
There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

author:Cake cold Xiaomei

Guo Shiqiang's successor turned out to be a familiar face! He is the former head coach of Beijing Shougang Yannis.

You say, is this a "slap in the face"?

The news is simply eye-opening.

Let's first look back at the glory days of Yannis in Beijing Shougang.

Yannis first came with former Chinese men's basketball head coach Yannaski as an assistant coach.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

In 2017, he was poached by the Beijing Shougang team as the head coach, and he worked for five years.

But do you think Yannis has had a smooth job in the past five years? That's a big mistake! Yannis is a self-proclaimed defensive expert, but once under the high pressure of the season, when Beijing Shougang reached the semi-finals for the only time, he was in the United States, and everything he commanded was by phone and email.

What's even worse is that in the 2021-22 season, Beijing Shougang ranked seventh, but was swept by Jilin, which ranked tenth.

The 2-0 match really made Yannis embarrassed, and at the press conference, he couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground and announced his resignation directly.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

You may ask, why did the Beijing Shougang team led by Yannis lose so badly? At that time, the Beijing Shougang team had the luxury configuration of four foreign players, while the Jilin team had only one Jones.

Not to mention that the local lineup of the Beijing Shougang team is also much stronger than the Jilin team.

However, Yannis's defensive tactics proved completely ineffective in this game, and Beijing Shougang's constipation-like attack was simply maddening to watch.

Truth be told, many Beijing Shougang fans really love and hate Yannis.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

His defense is really good, but the offense is really not flattering.

Some insiders once joked that the Beijing Shougang team's offense was like constipation, which is not an exaggeration.

Throughout the game, the attack of the Beijing Shougang team seemed to be blocked, and the players behaved on the field like a group of ants that had lost their direction, desperately scurrying around the field, but they could not find a way out.

Especially at the critical moment, the attack lacked discipline and almost completely lost the initiative of the game.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

Yannis's coaching style has caused Beijing Shougang to struggle season after season.

While he did a good job defensively, the Beijing Shougang team did not achieve the expected results under his helm.

Especially in the face of the relatively weak Jilin team, they were swept out of the game 0-2, which was a huge blow to the Beijing Shougang team and also became the fuse for Yannis's resignation.

Then again, the Guangzhou team, which does not believe in evil, has decided to believe in Yannis again! Who would have thought that Guo Shiqiang's successor in the Guangzhou team would be Yannis? This is really a big surprise.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

After all, Guo Shiqiang has almost tapped the potential of the players in the Guangzhou team, and everyone thought that they could see more progress and breakthroughs in the future, but they were replaced by Yannis in a blink of an eye.

You know, Yannis's defense is really powerful, but if the offense is still sluggish like the Beijing Shougang team, it is not impossible for the Guangzhou team to not enter the playoffs.

Some people think that Yannis's arrival may bring new changes, and hopefully he can take the team to new heights.

But more people are still skeptical, after all, his defensive tactics have proven to be incompletely effective in Beijing Shougang, especially in attack.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

This made many fans worried about the new season of the Guangzhou team, and they said: "Whether Yannis can do it depends on how he adjusts his offensive strategy!" ”

When it comes to the future Guangzhou team, we have to admit that Yannis has a set of defensive tactics, which is undeniable.

However, under the leadership of Guo Shiqiang, the defense of the Guangzhou team is not bad, and the key is how to balance the offensive and defensive ends.

Whether Yannis can find this balance will directly determine the performance of the Guangzhou team in the new season.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

If the offense is not good, it means that the overall combat effectiveness of the team will be reduced.

If Yannis can't change his "constipation-style" attacking tactics, then Guangzhou will likely be in trouble in the new season.

Whether Yannis can gain the recognition and support of the players is also the key to his success in Guangzhou.

The cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team depends to a large extent on the relationship between the manager and the players.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

Yannis will need to use his tactics and charisma to win the trust of his players and make them go all out to execute his tactical arrangements.

After all, a team can't win a game by defending alone, and offense is the magic weapon to win.

