
A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

author:Dongdong speaks of ancient and modern
A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million
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A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

On an ordinary construction site in Hengyang, Hunan Province, 33-year-old Gao Xiaojian is busy shooting short videos. He wears a hard hat and holds a smartphone in his hand, with a focused look on his face.

Gao Xiaojian's story subverts people's stereotypes of migrant workers. He used his talent and sense of humor to carve out a world of his own on the hustle and bustle of the construction site.

What kind of magic is it that makes him stand out from the crowd? Let's unveil this inspirational story and explore Gao Xiaojian's wonderful transformation from an ordinary worker to an internet celebrity.

In the winter of 2019, Gao Xiaojian filmed the first short video in his life with apprehension. At that time, he just wanted to try this emerging platform, and he didn't have much to look forward to.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

Fate always likes to play a joke on people.

At first, Gao Xiaojian's video didn't attract much attention. But instead of being discouraged, he tried harder to think about how to make his work interesting. He began to observe the workers around him, capturing interesting moments from life on the construction site, and incorporating these elements into his performances.

In April 2020, on an ordinary working day, Gao Xiaojian and his partner Fu Laobiao filmed a seemingly ordinary video in the conference room of the construction site. In the video, they play the scene of being criticized by the leader.

When the leader asked Gao Xiaojian what he had learned on Douyin, he suddenly had an idea and imitated the popular "tofu oh ~ cover oh ~" cry on the Internet.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

Gao Xiaojian's exaggerated expressions and funny actions instantly ignited the audience's laughter. Immediately after, it was Fu Lao's turn to answer. He first whispered timidly, "Where are you, Saipan?" Then suddenly raised the volume and shouted "Saipan!! This sense of contrast and unexpected performance once again detonated the laughter of netizens.

As soon as this video was released, it caused a huge repercussion on the Internet like a bombshell. In just one night, the number of views exceeded the million mark. Netizens were amused by their performances, and the comment section was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

"The expression is so good!" Comments such as "I've learned ......" flew like snowflakes.

This unexpected popularity has become an important turning point in the road of Gao Xiaojian and Fu Laobiao's Internet celebrity. The number of their fans began to grow exponentially, and more and more people began to pay attention to their works.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

Gao Xiaojian also gradually realized that he seemed to have found a unique path.

The success of this video not only proves their acting talent, but also allows them to see the infinite possibilities of short video creation. Gao Xiaojian began to take each work more seriously, constantly thinking about how to make his videos more interesting and meaningful.

Since then, Gao Xiaojian and Fu Laobiao have started their journey as Internet celebrities. They continue to shoot all kinds of funny videos on the construction site, showing the lives of migrant workers in a humorous and witty way.

Their stories have also become inspirational examples for countless ordinary people to chase their dreams.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

After becoming popular, Gao Xiaojian knew that in order to maintain popularity on the rapidly changing short video platform, he must continue to innovate. He began to look at his work environment with a fresh perspective, turning an ordinary construction site into a source of creativity.

On a blazing afternoon, Gao Xiaojian noticed large pieces of formwork piled up on the construction site. These building materials, which seem ordinary to others, spark inspiration in his mind.

He had an idea, moved the template to the mud pool, turned into "Xu Xian", and staged a classic scene of "The White Lady and Xu Xian Visiting the West Lake Together".

This idea, which cleverly blends construction site elements and traditional culture, immediately resonated with netizens and won a lot of praise.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

On another occasion, in between the laborious handling of materials by his co-workers, Gao Xiaojian keenly captured the humorous potential in them. He choreographed a scene of "an awkward dance without a word", transforming the otherwise boring labor into a joyful dance.

This video not only shows another side of life on the construction site, but also allows netizens to see the optimistic spirit of migrant workers, which has sparked widespread discussion and likes.

Gao Xiaojian's creative talent is also reflected in his ingenious grasp of the festive atmosphere. On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, he planned a hilarious scene: four burly workers, posing with all their might, with painful expressions on their faces and trembling legs, were just working together to lift a small zongzi.

This exaggerated contrast effect made netizens laugh from ear to ear, and at the same time conveyed the joyful atmosphere of the festival.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

In addition to finding inspiration from daily life, Gao Xiaojian also keeps up with the hot spots on the Internet, skillfully combining popular elements with the characteristics of the construction site. He keenly captures popular jokes and memes on the Internet and then recreates them.

For example, he will imitate Internet celebrity songs and choreograph a construction site version of the dance; Or incorporate the trendy memes into the everyday scene of the construction site. This way of keeping up with hot topics keeps his works fresh and topical, attracting more and more fans.

Gao Xiaojian's creative talent is not only reflected in individual videos, but also in his overall content planning. He will carefully design the corresponding theme content according to the changes of festivals and seasons.

For example, during the Spring Festival, he will create a series of videos about the "New Year's Flavor of the Construction Site", which not only shows the homesickness of migrant workers far from their hometowns, but also conveys the festive atmosphere of the festival, which resonates with the majority of netizens.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

These endless ideas have kept Gao Xiaojian's account strong and attractive. He used a unique perspective to turn ordinary construction site life into wonderful short videos, which not only entertained the audience, but also showed the diversity and creativity of migrant workers.

Gao Xiaojian's success proves that creativity and humor can exist anywhere, as long as you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering.

Through these creative videos, Gao Xiaojian not only let more people know about the lives of migrant workers, but also conveyed positive energy in a humorous way, winning the love and support of more and more fans.

