
Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

author:Coke talks about the past and the present
Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?
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Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

At the end of April 2015, a heartbreaking news swept the country: Deng Minghe, an "opera prodigy" who had conquered countless audiences with his amazing talent, passed away quietly at the age of 8.

Only three years ago, this immature figure was still shining on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, singing "Children, children, don't be greedy, children, after Laba is the New Year", which instantly captured the hearts of audiences across the country.

However, the twist of fate came so suddenly. How could this genius boy, who is known as "promising and promising", come to an abrupt end at the most brilliant moment of his life? What is the reason for the premature death of this hopeful life? Let's trace the short but brilliant life of Deng Minghe and uncover the story behind the fall of this genius.

In 2006, in an ordinary worker's family in Handan, Hebei Province, Deng Minghe fell to the ground. Fate seems to have arranged an extraordinary life trajectory for this child from the very beginning.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

When he was 3 years old, by chance, the little Deng Minghe appeared on a small local stage.

Deng Minghe's grandfather, a retired pipa player from the Yu Opera Troupe, saw his grandson's performance with pride in his eyes. He firmly believes that this child was born for opera.

From that moment on, the grandfather was determined to give everything he had and pass on his life's learning to this gifted grandson.

Under the careful teaching of his grandfather, Deng Minghe's talents have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Every morning, when the other children were still in sweet dreams, Deng Minghe began a day's training.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

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Strict work and hard practice have become the norm in this young child's life. Despite the hard work, Deng Minghe's love for opera has grown day by day.

When he was 4 years old, in order to allow his grandson to receive more professional training, his grandfather made a difficult decision - to send Deng Minghe to Henan Professional Peking Opera School thousands of miles away.

Faced with an unfamiliar environment, the young Deng Minghe inevitably felt scared and lonely. But he understood his grandfather's good intentions, gritted his teeth and persevered.

In school, Deng Minghe quickly stood out and became a "baby" in the eyes of teachers. His extraordinary understanding and amazing memory made many adult students sigh to themselves.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

However, as time went on, the young Deng Minghe also began to feel tired and homesick. The teachers sensed the problem and had an in-depth conversation with the grandfather.

Eventually, the grandfather decided to move near the school and take care of his grandson's study and life.

When he was 5 years old, Deng Minghe participated in the "Liyuan Spring" competition held by Henan TV Station. When he stood on the stage, his small body seemed to be infused with infinite strength.

The clear voice and superb performance skills instantly conquered the audience. Xiao Xiangyu, the granddaughter of the famous artist Chang Xiangyu, exclaimed: "When I saw you, I deeply understood what it means to be talented, and you are undoubtedly a real genius."

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

Deng Minghe thus won the reputation of "Little Overlord", and his name began to be known by more and more people.

In this way, a child less than 6 years old, with his own efforts and talents, has stepped out of his own world in the field of opera, which is difficult for most peers to reach.

However, no one knew that greater challenges and opportunities awaited this little "opera prodigy". In the next year, Deng Minghe will usher in the most glorious moment of his life, and will also face the most severe test.

At the end of 2011, 6-year-old Deng Minghe ushered in a turning point in his life. In the audition of "I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala", this small figure attracted everyone's attention as soon as it appeared.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

The judges were amazed to find that the youngest contestant had a stage charm that was not lost to any adult actor.

When Deng Minghe's crisp children's voice sounded, the entire studio held its breath. His innocent smile, superb performance, and typhoon beyond his age made everyone present fall in love with him.

There is no suspense, Deng Minghe successfully obtained the ticket to the 2012 Spring Festival Gala, and was even arranged to play an important role in the opening and zero o'clock hours.

For this crucial performance, Deng Minghe and his grandfather made unimaginable efforts. Every morning, when most of the children were still in sweet sleep, Deng Minghe had already started the hard training.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

They rehearsed over and over again in their hotel room, and Grandpa timed him over and over again, striving to get every detail perfect.

Deng Minghe's professionalism is amazing. He kept ten sets of preparation plans in mind to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations that might arise on stage. On the eve of the Spring Festival Gala, excitement and tension are intertwined, making it difficult for this little figure to sleep.

The whole family came from their hometown and waited with great anticipation for his wonderful performance.

Finally, Chinese New Year's Eve has arrived. When Deng Minghe appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala wearing a bright "Fuwa" costume and holding a red lantern, the national audience was deeply attracted by this cute little boy.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

His immature and powerful voice sang: "Children, don't be greedy, it's the New Year after Laba", which instantly ignited the New Year's atmosphere in countless families. Deng Minghe's performance is like a vivid New Year's painting, perfectly presenting the festive atmosphere of the traditional Chinese New Year.

This successful appearance made Deng Minghe a well-known "little star" in the country overnight. He is not only the object of envy of children, but also has become what many parents call "someone else's child".

However, in the face of sudden fame, Deng Minghe was not complacent. Under the guidance of his grandfather, he still maintained the habit of practicing hard and worked hard to improve his skills.

In 2013, Deng Minghe appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again, and this time, he also brought his sister Deng Minglu, who was two years younger than him. The brother and sister tacitly performed the creative program "Cut Flowers", which once again won the love of the national audience.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

Deng Minghe showed maturity beyond his years on stage, not only completing his performance perfectly, but also taking care of his sister considerately and helping her overcome her nervousness.

