
A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, the video of the scene was exposed, and residents spoke out

author:Thirty-seven is just right

When will underage bullying stop? Today's children are more ruthless than adults, especially rampant, and they are not afraid of the consequences at all.


On June 30, in Jingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, a 14-year-old girl was taken to the underground garage of the community and was bullied and insulted by four people in turn. After watching the video, my heart was pinched, how distressed it would be if the girl's parents saw it!


Judging from the video, the two girls kept slapping through the red checkered girl's face, and they were shouting loudly. The girl didn't fight back the whole time.


Residents said they saw the children at the south gate of the South Garden, and expressed indignation at the children's behavior, and visually thought that the children should have reached the age of legal responsibility.

But according to the police report, the eldest of the four perpetrators was only 16 years old, and the two boys were only 13 years old.

A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, the video of the scene was exposed, and residents spoke out


Netizens who watched the original video said that they really couldn't stand it, they were beaten too hard, the beaten girl was slapped more than 100 times, her face was red and swollen, her nose was bleeding, and she was not allowed to block it with her hands, it was like the underworld, and her teeth were itching with hatred.

A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, the video of the scene was exposed, and residents spoke out
A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, the video of the scene was exposed, and residents spoke out

Netizens said why didn't the girls fight back, even if they couldn't fight, they had to fight with them, and it was too worrying to be beaten blindly. But the people who watched the original video said that there were about 10 people on the other side, and they couldn't beat them at all, and if they fought back, they might be beaten even harder.

A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, the video of the scene was exposed, and residents spoke out

Netizens said who took the video, why can't it be stopped? In fact, it was these abusers who made the video, which is even more terrifying, and they dare to record videos and upload videos to others when they are violent to others, think about how rampant it is.

A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, the video of the scene was exposed, and residents spoke out

Netizens said that when they picked up their children from school, they saw two boys beating a boy, and several parents scolded them for not working at all, and now children are really lawless.

Perhaps, as netizens said, now that children know that they are underage, they will not do anything to the police, so they are not afraid at all.

A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, the video of the scene was exposed, and residents spoke out

Everyone hopes that the perpetrators will be severely punished, otherwise it will not be enough to be angry, they are so rampant at such a young age, how can they get it when they grow up!

A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, the video of the scene was exposed, and residents spoke out


I want to say that watching the video is too worrying, if it were my daughter, it would be hard for me to imagine what I would do. These abusers are still minors, and their methods are so cruel, whose fault is it? Is it the school or the parents?

I hope these perpetrators will be punished by the law! Juvenile protection laws should not be an umbrella for perpetrators. And this is also for their good, so that they can have a sense of reverence for the law earlier, so as to avoid committing bigger mistakes without fear!

What do you think about girls being bullied and beaten by multiple people?

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