The Guangzhou team's decision to choose Yannis is simply confusing, but since it has been decided, it can only take one step at a time.

The biggest concern for fans now is whether Yannis can bring some surprises in the new season, especially how to solve the problem of attacking lag.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

If he can improve the team's offensive ability on a defensive basis, then Guangzhou still has hope of hitting the playoffs.

On the contrary, if he continues to play "constipation", I am afraid that the Guangzhou team will not advance but retreat, and it will really be a waste of time!

Friends, do you think Yannis has the ability to lead the Guangzhou team to create miracles? Let's make a prediction and see if this "defensive expert" can build a team with good offense and defense in Guangzhou.

We'll see! Moreover, Yannis came to Guangzhou this time, can he really bring any "surprises"? What he needs to face is the tactical thinking and player strength that the Guangzhou team has already solidified.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

Guo Shiqiang has almost tapped the potential of the Guangzhou team before, which is like a stone, no matter how much you squeeze it, you can't get out of the water.

If you want to break through, it will only depend on whether Yannis's "magic hand" can conjure up a new trick.

But then again, it would be a real headache for Yannis to stick to his defensive tactics.

As you know, in the CBA game, it is definitely not enough to just defend.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

What fans love to watch is the battle of bayonets, which is called a passionate battle! You don't score a point just by defending, but it's the truth of losing.

Yannis has to figure out how to keep his team and play well, which is a big problem.

Just imagine, in the new season of the Guangzhou team, all kinds of masters are waiting, if Yannis's offensive organization is still so "constipated", the team may not be able to bear it.

Everyone knows that the key to winning on the basketball court is not to rely on offense? If you defend the opponent, you may not be able to score.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

Besides, the players have worked the field to defend the whole game, and there has to be something to pay off, which is the thrill of scoring in attack.

Let's talk about another problem that Yannis has to face - the morale of the players.

Guo Shiqiang's years in the Guangzhou team can be said to have single-handedly brought up the team's morale.

The players followed him and played all season long.

There are still people who don't believe in evil? It was revealed that the successor of the famous Liao Basket was an acquaintance, and Wang Han knocked him out of class back then

Now that there is a sudden change of coach, it is also a big question whether Yannis can quickly gain the recognition of these players.

You must know that the cohesion of the team depends on time and results to cultivate, not just relying on a well-known coach who can be "twisted" at once and "twisted" into a rope at once.

If Yannis doesn't integrate into the team as soon as possible, no matter how good his tactics are, they will only be on paper.

In addition, Yannis has to face another challenge in his coaching process, and that is the expectations of the fans.

The fans are "sharp-eyed"! They had a "preconceived" impression of Yannis, thinking that he could defend but not attack.

Once the Guangzhou team performs unsatisfactory in his hands, the fans' cheers are estimated to be flying all over the sky.

Yannis will have to speak with results in order to get the fans to "shut up".

This requires him not only to strengthen his defense, but also to make breakthroughs in offense, otherwise, the box office and fan support of the Guangzhou team may drop significantly.

Some say that Yannis is a "defensive maniac", as can be seen from his coaching experience at Beijing Shougang.

Whether this "defensive maniac" can play an eye-catching game in the Guangzhou team is really unknown.

As soon as the game of the new season starts, I am afraid that it will be seen immediately, and when the time comes, it will be clear whether Yannis is "really fragrant" or "slap in the face".

Fans are looking forward to what new changes the Guangzhou team can bring under the leadership of Yannis.

There are also those who wonder if Yannis will repeat the mistakes of the Beijing Shougang team, or the same old style of solid defense and weak offense.

Once the offense can't be played, the Guangzhou team may face a lot of difficulties in the new season.

The choice of a manager is crucial to a team and is at the heart of the whole team.

Whether Yannis can lead the Guangzhou team out of the predicament depends on whether he can bring us a real surprise in the new season.

Let's wait and see if this "defensive maniac" can find the best balance between offense and defense in the Guangzhou team.

At the end of the day, whether it's defending or attacking, the team's strength and performance are king.

Let's wait and see if Yannis can bring us a refreshing performance in the new season!