertainment industry, appearing without makeup has become a kind of "anti-trend"? In this era when everyone is pursuing perfection, the 43-year-old Nicholas Tse shows his most authentic appearance, which has triggered a heated discussion about the image of male stars.

He has not been wearing makeup since he was 16 years old, and he seems to be explaining to the world in his own way what true charm is. This time, Nicholas Tse, who is without makeup, inadvertently gave a vivid lesson to those male stars in the entertainment industry with heavy makeup.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Let's take a look at how this "raunchy" man insists on himself in the bustling and impetuous entertainment industry, and why he can win the appreciation of so many people.

Nicholas Tse's no-makeup charm: Authenticity is the best makeup

The appearance of 43-year-old Nicholas Tse at the premiere of "Customs Front" once again aroused people's attention to his appearance without makeup. Wearing a simple white shirt and jeans, Nicholas Tse stood under the flash without concealment.

There are no elaborate shapes, no heavy makeup, even wrinkles and dark circles are clearly visible. But it is such an "ordinary" middle-aged man who has attracted everyone's attention.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

People were surprised to find that even in the absence of beauty and no filter, Nicholas Tse's appearance is still online. His superior bones, upright facial features, and clear outlines all tell the favor of the years for him.

Even if his skin is slightly dark and there are some wrinkles on his face, it does not affect his handsomeness at all. This unadorned sense of realism adds a charm unique to a mature man to him.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Nicholas Tse's charm not only comes from his appearance, but also from his calm acceptance of himself. During the whole event, he did not deliberately concave or pretentiously handsome, but faced the media and fans with a natural and generous attitude. His sense of relaxation gives people a feeling of spring breeze, as if to say, "This is me, a real me."

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

recalled that Joey Yung once proposed to help Nicholas Tse make up on a variety show, and Nicholas Tse's response at that time was impressive. He refused without hesitation: "What makeup, never makeup."

This sentence not only shows his persistence over the years, but also shows his self-confidence. In this era when everyone is pursuing perfection, Nicholas Tse has chosen the most authentic self, and this courage and self-confidence may be his greatest charm.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Nicholas Tse's lack of makeup is not only in his daily life, but even extends to his work. Whether it is participating in events or filming TV series, he maintains a state without makeup.

Thinking about the popular "Little Fish and Flowers", Nicholas Tse played by Hua Wufeng has a graceful demeanor and has become a "male god" in the hearts of countless people. And this heart-warming role was actually performed by Nicholas Tse without makeup, without any superfluous skills and embellishments, and it was played in pure true colors.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

From being handsome and outstanding when he was young, to being mature and stable now, Nicholas Tse has always shown his truest self. He did not blindly follow the trend to "move his face", nor did he disdain to use heavy makeup to cover up the traces of time. In this fast-changing entertainment industry, there are indeed fewer and fewer male stars like Nicholas Tse who insist on authenticity.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Male star with heavy makeup: When masculinity is masked

However, while Nicholas Tse insisted on wearing no makeup, a group of male stars who were keen on heavy makeup and glamorous makeup emerged in the entertainment industry. Their makeup is so thick and their looks are exaggerated, sometimes they even surpass female stars. This phenomenon can't help but make people sigh: Is the masculinity of male stars being covered up by these heavy makeup?

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Take Hua Chenyu as an example, as a well-known singer, his words and deeds often make people feel confused. Compared with his musical works, Hua Chenyu's gossip seems to attract more attention.

Not long ago, his style at the concert once again sparked heated discussions. With long blond hair and delicate movements, the femininity is vividly interpreted. If you don't say the name, I'm afraid many people will mistakenly think that this is a female star.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry
"Hua Chenyu's style is really amazing, even more beautiful than a female star!" Some fans commented.

However, is such an evaluation really a compliment to a male star? It is not the first time Hua Chenyu has tried women's clothing styling, he has worn heavy makeup many times, his hair is scattered, and the degree of eyeshadow and lipstick is comparable to that of female stars, and he sings on stage in a skirt. Although there are many forms of artistic expression, Hua Chenyu seems to have a soft spot for this highly controversial approach.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Regarding Hua Chenyu's dress, netizens' comments can be described as varied. Some people think it's an artistic expression, while others find it incomprehensible. Some netizens bluntly said: "Hua Chenyu's female psychology and makeup are becoming more and more obvious, is this really good?" There have even been calls for such behaviour to be curtailed, arguing that it is corrupting society.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

In addition to Hua Chenyu, Luo Yunxi is also a male star who is difficult to evaluate. Unlike other male actors who make a little retouching of their roles, Luo Yunxi seems to follow the principle of "the heavier the makeup, the better". He has a soft spot for costume dramas, and every time a Reuters photo comes out, his makeup always takes center stage, with heavy foundation and eyeshadow, plus bells and whistles, giving people a strong visual impact.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

From "Long Moon Embers" to "Yan Xinji", and then to the latest "Water Dragon Yin", Luo Yunxi's makeup seems to be increasing unabated. In particular, the orange-red eyeshadow that has almost become his signature seems to have blended in with his face.

