
At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

author:Creative Beverly 8K8w8

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Deng Minghe is a child of an ordinary peasant family, born in a small village in Handan City, Hebei Province. His father and mother are poor people who make a living from farming, and in order to support their families, they work outside all the year round, and they have no time to take care of the young Deng Minghe. So from the age of one, Deng Minghe lived with his grandfather.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy
At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

Deng Minghe's grandfather was an opera actor in the county and had a soft spot for this ancient art. Under the influence of his grandfather, Deng Minghe developed a strong interest in opera since he was a child. It is unbelievable that when other children are still learning to nibble on pacifiers, Deng Minghe, who is only one and a half years old, can sing some opera jokes. What's even more amazing is that by the time he was two years old, the little guy was able to sing some simple opera excerpts in a straight voice, which made his grandfather happy. Seeing his grandson's outstanding qualifications, his grandfather naturally couldn't resist his favorite, and decided to teach Deng Minghe to learn this art himself. In this way, under the words and deeds of his grandfather, Deng Minghe's opera talent gradually blossomed, laying the foundation for him to become an opera prodigy in the future. But even his grandfather, a former professional actor, could not give Deng Minghe systematic and comprehensive training. In order to further develop the child's potential, the Deng family made up their minds to send Deng Minghe to Henan Opera School thousands of miles away when he was 4 years old. This decision completely changed the trajectory of Deng Minghe's life and laid the groundwork for his future fame.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

Leaving his hometown to study in a foreign country was undoubtedly a huge challenge for Deng Minghe, who was only four years old. The unfamiliar environment, the intense learning atmosphere, and the separation from the family all brought a lot of pressure to this child. But fortunately, Deng Minghe has an incomparable love for opera, coupled with his amazing talent, he quickly adapted to the life of Henan Opera School.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

There, Deng Minghe was like a fish back in the water, swimming with ease. His performance has not only won the appreciation of his teachers, but also become a role model for his peers. Deng Minghe's extraordinary memory and imitation ability make some senior actors sigh to themselves. In just a few years, this child has been reborn and transformed from a raw hand to a rising star in the opera industry.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

Deng Minghe's outstanding performance in the school soon attracted the attention of the teachers. They felt that this piece of jade should have a bigger stage to shine, so in 2011 they encouraged Deng Minghe to participate in the famous opera competition "Liyuan Spring" hosted by CCTV. In this process, Deng Minghe showed stability and composure beyond his age, and finally not only passed all the way, but also created a record of the youngest champion in the history of the show. This unattainable achievement brought huge attention to Deng Minghe, and CCTV also invited him to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala that year for the first time. An opera prodigy made his debut like this, no one thought that this was just the beginning of his life, and greater opportunities and challenges were waiting for him.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

Knowing that their son was going to appear on a national stage such as the Spring Festival Gala, Deng Minghe's parents were overjoyed. As ordinary farmers, they never imagined that their son would one day be able to stand on such a huge stage and perform. For Deng Minghe, who was only 5 years old at the time, this was undoubtedly a huge challenge and test. In order to present the most perfect performance in the Spring Festival Gala, the Deng family began targeted high-intensity training, arranging the children's lives around this event. Even after school, Deng Minghe had to continue practicing, and there was no chance to have fun at all. However, out of guilt for his family and love for acting, this five-year-old child never complained, but showed a sense of responsibility and perseverance beyond his age.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

Finally, on Chinese New Year's Eve in 2011, Deng Minghe appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with a smart and cute image. Despite his young age, his performance is surprisingly steady and atmospheric, in stark contrast to his immature appearance, which many veteran artists can't help but admire. The applause and cheers of the audience are undoubtedly the most affirmative of him. This wonderful performance instantly made Deng Minghe become the "Little Bangzi Emperor" in the eyes of the people of the whole country. Despite being only five years old, Deng Minghe has already won high attention and praise both inside and outside the entertainment industry. Many people even predicted that Deng Minghe would be the future leader of the Chinese opera industry. Who would have thought that this was just the beginning, and that greater achievements awaited him in the future?

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

The huge success of the Spring Festival Gala opened the door to the showbiz for Deng Minghe. As a hot child star, various performance invitations followed, and the Deng family naturally embraced these opportunities, hoping to earn more income to improve their family situation. But no one expected that this endless performance itinerary would become a straw that crushed Deng Minghe.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

In the blink of an eye, Deng Minghe is 6 years old, but his life is not at all like what a 6-year-old child should be. In order to cope with the intensive performances, Deng Minghe often had to undergo high-intensity training, sometimes practicing for more than ten hours a day. Even after school, he had to continue rehearsing, and there was no room for fun. Although it was hard work, Deng Minghe never complained, and he seemed to take it for granted.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

However, a 6-year-old child is a 6-year-old child after all, and his small body simply cannot withstand such tremendous pressure. In just two years, Deng Minghe is like a velvet that is about to burn out, becoming thinner and darker. Whenever he saw his thin face in the mirror and thought that he might never be able to perform on stage again, Deng Minghe would fall into deep self-doubt and frustration. To make matters worse, at this juncture, the shadow of leukemia loomed over him again. This was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, which shattered the beautiful dreams of the Deng family. Since then, Deng Minghe has had to face the pain caused by chemotherapy and the burden of huge medical expenses. This is completely beyond the reach of a 6-year-old. However, during this difficult period, the care and support from all walks of life warmed the Deng family, and also rekindled Deng Minghe's hope for life.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

Everyone thought that with the care and support of all walks of life, Deng Minghe, a strong little guy, would definitely be able to tide over the difficulties and return to the stage to continue to shine. But fate is often so cruel, just when people are looking forward to Deng Minghe's early recovery, a cruel news exploded like a thunderbolt from the sky - 8-year-old Deng Minghe left us forever.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

On the eve of the Spring Festival Gala in 2012, Deng Minghe's condition suddenly recurred, and his health deteriorated. As parents, the Deng family naturally did it themselves, serving at the bedside day and night, but the child's condition seemed to be hopeless. In this way, on the occasion of the arrival of the new year, the Deng family, which was supposed to be happy, became the hardest hit area of nightmares, shrouded in the shadow of death.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

Although the Deng family has tried their best and did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to send Deng Minghe to the most hospital in China for treatment, Tiangong did not open this attachment. In just a few days, Deng Minghe ended his short eight-year life in severe pain. The "Little Bangzi Emperor", who once shined on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, left this world silently and slept under the loess forever. God is jealous of talent, this word may be tailor-made for Deng Minghe. His death is undoubtedly a great loss to the Chinese opera industry, which has made countless people sigh and lament the ill-fated fate of such a talented child.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

At Deng Minghe's memorial service, an old artist choked up and said that this child is destined to be unrewarded, and it is really sad and lamentable. Yes, who would have thought that this rising star, who had high hopes, would eventually fall in such a way and end his life. The world is unpredictable, providence makes people, Deng Minghe's life is like a shining but short-lived dream, and finally he was overwhelmed and left this world forever.

At the age of 6, he died of exhaustion at the age of 8 at the Spring Festival Gala, and was sucked dry blood by his parents", who paid for the tragedy

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