
The butcher meets a beautiful woman and brings her home to defile, woman: You have another month to live

author:You say yes, yes

The butcher meets a beautiful woman and brings her home to defile, woman: You have another month to live

In a remote mountain village, there is a butcher named Li Si. He has a big waist and a round waist, a horizontal face, and lives by killing pigs and sheep on weekdays, and has a rude and lustful personality. In the evening of that day, Li Si closed his stall and went home, and when he passed through a dense forest, he suddenly saw a woman in white sitting alone on the side of the road crying.

The woman was born with white skin and beautiful appearance, and her posture was graceful, as if she had come out of a painting. Seeing this, Li Si's heart moved, and he secretly wondered how could there be such a beautiful woman in this wilderness? When he got closer, he saw that the woman had a haggard face and tears in her eyes, as if she had encountered something difficult.

Li Si's heart moved, so he stepped forward and accosted: "Girl, why are you crying here alone?" Did you encounter any difficulties? I can help you. ”

The woman glanced up at Li Si, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, but then she lowered her head again, and choked up: "The little woman was originally a foreigner, and she ended up here because of the changes in her family. I don't want to be robbed by gangsters on the way, and I have lost all my belongings and have nowhere to go. ”

When Li Si heard this, his heart was even more happy, and he felt that this woman must have been given to him by God. He took the woman's hand and said, "Don't be afraid, girl, my house is nearby, you go with me to rest first, and then I will find a way to help you." ”

The woman seemed to hesitate, but finally nodded and followed Li Si home.

When he arrived at home, Li Si was busy preparing meals for the woman, but he couldn't hold back his evil thoughts in his heart. He took advantage of the woman's inattention, secretly drugged the wine, and then pretended to persuade the woman to drink, and drunk the woman.

The butcher meets a beautiful woman and brings her home to defile, woman: You have another month to live

After the woman was drunk, Li Si couldn't wait to carry her to bed and forcibly defiled her. The woman was powerless to resist in a coma, so she could only let Li Sihu do nothing.

However, just as Li Si was contented and ready to sleep, the woman suddenly woke up. She looked at Li Si with wide eyes, a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes, and said, "You are so bold, you dare to do this to me!" Do you know who I am? ”

Li Si was startled by the woman's sudden awakening, but then he thought that he had just succeeded, so he boldly said, "I don't care who you are!" Anyway, you're my person now, and you can't run away if you want to! ”

The woman sneered and said, "Do you really think you succeeded?" Let me tell you the truth, I am a fairy from heaven who has come down to earth to experience the world. For such a great rebuke you have committed today, I will report to Heaven and let you be punished as you deserve!" ”

When Li Siyi heard this, he was immediately frightened. He hurriedly knelt in front of the woman, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Fairy Niang spare your life!" The little one has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, and he collided with Niangniang, begging Niangniang to raise his noble hand and spare the small one this time! ”

But the woman was unmoved, and said coldly: "Spare you? Do you know the weight of your iniquity? But if you still have repentance, I will give you a chance. If you can do a thousand good deeds in a month, I will intercede with Heaven to spare you from death. Otherwise, you will wait for the thunder to strike! ”

After saying this, the woman turned into a white light and disappeared. Only Li Si was left kneeling on the ground, his face like ashes.

The butcher meets a beautiful woman and brings her home to defile, woman: You have another month to live

From then on, Li Si began his journey of atonement. He goes out early and returns late every day, doing good deeds everywhere and accumulating virtues. Whether it is helping the elderly who are lonely and widowed, relieving poor children, or building roads and bridges for the village, or helping villagers solve disputes, he does his best. Although he encountered a lot of difficulties and ridicule in the process, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

In the blink of an eye, a month is coming. Although Li Si has done a thousand good deeds, he is still uneasy in his heart. He didn't know if the fairy lady would really forgive him, and he didn't know if he would be able to escape the punishment of the thunderbolt.

On the evening of the last day, when Li Si was helping an old man carry water at the entrance of the village, suddenly thunder rolled in the sky and dark clouds were thick. His heart tightened, and he secretly wondered if the heavenly thunder was coming to split him? He hurriedly put down the bucket, knelt on the ground and kowtowed and prayed: "Fairy Niang spare your life!" The little one has done a thousand good deeds, please be gracious! ”

However, at this moment, a white light fell from the sky and fell in front of Li Si. He looked up and saw that it was the fairy lady. I saw her smile and said, "Li Si, you really didn't waste my heart for you in vain. Although you have made a big mistake, you can repent and reform yourself in time and do a thousand good deeds, which shows your sincerity. Therefore, I have decided to intercede with Heaven to save you from death. ”

When Li Siyi heard this, he was overjoyed and kowtowed again and again to thank him. The fairy lady said, "But the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped." You still need to practice here for three years to make amends for your sins. After three years, you will be able to return to earth and start your life all over again. ”

After saying this, the fairy lady turned into a white light and disappeared. And Li Si also stayed in this remote mountain village and began his cultivation path.

