
Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

author:Dongdong speaks of ancient and modern
Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"
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Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

On China's commercial map, there are two cities known for their special "industries": Yiwu in Zhejiang Province and Putian in Fujian Province. It is not a cradle of technological innovation, nor a financial center, but a center for the production of counterfeit goods.

Imagine that in Putian, a pair of sneakers that cost only 50 yuan may end up being sold for hundreds of yuan, with a staggering profit margin of more than 650%. And in Yiwu, from jewelry to daily necessities, almost every commodity you can think of has its "affordable version".

What's even more puzzling is that many consumers still flock to it even when they know it's a counterfeit product. This phenomenon raises a profound question: what drives these consumers to willingly become so-called "leeks"? To unravel this mystery, we need to delve into the heart of the counterfeit empire and explore its workings and the psychological motivations of consumers.

On China's economic map, the names Yiwu and Putian are now household names, but the story of their rise is less well known. Let's go back to the early 80s, when Yiwu was just an ordinary town in Zhejiang Province.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

In order to get rid of poverty, the local government made a bold attempt and established a professional market system. This decision was like the last straw that broke the camel's back and completely changed the fate of Yiwu.

With the passage of time, Yiwu keenly grasps every development opportunity and gradually takes the wholesale of small commodities as the leading industry. Slowly, the town became a huge distribution center for goods, attracting merchants from all over the world.

Walking the streets of Yiwu, you will be surprised to find everything from luxury goods to daily necessities, and the prices are unbelievably low.

Meanwhile, in Putian, Fujian province, another legend is unfolding. Thanks to its geographical advantages with Taiwan, Putian has attracted a large number of shoe factories to settle down. In the beginning, regular sports shoes were produced here, and workers honed their shoemaking skills day in and day out.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

In this way, the concept of "Putian shoes" came into being. The quality of these imitations is so high that it can be seen as fake. Gradually, "Putian shoes" became a synonym almost equal to the original, and it was widely popular among specific consumer groups.

The two cities, while on different trajectories, have both managed to establish their own "brands" on a global scale. Yiwu focuses on all kinds of daily necessities and small commodities, while Putian is unique in the field of sports shoes.

They each form a complete industrial chain, from raw material procurement to production and sales.

However, this model of development has also sparked a lot of controversy. On the one hand, they create a large number of local jobs and promote economic development; On the other hand, the proliferation of counterfeit and substandard products has also had a huge impact on the formal market.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

This complex phenomenon reflects the opportunities and challenges in China's rapid development, and also triggers people's in-depth thinking about intellectual property protection and consumer culture.

The story of Yiwu and Putian is not only the history of the development of the two cities, but also a microcosm of China's economic transformation. Their rise not only shows the strong strength of China's manufacturing industry, but also exposes many problems faced in the process of rapid development.

The future direction of these two cities may provide important inspiration for China's industrial upgrading and economic transformation.

When we go deep into the interior of the counterfeit industry, the truth is far more powerful than we can imagine. Let's start with a set of shocking data: in 2011, the sales of Putian shoes on major online shopping platforms alone exceeded 3.3 billion yuan.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

Behind this number is the collection of countless transactions, and it is also a microcosm of a huge industrial chain.

Even more jaw-dropping is the cost structure of the product. According to a Putian insider, the counterfeit Nike shoes, known as the "Putian Special Style", are incredibly low to produce at just 50 yuan.

However, these shoes often sell for hundreds of dollars in the market, sometimes even more. A simple calculation shows that the profit margin in this industry can be as high as 650% or more.

In the face of such huge profits, many businesses have taken risks and joined the ranks of production and sales. One merchant, who asked not to be named, admitted: "I know there may be legal problems with this, but the profits are so tempting.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

This mentality is not uncommon in the industry, and high profits have become the main motivation for many people to take risks.

At the same time, the story of Yiwu is equally compelling. As the "World Capital of Small Commodities", Yiwu Commodity City has maintained an amazing growth momentum in the past 23 years, with a net increase of 10 billion yuan per year, ranking first in the country.

Behind this number, how many are genuine and how many are imitations? I'm afraid no one can give an exact answer.

However, the hidden worries beneath the façade of prosperity are also becoming more apparent. In 2018, Yiwu seized thousands of brand-name knockoff leather goods, which were originally planned to be shipped to all parts of the world.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

The amount of money involved in these seized commodities alone amounted to millions or even tens of millions of yuan. An official involved in the investigation lamented: "The profits of this industry are so high that it is extremely difficult to crack down."

These figures paint a large and complex picture of the industry. It is not just a matter of a few workshops or small factories, but a huge network that spreads all over the country and even radiates around the world.

From raw material suppliers to producers, from wholesalers to retailers, to express logistics, every link plays an important role in this industry chain.

The sheer scale and high profits of the counterfeit industry have not only posed a huge challenge for law enforcement, but also had a serious impact on the formal market. A senior executive of a brand company reluctantly said: "We invest a lot of money in anti-counterfeiting every year, but the results are always unsatisfactory.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

In the face of such a large scale of the industry, we can't help but ask: what continues to promote the development of this industry? Consumer demand is undoubtedly one of the key factors.

Even though they know it's fake, many consumers still flock to it.

This phenomenon reflects not only economic problems, but also a complex social and cultural phenomenon. It involves multiple levels such as consumption concepts, social identity, and legal awareness.

In the face of the booming counterfeit industry, we need to reflect not only on how to strengthen regulation, but also on how to guide a healthy consumer culture.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

The existence of the counterfeit industry is both a challenge and a mirror, reflecting the many contradictions and problems faced by our society in the process of rapid development. How to find a balance between economic development and intellectual property protection will be a long-term issue that we need to face.