It is worth noting that Luo Yunxi not only pursues exaggeration in makeup, but also devotes himself to creating a "sick aesthetic". With his increasingly thin figure, sunken cheeks and eye sockets, one can't help but worry about his health.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry
"Luo Yunxi's makeup is really amazing, every time I see his costume style, I will be shocked!" One fan commented.

However, is this kind of "stunning" suitable for an actor? Will it affect the audience's understanding and sense of immersion in the character? These are questions worth pondering.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

In addition to these two, there are also many male stars in the entertainment industry who are keen on heavy makeup. For example, Liu Yu, almost every time he appeared in public, he wore heavy makeup, and once fell on his collar due to too much foundation. Another example is Zhu Zhengting, whose makeup is heavy and his demeanor is bewitching, which often makes people ignore his identity as a male idol.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

These phenomena can't help but make people think: while pursuing individuality and artistic expression, are male stars gradually losing their due masculinity? Does heavy makeup really give them extra points? Perhaps, Nicholas Tse's no-makeup demonstration just taught these male stars who are lost in the world of heavy makeup a lesson.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Netizens are hotly discussed: the dispute between no makeup and heavy makeup

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens expressed their support for Nicholas Tse's no-makeup style, believing that this is the real charm of a man.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry
"Nicholas Tse is so manly! is so handsome without makeup, this is the expression of real confidence!"
"Look at Nicholas Tse, and then look at those male stars with heavy makeup, make a judgment!"
This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Some netizens also expressed confusion and concern about the aesthetics of some male stars.

"What's going on with male stars now? The makeup is more exaggerated than that of female stars, and it is awkward to look at. "
This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry
"Hua Chenyu and Luo Yunxi's makeup is really too much, and I can't see the masculinity of men at all."

There are also netizens who expressed their views from a cultural and social perspective.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry
"Does the heavy makeup of male celebrities reflect the changes in social aesthetics to some extent? This is worth pondering. "
"Everyone has the right to pursue beauty, but as a public figure, shouldn't we also consider the impact on teenagers?"
This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

However, there are also some netizens who hold a different view and believe that everyone's choice should be respected.

"Art knows no boundaries, so why look at it from a traditional perspective? As long as they're happy. "
This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry
"No makeup and heavy makeup have their own beauty, so there's no need to distinguish between the superior and the inferior."

This discussion about the image of male stars reflects the public's concern about the aesthetics and values of celebrities. It is not just a simple makeup issue, but also involves the discussion of deeper topics such as masculinity and social aesthetics.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Written at the end: return to the true self and find the true self

Looking at the entire entertainment industry, from Nicholas Tse's no-makeup demonstration to some male stars' heavy makeup, we seem to see two completely different choices. On the one hand, it is the courage to face the signs of age calmly and show its true self, and on the other hand, it is the effort to attract attention through heavy makeup and exaggerated styling. This may reflect the different values and aesthetic standards in today's society.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

Nicholas Tse's choice has undoubtedly brought a breath of fresh air to the entertainment industry. He tells us with practical actions that truth is the most moving. There is no need to disguise, no need to disguise, as long as you are the most authentic self, you can exude a unique charm. This kind of self-confidence and courage is exactly what many people lack.

This time, Nicholas Tse, who is 43 years old without makeup, taught a lesson to male stars with heavy makeup in the entertainment industry

And those male stars who are keen on heavy makeup may also have their considerations. In this era of information explosion, how to capture the audience's attention is indeed a difficult problem. However, when we pursue the external maverick too much, are we gradually losing our own authenticity?

For male stars, masculinity may come more from inner confidence and personality charm, rather than relying on external dress. Moderate makeup can be the icing on the cake, but overly heavy makeup can backfire and mask what is supposed to be masculine.

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for you to ponder: in this era of maverick pursuit, how to maintain individuality without losing authenticity? Feel free to share your views in the comments section.

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