In the past three years, Li Si has never left this small mountain village. In addition to helping the villagers work every day, he meditates and practices alone in the mountains and forests. He always kept in mind the teachings of the fairy girl, no longer greedy for women, and no longer did evil. His personality has also become more and more gentle, and he has become more and more harmonious with people.

Gradually, the villagers began to change their opinion of Li Si. They discover that this once rude and lustful butcher has now become so kind and helpful. So, they began to take the initiative to approach Li Si and communicate with him. Li Si is also happy to share his spiritual experience and life insights with the villagers.

The butcher meets a beautiful woman and brings her home to defile, woman: You have another month to live

Time flies, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye. Early that morning, when Li Si was practicing in the mountains and forests, he suddenly felt a light breeze blowing, and his body became light. When he opened his eyes, he saw himself standing above a white cloud, and the fairy lady was smiling in front of him.

"Li Si, your cultivation results in the past three years have been good." The fairy lady said, "Now your sins have been washed away, and you can return to the world." ”

Li Si was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to thank him. The fairy lady said, "But you have to remember that the world is complicated, and you must always keep a kind heart, and do not repeat the mistakes of the past." ”

After saying this, the fairy lady waved her hand lightly and sent Li Si back to the world. After Li Si landed, he found that he had returned to the dense forest where he had met the fairy girl. He looked around and saw that the mountain village was still the same, but his state of mind had changed drastically.

Since then, Li Si has appeared in front of the villagers with a new look. He no longer worked as a butcher, but used the medical skills and health regimens he learned during his practice to heal the villagers and regulate their bodies. His acts of kindness earned him the respect and love of the villagers, and he lived a peaceful and happy life as a result.

And the story about the butcher who met a beautiful woman, brought her home to be defiled, and finally forgave by the fairy lady and achieved a positive result, also spread in the village. Whenever someone mentions this story, they will sigh, thinking that although Li Si's encounter is bizarre and tortuous, it is also full of life revelations and lessons.

And Li Si always remembered the teachings of the fairy Niangniang and always maintained a kind heart. He used his actions to tell the world that no matter what kind of mistakes he has committed, as long as he sincerely repents and strives to do good deeds, he will definitely be able to be redeemed and reborn. And Li Si's story is not only circulated in the village, but also gradually spread to several nearby villages and towns. Many people were touched by his experience and came to visit him in the hope of receiving his guidance and teachings.

The butcher meets a beautiful woman and brings her home to defile, woman: You have another month to live

In the face of everyone's enthusiasm, Li Si has always maintained humility and kindness. He is happy to share his own spiritual experience and is willing to listen to the troubles and confusions of others. He used his wisdom and experience to help many people get out of the predicament and find the direction of life.

In this way, Li Si's name gradually spread in the countryside. He was no longer a butcher who was spurned by the world, but a respected elder. His good deeds and the fruits of his practice not only won him a new life, but also brought hope and positive energy to those around him.

However, Li Si was not complacent because of this. He knows that the path of cultivation is never-ending and that he still has a long way to go. He continued to maintain the habit of daily practice, constantly improving his cultivation and realm.

One day, when Li Si was practicing in the mountains and forests, he suddenly heard a rush cry for help. He followed the prestige and saw a young man being chased by a ferocious beast. Li Si rushed forward without hesitation and started a fierce fight with the beast. After a fierce battle, he finally drove the beast away and saved the boy.

The young man was grateful and thanked Li Si again and again. He told Li Si that he was a lost traveler who accidentally broke into this mountain forest and encountered such danger. After Li Si heard this, he took the boy back to the village and provided him with food, lodging and guidance.

Before leaving, the young man said to Li Si: "Old man, I deeply admire your kindness and cultivation. I will definitely spread your story and let more people know about your existence. ”

Li Si smiled slightly and said, "Young man, cultivation is not in the mouth of others, but in your own heart. As long as you can maintain a kind heart and put it into action, it is the best reward for me. ”

After hearing this, the boy was deeply inspired, so he said goodbye to Li Si and continued to embark on his journey. And Li Si also continued his path of cultivation, influencing more people with his good deeds and wisdom.

The butcher meets a beautiful woman and brings her home to defile, woman: You have another month to live

As the years passed, Li Si's path of cultivation seemed to be endless. However, he has always maintained his inner peace and kindness, and interpreted the true meaning of life with his actions. His story will forever be passed down on the country roads and become a legend in the hearts of generations after generations.

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