
The butcher helped the beautiful woman kill the pig, and afterwards got a wife, wife: I am not human

author:You say yes, yes

The butcher helped the beautiful woman kill the pig, and got a wife afterwards

In ancient times, there was a place called Liuzhen in the water town of the south of the Yangtze River, where the rivers were vertical and horizontal, the water network was dense, and the small bridges and flowing water were like a beautiful picture. There was a butcher named Zhang Dazhu in Liuzhen, who was burly and powerful, and was famous for his good skills in killing pigs. Dazhu is honest and honest, although he is in the slaughtering business, he is kind-hearted, never kills innocent people indiscriminately, and treats every pig like an old friend.

Early one morning, Dazhu carried his burden, as usual, and prepared to go to the market to sell meat. On the way, he met a beautiful woman dressed in plain clothes, with a beautiful face and a trace of sorrow in her eyes. When she saw Dazhu, she stepped forward and saluted: "Strong man, there is an old sow in my family, who is too old to have children, and I want to ask a strong man to help slaughter it." ”

Seeing that the beautiful woman was earnest, Dazhu nodded in agreement. He followed the beautiful woman to a quiet courtyard, only to see that the courtyard was lush with flowers and plants, and the fish were playing in the pond, which was a good idyllic scene. The beautiful woman led him to the pigsty, and saw that the old sow's fur was dull, but her eyes showed a little reluctance. Dazhu's heart moved, but when he thought that this was the wish of the beautiful woman, he couldn't bear it and was ready to do it.

However, just as the butcher's knife was about to fall, the old sow suddenly shed two lines of tears, looked at the beautiful woman and let out a wail. Seeing this, the beautiful woman's eyes were also slightly red, but she still relented and nodded. Dazhu sighed and swung his knife down, only to see blood splashed everywhere, and the old sow fell to the ground.

After slaughtering the pigs, Dazhu tidied up the pork and prepared to leave. The beautiful woman suddenly grabbed him, took out a jade pendant from her sleeve, handed it to him, and said, "Strong man, today's kindness cannot be repaid." This jade pendant is my family heirloom, and I will give it to you today, hoping that you can have a good marriage in the future. Dazhu couldn't refuse, so he had to accept the jade pendant, but he was curious about the identity of the beautiful woman.

Since then, Dazhu's business has become more and more prosperous, and there is an endless stream of people who come to buy meat. And that jade pendant, he has always worn it on his body and never left his body. One day, when Dazhu was selling meat at the market, he suddenly heard a commotion. He looked up and saw a young woman entangled by a group of scoundrels, and the woman with a beautiful face was the beautiful woman who gave him a jade pendant that day.

Seeing this, Dazhu was furious in his heart, put down the butcher knife, and rushed forward. With his good martial arts, he beat the group of scoundrels to the ground and successfully saved the beautiful woman. When the beautiful woman saw that it was Dazhu who saved her, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she shed tears of gratitude. She told Dazhu that her name was Su'e, and that her family had suddenly changed and she was helpless, so she ended up here.

The butcher helped the beautiful woman kill the pig, and afterwards got a wife, wife: I am not human

Dazhu saw that Su'e had a pitiful background, so he took her back home. The two got along for a long time and gradually fell in love. Dazhu felt that Su'e was not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted and understanding, so he proposed to her. Su'e shyly agreed, and the two got married one day and became husband and wife.

After marriage, Dazhu and Su'e were in love and respected each other. Su E not only keeps her family affairs in order, but also often accompanies Dazhu to the market to sell meat. The tacit cooperation and sweet interaction between the two made the surrounding neighbors envious. However, in the dead of night, Su'e always seems preoccupied and thoughtful.

Late one night, Dazhu was woken up by a small cry. He followed the sound and found Su'e sitting in front of the window crying silently. Dazhu's heart tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward to ask the reason. Seeing that she couldn't hide it from her husband, Su'e tearfully revealed her true identity: "Actually, I'm not a human ......"

It turned out that Su'e was originally a fox fairy who had cultivated in the mountains for thousands of years. On that day, she saw that the old sow was old and short, so she wanted to end her life with the help of the big pillar and let it be free. And she herself has gained some help on the path of cultivation because of this. She originally planned to leave this place to continue her cultivation, but Dazhu's kindness and bravery moved her heart. She approached Dazhu in human form, wanting to spend her life with him.

Dazhu was stunned after listening to Su'e's story, but he quickly came back to his senses, held Su'e's hand tightly and said, "Whether you are a human or an immortal, I love you as before." Now that we are married, we should face the storms of the future together. Su'e was moved when she heard this, and the two hugged each other and cried, and did not fall asleep until dawn.