In the face of the rampant counterfeiting industry, the government and law enforcement are not sitting idly by. In fact, they have been waging an uphill struggle. In 2014, the Fujian provincial government launched a large-scale operation, sending public officials to work with local police in Putian to successfully dismantle more than a dozen fake shoe manufacturing dens.

The amount involved in this operation was as high as hundreds of millions of yuan, which caused a strong shock in the industry. However, this seems to be just the tip of the iceberg, and the counterfeit industry is far more resilient than you think.

In the years that followed, similar strike-hard campaigns became the norm. Every year, law enforcement organizes several large-scale crackdowns. In 2019, Putian City took more stringent measures to clearly list infringing clothing and footwear by mailing them as illegal.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

This move directly targets an important channel for the sale of counterfeit goods, and shows the government's determination to curb the circulation of counterfeit goods.

The situation in Yiwu is equally striking. In 2018, Yiwu City seized thousands of various brand-name cottage leather goods, involving millions or even tens of millions of yuan.

The goods were originally planned to be shipped around the world, reflecting the internationalization of the counterfeit industry. An official involved in law enforcement reluctantly said: "This industry is too profitable, and it is extremely difficult to crack down."

His words illustrate the dilemma faced by law enforcement: on the one hand, it is difficult to obtain evidence, and on the other hand, it is a wide range of supervision.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

The latest developments show that in October 2023, the police made another major breakthrough and successfully smashed a batch of factories that manufactured "Putian special models" counterfeit Nike shoes.

In the face of such a stubborn counterfeit industry, the efforts of law enforcement always seem to be inadequate. A senior law enforcement officer lamented: "Cracking down on counterfeits is like whack-a-mole, knocking out one and popping up another."

We need more systematic, longer-lasting solutions.

This protracted game not only tests the wisdom and patience of law enforcement agencies, but also reflects the deep-seated contradictions in the protection of intellectual property rights and the maintenance of market order in the whole society.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

How to find a balance between protecting innovation, maintaining market order, and satisfying consumer demand will be a long-term and arduous task.

In the complex ecology of the counterfeit industry, consumers play a crucial role. However, it is a puzzling phenomenon that many consumers know they are buying fakes, but they still flock to them.

Behind this seemingly contradictory behavior, there are multiple layers of psychological motivation.

First of all, it has to be mentioned that vanity is driven. In today's society, luxury goods are often seen as a symbol of status and status. A white-collar worker who often buys imitation luxury goods admitted: "I know it's not genuine, but it makes me feel more face-saving in my circle of friends."

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

This mindset reflects some consumers' desire for social proof, even through fakes.

In addition, high tariffs have also inadvertently promoted the development of the counterfeit market. When some well-known foreign brands enter the Chinese market, the price often doubles due to tariffs.

This price difference makes some consumers more inclined to buy lower-priced imitations.

However, are consumers fully aware of the risks associated with buying counterfeit goods? Some fakes are manufactured from raw materials of unknown origin and may pose a potential threat to human health.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

A consumer who once suffered from foot discomfort due to wearing fake shoes warned: "Cheap is not good, and I only understood this truth after paying the price."

Despite this, there are still a large number of consumers who continue to buy fakes. Their actions reflect a deeper societal problem: in a fast-moving society, the pursuit of brand and identity sometimes outweighs the quality and safety of the product itself.

A sociologist analyzed: "This phenomenon reflects a distorted value in today's society. People attach too much importance to the external label and ignore the essential value of the product.

In the face of this complex consumer psychology, we can't help but ask: how can we guide consumers to make smarter and more responsible choices? A consumer rights protection expert advised: "We need to strengthen consumer education to improve their brand awareness and product identification skills.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

At the same time, domestic brands should also be encouraged to improve quality and meet consumers' demand for high-quality products.

The choice of consumers is not only related to personal interests, but also affects the healthy development of the entire market. How to balance the pursuit of quality life and rational consumption will be a topic that every consumer needs to face.

The problem of counterfeit goods is far more complex than we think, and it involves not only economic interests, but also socio-cultural, consumer psychology and legal regulation. In the face of such a large and stubborn industry, it is clear that a single crackdown is not enough to eradicate the problem.

Going forward, tackling the problem of counterfeit goods will require a concerted effort by many parties. The government needs to continue to intensify the crackdown, and at the same time improve relevant laws and regulations to provide a solid legal guarantee for the maintenance of market order.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

The news of the destruction of the fake shoe factory in Putian in 2023 is undoubtedly a wake-up call for the industry, but we must also recognize that this is only a small victory in a long battle.

On the corporate side, in addition to strengthening intellectual property protection and improving product recognition, enterprises should also think about how to enhance competitiveness by improving quality and optimizing pricing strategies.

A brand management expert suggested: "Enterprises should shift the focus of anti-counterfeiting to improving their competitiveness, and only products that truly meet the needs of consumers can fundamentally defeat counterfeits."

For consumers, it is equally important to improve discernment and consumer awareness. "We need to foster a culture of rational and responsible consumption, where consumers realize that every purchase they make is impacting the ecology of the entire market," a consumer educator said.

Almost all fakes, the profit margin can be 650%, why are there still people who are still willing to be "cut leeks"

More importantly, we need to re-examine our consumption concepts. Supporting the development of domestic high-quality brands and abandoning the concept of blindly worshipping foreign brands may be an important direction to solve the problem.

One economist pointed out: "Only by forming a healthy consumer culture can the spread of counterfeit goods be fundamentally curbed."

There is still a long way to go to solve the problem of counterfeit goods, but as long as the government, enterprises and consumers work together, we will eventually usher in a new situation of market order. As one market regulator put it: "Building an honest market is a protracted battle that requires the participation and long-term efforts of the whole society."

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