Gao Xiaojian's success is not only due to his creativity, but also inseparable from his excellent acting ability. Whether playing a master and apprentice, a brother or a couple, he can interpret the role vividly and make the audience laugh.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

In a series of master-apprentice themed videos, the apprentice played by Gao Xiaojian can be described as a model of "happiness in suffering". He was set a trap by his master, and he was indignant in his heart, and he was determined to compete with his master.

Gao Xiaojian's complex emotions such as grievances, anger, and unwillingness of his apprentices are perfectly displayed through exaggerated facial expressions and body movements. When he was chased and beaten by the master from the construction site to the canteen, and even the scene of not being at peace when eating, made the audience laugh with tears and empathize.

When playing the role of a brother, the tacit understanding between Gao Xiaojian and his partner is even more breathtaking. They compete with each other, stretching their necks, jumping high, and waving their arms like two scrappy roosters.

This exaggerated performance style appropriately shows the daily quarrels between the brothers on the construction site, which arouses a strong resonance from the audience. Netizens said: "Seeing such a scene, I almost laughed and wrinkled."

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

Gao Xiaojian's acting talent is not limited to being funny. When performing the song "Outside the Window", he showed his ability to express delicate emotions. The expressions, movements and lyrics are perfectly integrated, without any sense of disobedience, like an affectionate lover.

This sense of contrast further highlights his multi-faceted nature as an actor and has won the favor of female fans.

One of Gao Xiaojian's most classic works is "Shang Wang Xuansu Daji Enters the Palace". In this video, he plays the role of the king of Zhou, wearing an "imperial hat" made of instant noodle buckets, drawing an exaggerated mustache, sitting arrogantly, showing supreme authority.

When "Su Daji" appeared, the expression of the King of the Rings instantly became obsessed, and his eyes were full of admiration. Gao Xiaojian's grasp of the subtle emotional changes of the character, as well as the tacit cooperation with his partner, made this video receive more than 3.3 million likes and became one of his masterpieces.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

Gao Xiaojian's acting talent is not only reflected in his accurate grasp of the role, but also in his attention to details. Whether it's a look, a gesture, or a pause, it all conveys the emotions of the characters and the direction of the story just right.

His performance is both exaggerated and funny, but also realistic, allowing the audience to feel the truth and warmth of life in the hearty laughter.

It is this dedication and love for performance that makes Gao Xiaojian's videos always bring unexpected surprises and joy to the audience. With his acting talents, he not only entertained the audience, but also showed the diversity and creativity of the migrant worker group, breaking people's stereotypes of migrant workers.

Although he has become a high-profile Internet celebrity, Gao Xiaojian has never forgotten his roots and original intention. He makes good use of his influence to spread positive energy, pay attention to and advocate for the improvement of the rights and interests of migrant workers.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

In a series of meaningful videos, Gao Xiaojian called on business owners to pay their workers on time. He wrote and performed a heartfelt song, the lyrics of which read: "Dear entrepreneurs, gentlemen and ladies, can you listen to our sincere call."

Don't hide your true financial situation and let the workers' pay issues we care about take care of. This song not only expresses the voices of thousands of migrant workers, but also arouses the attention and discussion of this long-standing problem in society.

Gao Xiaojian also pays special attention to education issues, especially the education of the children of migrant workers. Every year during the college entrance examination season, he will carefully create inspirational videos to cheer for students.

In a video, he said sincerely: "When I graduate from college, I want to become an excellent supervision engineer, and you two have to wait for me." Such words not only encourage the candidates, but also show the ardent expectations of the migrant workers for the next generation, and convey the belief that knowledge can change destiny.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

In addition, Gao Xiaojian's videos often contain positive copy, such as "Are you smiling brightly today?" "Because of dreams, life is full of endless hope.

These unpretentious but heart-warming words have brought positive energy and confidence in life to countless audiences.

Gao Xiaojian once said in an interview: "Everyone's life is not so easy, but as long as you have a healthy heart, joy and happiness will always be by your side."

This sentence is not only his life credo, but also a source of strength for him to influence others. Through his videos, countless people have not only laughed, but also felt the beauty of life and the meaning of struggle.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

Gao Xiaojian used his own way to show the true face of the migrant worker group, spread a positive attitude towards life, and injected a warm current into this society.

His story is not only the road to success of an Internet celebrity, but also the struggle of an ordinary person who does not forget his original intention and returns to society.

As the number of fans soared, Gao Xiaojian's influence grew day by day. As a creator with a keen sense of smell, he began to try to convert his online popularity into real profits, and embarked on the road of commercialization.

In 2021, Gao Xiaojian began to get involved in the field of live streaming. With his humorous personal charm and huge fan base, his live broadcast room quickly became a hit.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

According to reports, in the past three months, Gao Xiaojian has conducted a total of 48 live broadcasts with goods, with total sales reaching an astonishing 6,148. 30,000 yuan. His live broadcast room is very popular, with more than 90,000 online viewers at its peak, far exceeding many well-known stars.

Since the start of live streaming, Gao Xiaojian has successfully held 247 live events. Behind these numbers is his hard work and persistence day after day. However, even with great success on the road to commercialization, Gao Xiaojian still has not forgotten his original intention.

Every time he livestreams, he opens with his signature humorous performance to bring joy to his fans.

Gao Xiaojian's success not only changed his own life, but also set an example for many migrant workers. His story shows the possibilities of ordinary people to achieve their dreams through hard work and talent, inspiring countless people to bravely pursue their goals.

A 33-year-old guy who shoots videos at work on the construction site, has far more than 15 million fans and an annual profit of one million

From an ordinary migrant worker to an Internet celebrity with an annual income of millions, Gao Xiaojian's experience is undoubtedly a model of contemporary inspirational stories.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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