The performance of this pair of "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" became a highlight of the Spring Festival Gala that year.

As his fame grew, Deng Minghe and his sister embarked on a nationwide tour. In order to take care of the two little stars, the parents resolutely quit their jobs and devoted themselves to their children's acting careers.

All kinds of performance invitations flew like snowflakes, and Deng Minghe's life became more and more busy.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

However, just when Deng Minghe's career was thriving, fate played a cruel joke on this talented child. On the eve of the 2013 Spring Festival Gala performance, Deng Minghe suddenly had a high fever that did not go away.

At that time, everyone thought it was just a common cold, so they simply took some antipyretic medicine and continued to devote themselves to the intense rehearsal.

No one thought that this was the beginning of a fatal disease, and Deng Minghe's life also began the countdown from this moment. The little star, who once shined on the stage, is about to face the toughest challenge of his life.

In the spotlight, Deng Minghe's success seemed easy. However, only those who really know him know how much hardship and sweat are hidden behind this glory.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

Every morning, before the first rays of sunlight shine through the window, Deng Minghe has already started a day's training. Strict diet control, repeated basic exercises, and high-intensity voice training are all huge challenges for an adult, let alone a child who is only a few years old.

Deng Minghe's life is in stark contrast to the happy childhood of his peers.

Deng Minghe's grandfather, as his enlightenment teacher and main sparring partner, was extremely strict with his grandson. "One minute on stage, ten years off stage", this sentence has always been grandpa's motto.

During the training process, the grandfather often adopted the method of "stick education", with the aim of giving the grandson a firm foothold in this highly competitive field. Whenever Deng Minghe's performance did not meet expectations, his grandfather's harsh criticism was always merciless.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

Despite this, Deng Minghe never complained. In his immature heart, he has been deeply imprinted with a love for the art of opera. He understood that his grandfather's strict requirements were based on good intentions and were intended to allow him to go further on the road of art.

This understanding made Deng Minghe always maintain a positive attitude in the arduous training.

However, the high-intensity training and frequent performances undoubtedly brought a huge burden to Deng Minghe's young body. Even during his illness, in order to live up to the expectations of the audience and the organizers, Deng Minghe still insisted on performing on stage.

This kind of professionalism regardless of his physical condition has won praise from everyone, but it has also laid hidden dangers for his health.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

What's even more heart-wrenching is that even after being diagnosed with leukemia, Deng Minghe still did not stop. He took over the filming of the movie "The Adventures of Little Dragonman" and played the role of the protagonist Little Red Child.

On the set, the seriously ill child still gave his all and won the respect of everyone in the crew with his professionalism.

Looking back on Deng Minghe's growth process, we can't help but ask: while pursuing artistic achievements, have we neglected the most basic needs of a child? Are those applause and honors worth exchanging for health and even life? Deng Minghe's story is not only a gorgeous bloom of genius, but also a deep reflection on the current training model of children's artists.

After the Spring Festival Gala in 2013, Deng Minghe's health deteriorated sharply. The high fever and nosebleeds at first were treated simply as a common cold, and it was not until he was pale and in an extremely bad state of mind that the family realized the seriousness of the matter.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

With apprehension, the family sent Deng Minghe to the hospital. The doctor's diagnosis came like a bolt from the blue: leukemia. The brutal news plunged the family into despair.

In order to treat Deng Minghe's illness, this family, which was not wealthy, gave everything he had, and even owed a huge amount of debt.

During his hospitalization in Beijing, Deng Minghe experienced unimaginable pain. Lumbar puncture, bone marrow extraction and other treatment processes are a huge test for this thin body every time.

However, Deng Minghe has always maintained a strong will and bravely faced every treatment. He even comforted his tearful parents, showing maturity beyond his years.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

After a period of treatment, Deng Minghe's condition improved. With the help of many enthusiastic people, he was able to be discharged from the hospital without any problems. However, the good times were short-lived.

Two years later, the disease struck again. This time, he underwent a bone marrow transplant from his father.

However, fate seemed to be extraordinarily cruel, and Deng Minghe's body experienced severe rejection. Peeling skin all over the body, broken nails, mouth sores, every symptom is like a knife in the heart.

In the end, this little star, who once shined on the stage, still couldn't overcome the stubborn disease.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

In April 2015, Deng Minghe, who was only 8 years old, left this world forever, leaving behind countless regrets and thoughts. This little angel, who once brought joy to tens of millions of viewers, finally spread his wings prematurely and flew to heaven.

Deng Minghe's departure is not only the fall of a talented life, but also a wake-up call to the entire society.

Tang's story reminds us that health and happiness should be the primary considerations in nurturing children's talents. Excessive training and performance may bring irreversible damage to the young body and mind.

We hope that child artists like Deng Minghe's sister Deng Minglu can enjoy a normal childhood life while pursuing artistic achievements.

Deng Minghe: He became popular at the age of 6 and died at the age of 8, and he was sick and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, who will pay for the tragic ending?

This tragic story teaches us that in nurturing children's talents, we need more love and understanding, not just the pursuit of success.

Only in this way can we avoid more tragedies of "Deng Minghe" and let every genius shine in a healthy and happy way.

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