
When there was a sudden flood, the village secretary drove a forklift to save people

author:Thirty-seven is just right

Just now, a netizen posted a video saying that there was a sudden flood in Pingjiang County, Yueyang, Hunan, and many villagers were trapped, including many elderly people and children, and there was no way to transfer them.

At the critical moment, everyone thought of the village secretary, so they called the secretary and explained the situation, but they didn't expect that ten minutes later, the village secretary rented a forklift and drove over to transfer the trapped villagers.

When there was a sudden flood, the village secretary drove a forklift to save people

According to the rescued, the secretary put the old man and the child on the forklift one by one, which made everyone very moved.

The water level rises very quickly, and if it is a little later, it may not be too late to shift. Eventually, everyone was moved to a safe place.

When there was a sudden flood, the village secretary drove a forklift to save people

For such a secretary, everyone also praised it, claiming that this is the village secretary and solving problems for the people!

Being able to think of this secretary as soon as the masses are in trouble shows that this secretary has done a good job in his usual work and is very trusted by the masses.

When there was a sudden flood, the village secretary drove a forklift to save people

Fire and water are ruthless, and the flood disaster caused by heavy rain is not only such a secretary, but also our firefighters and soldiers, and many ordinary people who are righteous and courageous, as long as everyone is united, they will be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties.

What do you think about this, welcome to talk about it in the comment area.

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