
The butcher wanted to kill the dog and eat meat, and that night the old dog dreamed: Let me live for three more days

author:You say yes, yes

The butcher wanted to kill the dog and eat meat, and that night the old dog dreamed: Let me live for three more days

In a remote mountain village, there is a butcher named Zhang Daring, who makes a living from slaughtering. He is burly, his face is full of meat, and the butcher knife in one hand makes him superb, whether it is pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, he is killed with a knife in his hands, without exception. As a result, he was quite famous in the village, and people were in awe of him.

Zhang Daring's family has an old dog named Ah Huang. Ah Huang has been with him for more than ten years, and although he is old and has a dull coat, his eyes still shine with loyalty. Although Zhang Daring usually shouts at Ah Huang, he also knows in his heart that this old dog is his most loyal friend.

However, the years do not spare people, let alone dogs. Ah Huang's body is getting weaker and weaker, and his appetite is getting smaller and smaller. Zhang Daring looked at Ah Huang's increasingly thin appearance, and couldn't help but make calculations in his heart. He thought, Ah Huang is already old, so it is better to kill and eat meat while there is still a little meat left.

So, one night, Zhang Daring sharpened the butcher's knife and prepared to start early the next morning. He lay on the bed, but his heart was a little uneasy. After all, Ah Huang has been with him for so many years, and he suddenly wants to kill it to eat meat, and he is indeed a little reluctant in his heart.

At this moment, Zhang Daring suddenly felt a wave of sleepiness hit him, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he fell asleep unconsciously.

In his sleep, he felt as if he was in a hazy world. I saw Ah Huang walking slowly, with a pleading light in his eyes. It spoke, and although its voice was weak, every word came clearly into Zhang Daring's ears: "Master, please let me live for three more days." ”

Zhang Daring looked at Ah Huang in surprise, not knowing how it could speak. He was about to ask, but Ah Huang had already turned away and disappeared into the hazy mist.

The butcher wanted to kill the dog and eat meat, and that night the old dog dreamed: Let me live for three more days

Zhang Daring woke up from his dream, sweat soaking through his clothes. He recalled the scene in his dream, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable fear in his heart. He thought, could it be that Ah Huang is really psychic? Why would it let me live for three more days?

The next day, Zhang Daring did not kill Ah Huang. He decided to observe for three days to see what was wrong with Ah Huang.

In the past three days, Ah Huang's behavior has indeed been a little strange. It no longer basks in the sun in the yard as usual, but hides in the corner all day long, as if waiting for something. Zhang Daring became more and more curious, and at the same time a little nervous.

On the evening of the third day, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and the village was silent. Zhang Daring lay on the bed, but he couldn't sleep. He always thought something was going to happen tonight.

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the door. Zhang Daring was shocked, and hurriedly put on his clothes and went to open the door. I saw a stranger standing outside the door, with an anxious look on his face: "Butcher Zhang, it's not good!" The old Li Tou's house at the entrance of the village is on fire, go and take a look! ”

When Zhang Daring heard this, he immediately picked up the butcher knife and ran out. He followed the stranger to the entrance of the village, only to see that Lao Litou's house was already on fire and thick smoke was billowing out. The villagers were busy fighting the fire, but the fire was too big to extinguish for a while.

Seeing this, Zhang Daring rushed into the sea of fire without hesitation. With a bucket in one hand and a butcher knife in the other, he slashed through obstacles and rushed towards the source of the fire. After some hard work, he finally found the point of the fire and succeeded in bringing the fire under control.

The butcher wanted to kill the dog and eat meat, and that night the old dog dreamed: Let me live for three more days

At this moment, a loud noise came, and the beam of the house suddenly broke and smashed towards Zhang Daring. He didn't have time to dodge, he could only watch as the beams of the house got closer and closer.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the side, throwing Zhang Daring to the ground. It's Ah Huang! It blocked the beam with its body, fighting for a glimmer of life for Zhang Daring.

Zhang Daring looked at Ah Huang in shock, only to see that it was lying in a pool of blood, already dying. He hugged Ah Huang and burst into tears: "Ah Huang, why did you save me?" Why are you so stupid! ”

Ah Huang opened his eyes with difficulty and glanced at Zhang Boldly, as if to say, "Master, I promised you to live for three more days, and I will definitely do it." With that, it closed its eyes forever.

Zhang Daring hugged Ah Huang's corpse and cried bitterly. He regretted that he had tried to kill it for meat, and even more regretted that he hadn't discovered its anomaly sooner. It turned out that Ah Huang had a premonition that there would be a disaster, so he asked to live for another three days, in order to save his master's life at the last moment.

The villagers gathered around and lamented Ah Huang's loyalty and bravery. Together, they buried Ah Huang's body on the hillside at the entrance of the village, and erected a stone tablet with the inscription: "The Tomb of Ah Huang, the Righteous Dog".