Time flies, and the loving life of Dazhu and Su'e is passed down as a good story in Liuzhen. However, the good times did not last long, and some gossip began to spread quietly in the town, saying that So'e was a monster incarnation and would bring disaster to the town. At first, these rumors were only sporadic whispers, but as time went on, they spread more and more, and some people even began to spy on their home.

Although Dazhu was frank in his heart, he was inevitably worried when he saw his wife depressed every day. He decided to explain it to the elders and villagers in the town, but the rumors were like a flood of beasts, and once they broke out, it would be difficult to contain them.

The butcher helped the beautiful woman kill the pig, and afterwards got a wife, wife: I am not human

One day, a wandering Taoist priest came to the town, claiming that he could catch demons and eliminate demons and keep one side safe. As soon as the Taoist priest arrived in the town, he spread the news that Su'e was a monster and claimed to eliminate harm for the people. When Dazhu heard this, he was very anxious, he was worried about Su'e's safety, and he was even more worried that the villagers in the town would be deceived.

So, Dazhu found the Taoist priest and begged him not to hurt Su'e. The Taoist priest sneered and said, "How can monsters stay in the world? If you don't want to do it, the poor way will do the way for heaven! Dazhu had no choice but to plead, but the Taoist priest was unmoved.

At this moment, Su E stepped forward, she walked up to the Taoist priest, and said calmly: "I am indeed a fox immortal who has cultivated for thousands of years, but I have never done anything that hurts heaven and reason. Dazhu and I are truly in love, married and just want to live an ordinary life. If you really want to get rid of me, please ask the villagers of this willow town first, have I brought disaster to them? ”

The Taoist priest was stunned when he heard this, he looked at the villagers around him, and saw that they were looking at each other, and no one said anything. It turns out that Su'e's kindness and diligence have won the respect and love of the villagers over the years, and although they are afraid of monsters, they trust their own eyes and judgment more.

Seeing this, the Taoist priest knew that he could no longer incite public opinion, so he walked away angrily. Dazhu and Su'e looked at the villagers gratefully, their hearts full of gratitude.

After this turmoil, Dazhu and Su'e cherish their feelings for each other even more. They know that with love in their hearts, they can overcome all difficulties and challenges. And the villagers of Liuzhen also understood the difference between truth and rumors, and they were more united and friendly, guarding this beautiful homeland together.

The butcher helped the beautiful woman kill the pig, and afterwards got a wife, wife: I am not human

After the turmoil, Dazhu and So'e's lives returned to peace. They are no longer disturbed by rumors from the outside world, but cherish each other more and run their small family together.

Although Su'e is a fox fairy, she is well versed in the way of the world, and she uses her wisdom and diligence to help Dazhu improve her life. She taught Dazhu how to raise livestock better and how to handle meat more efficiently, so that their business could grow bigger and bigger. Gradually, the townsfolk noticed the changes in them, and came to buy their meat, praising their craftsmanship and quality.

At the same time, Su'e also used her own spells to solve many problems for the villagers. She helps the elderly to heal and rejuvenate their bodies; She helps children solve their learning difficulties and make them smarter. Her acts of kindness have earned her the respect and love of the villagers, who no longer see So'e as a youkai, but as the patron saint of Yoojin.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, an evil demonic aura suddenly enveloped Liu Zhen. It turned out that it was a black bear spirit who had cultivated for thousands of years, and in order to cultivate more advanced spells, he went around plundering the vitality of the people. It came to Willow and wanted to devour the whole town.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, Dazhu and Su'e did not flinch. They work hand in hand to fight against the black bear spirit. In the fierce battle, Dazhu relied on his courage and strength to fight to the death against the black bear spirit; Su'e, on the other hand, uses her own spells to provide support and protection for the Great Pillar.

After a thrilling battle, Dazhu and So'e finally managed to defeat the Black Bear Spirit. They sealed the black bear spirit in a cave outside the town, so that it could never be turned over. The town of Willow has once again regained its former tranquility and prosperity.

The heroic deeds of Dazhu and Su'e spread throughout Liuzhen, and they became heroes in the hearts of the villagers. Their deeds have also spread all over the world, attracting more tourists to visit and learn. Dazhu and Su'e did not become complacent because of this, they still maintained their humble and hard-working qualities, and continued to serve the villagers.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Dazhu and Su'e have spent dozens of spring and autumn. Their love is still the same, and their marriage is still happy. Their story has also become a beautiful legend that has been passed down through the ages in Liuzhen and even the entire Jiangnan water town. Whenever people mention the names of Dazhu and So'e, there is always a sense of respect and gratitude. Because they not only brought prosperity and tranquility to Yoojin, but also used their love story to interpret what true love and marriage are.

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