Since then, Zhang Daring has never killed any animals again. He used his actions to commemorate Ah Huang, and also used his actions to tell the world: animals also have emotions and spirits, and they are also worthy of respect and love.

The butcher wanted to kill the dog and eat meat, and that night the old dog dreamed: Let me live for three more days

Since Ah Huang's death, Zhang's life has changed dramatically. He is no longer a butcher who slaughters for a living, but has become a guardian who loves animals. He began to spread the word about the importance of animal protection in the village, advocating for people to live in harmony with animals.

At first, the villagers were surprised and puzzled by Zhang's transformation. But as time passed, they gradually became impressed by Zhang's sincerity and persistence. They began to re-examine their attitudes towards animals and began to learn to respect and love every life around them.

One day, there was a beast attack in the mountains near the village. A ferocious wild boar broke into the village and bit several villagers. The villagers were so frightened that they hid in their homes and did not dare to go out.

When Zhang Daring heard the news, he immediately stepped forward. Armed with a bow and arrows and a wooden stick, he bravely rushed into the forest. After a fierce struggle, he finally subdued the boar and brought it back to the village safely.

When the villagers saw Zhang's bold and heroic figure, they were all moved. They gathered around one after another to thank Zhang for saving his life. Zhang boldly but modestly said: "Actually, I should be grateful to Ah Huang." It taught me to respect and love life, and it also gave me the courage and strength to face difficulties. ”

After this incident, Zhang Daring's reputation in the village grew. He not only became the guardian of the villagers, but also became a hero in their hearts. And the story of Ah Huang has also been praised by more and more people and has become an eternal legend.

Years later, when Zhang Daring was gray-haired, he still remembered the scene that Ah Huang Tuo dreamed of that night. He would often come to Ah Huang's tomb and silently tell his thoughts. He knows that although Ah Huang has left this world, his spirit will always accompany him and inspire him to be a better person.

And that once remote and backward small mountain village has become more and more beautiful because of the story of Zhang Daring and Ah Huang. People have learned to cherish and love every life around them, and they have also learned to face the difficulties and challenges in life with love and courage.

The butcher wanted to kill the dog and eat meat, and that night the old dog dreamed: Let me live for three more days

In this small mountain village full of love and harmony, Ah Huang's name will never be forgotten. Its loyalty and bravery will forever be engraved in people's hearts and become an eternal legend.

As the years passed, Zhang Daring's influence in the village increased day by day. He often gives lectures on animal protection in the village to teach children how to live in harmony with animals, and his stories have inspired generations of people.

One day, while walking in the mountains and forests, Zhang Daring accidentally found an injured wolf cub. It was covered in wounds and dying, apparently caught in a hunter's trap. Zhang Daring's heart moved, remembering the scene when Ah Huang once saved him, and he was determined to save this little wolf cub.

He carefully brought the wolf cub home and took care of it carefully. After a period of careful treatment, the little wolf cub's injuries gradually improved, and it also developed a deep dependence on Zhang Daring. Zhang Daring named it "Little Gray" and decided to release it back into the mountains and forests to return it to nature.

However, on the eve of Ash's release into the forest, a group of poachers suddenly arrives near the village. They wantonly hunt and kill animals in the mountains and forests, with the intention of selling wild animals for huge profits. The villagers were terrified, but there was nothing they could do.

When Zhang Daring learned the news, he was filled with indignation. He thought of Ah Huang and Xiao Ash, and thought of the innocent victims, and he was determined to protect this mountain forest and protect these animals.

The butcher wanted to kill the dog and eat meat, and that night the old dog dreamed: Let me live for three more days

He gathered the young people of the village and made a plan. Taking advantage of the terrain, they set traps and ambushes, ready to teach poachers a lesson.

After a fierce battle, the poachers were successfully subdued by the villagers and sent to the government. The villagers cheered and celebrated the victory. And Zhang Daring stood silently aside, full of relief and emotion.

He knew that all this was the inspiration and strength that Ah Huang gave him. It was Ah Huang who made him understand the preciousness and respect of life, and gave him the courage and determination to protect these innocent lives.

On the day Ash was released into the forest, the sun was shining and everything was recovering. Zhang Daring watched Xiao Ash run happily in the mountains and forests, and his heart was full of joy and satisfaction. He knows that Ah Huang's spirit will live on forever, inspiring him and more people to cherish life and protect nature.

And the scene that Ah Huang Tuo dreamed of him that night will always be engraved in his heart. He would often think of Ah Huang's pleading eyes and firm words: "Master, please let me live for three more days." Every time he does this, he feels a warm current in his heart, which makes him more determined to walk on the road of protecting animals and cherishing life.

As the years passed, Zhang's story was sung in the village. His spirit has become a symbol, a strength, that inspires people to respect life and protect nature. And Ah Huang's name is forever engraved in people's hearts and has become an eternal legend.