
Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

author:Yifeng talks about history
Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son
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Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

In the streets and alleys of Changle City, Fujian Province, a heartbreaking cry can often be heard. The voice came from Lee Mi-jin, a woman in her fifties. Her profession is surprising: a professional weeping soul.

Every day, Li Meizhen had to cry three times at different funerals, each time lasting more than an hour, in exchange for a reward of 3,000 yuan.

Wearing a white headscarf and red cheeks, Li Meizhen's cry was heartbreaking, as if she was bidding farewell to her loved ones. However, this seemingly bizarre job has been her breadwinner for 22 years, and even allowed her to buy a property for her two sons.

Lee Mi-jin's story is a legend of suffering, resilience and rebirth.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

Lee Mi-jin's nightmare began when she was 18 years old. At an age when she should be full of hopes and dreams, she was forcibly married by her family to a man she had never met.

There is no romantic love, no happy vision, Li Meizhen became a wife in a daze.

Life after marriage is like falling into the abyss. Li Meizhen's husband committed regular domestic violence against her. Every day was an ordeal for her, full of fear and pain.

Her husband's fists and kicks fell on her day and night, sometimes even grabbing her by the throat and pushing her against the washstand, punching and kicking her. Such violent scenes played out in Li Meizhen's home for a whole decade.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

In this family, Li Meizhen has no dignity at all. Not only did she have to endure her husband's fists and kicks, but she also had to endure verbal humiliation from her in-laws. Once, her husband's aunt even said unabashedly that she only regarded Li Meizhen as "dog meat".

This kind of physical and mental torture almost destroyed Li Meizhen's entire will to live.

In desperation, Li Meizhen chose suicide to end all this. Even with two young children, she could no longer endure such a life. However, fate doesn't seem to want to let her go.

After a particularly severe beating, her husband had to take her to the hospital to stitch up her wounds. At that moment, Li Meizhen made up her mind to escape from this hell on earth.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

She secretly fled back to her parents' home by bus, hoping to regain her life. However, the escape did not last long. Under the pleading of her son, considering the future of her child, Li Meizhen had to temporarily give up the idea of divorce and return to that violent home.

The nightmare experience of the past ten years has become an important background for Li Meizhen's future life transition. It not only shaped her strong character, but also laid the groundwork for her later career choices.

This painful experience eventually became the source of her emotions in the professional crying, making her crying more real and moving.

Li Meizhen's life ushered in an unexpected turn at the age of 28. This year, her sister inadvertently opened a new door for her. My sister organized a stilt team in Changle and was often invited to participate in local funeral performances.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

By chance, my sister noticed that some funerals were particularly deserted due to the scarcity of relatives and friends and the lack of people who wept. Out of concern for her sister's situation and a desire to help her get out of it, her sister proposed to Lee Mi-jin to try a job as a professional crying spirit.

At first, Lee was hesitant and uneasy about this suggestion. She never imagined that she would pursue such a special career. However, the pressures of life and the desire to change things eventually made her decide to give it a try.

Standing in front of the mourning hall for the first time, Li Meizhen was uneasy in her heart. She didn't know if she was up to the job, and she was worried about what others would look like. However, when she began to reflect on her painful experiences over the past decade, tears flowed involuntarily.

Her cry was sincere and moving, and everyone present was moved. This experience made Lee Mi-jin realize that she could turn her pain into a unique professional skill.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

This special job not only brought Li Meizhen a stable economic income, but more importantly, gave her a chance to re-examine her life. She begins to realize that she is not a powerless victim, but an independent woman who has the power to control her own destiny.

Through this job, Lee Mi-jin found a way to vent and heal herself. Every cry is like a farewell to the past, allowing her to face the future better.

Her story teaches us that even in the darkest of moments, life can always turn around if you have the courage to try.

What makes Lee Mi-jin's crying skills so good is that she sublimates her painful experience into a unique work ethic. When asked how she can express her grief so skillfully, Li Meizhen candidly said that her crying motivation comes entirely from missing her parents and her own rough experience in the first half of her life.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

Every time she stands in front of the mourning hall, Li Meizhen will unconsciously recall her parents and that painful married life. These memories became a source of expression for her, making her cries and eulogies more real and moving.

In this process, she is no longer just crying for the deceased, but also mourning for the years she once lost. This sincere expression of emotions makes her performance both a professional act and a catharsis of personal emotions.

In order to maximize her income, Li Meizhen's work intensity is often staggering. She can participate in up to three weeping ceremonies a day, each lasting more than an hour. This kind of high-intensity work is a huge test for both body and mind.

She needs to constantly adjust her emotions and show just the right amount of sadness in different situations, while also maintaining her strength and voice to last.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

At work, Li Meizhen always devotes herself wholeheartedly. She wore a white cloth on her head, her face flushed with excitement, and her mouth kept repeating the words that touched her heart. Her performance is so real that onlookers often find it difficult to perceive that she is a professional weeping person, thinking only that the deceased's closest relatives are crying bitterly.

Although this job may seem simple, it actually requires a high level of concentration and emotional control. Lee Mi-jin must stay focused for more than an hour, control her emotions so as not to collapse, and at the same time make her grief seem real and natural.

This balance is the result of years of experience and a deep understanding of her own emotions.

Despite her remarkable success in the profession, the job still faces a lot of skepticism and prejudice from society. Many people believe that working with weeping spirits is unconventional and even sees it as a bad omen.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

This concept is deeply ingrained and has brought a lot of social pressure to professional crying people like Li Meizhen.

However, Lee is not alone. In some parts of China, the occupation of the crying soul is a relatively common career choice, especially for those who are financially disadvantaged.

Some need to care for a sick loved one, others need to raise young children, and they all see the job as a way out of financial hardship.

In the face of social doubts, Li Meizhen and other crying spirits have surprisingly consistent attitudes. When asked if they care about what others think, they tend to smile indifferently.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

In their opinion, the economic income brought by this job is the most real. As Li Meizhen said, "Money can support a family and change lives." In contrast, what other people think doesn't matter.

For Ms. Lee, the job is much more than just financial gain. She had experienced a decade of domestic violence and had lost her dignity and hope. It wasn't until she started working as a crying spirit at the age of 28 that she really found her life value.

She weeps for others, but at the same time she lives for herself.

Li Meizhen's attitude is firm and clear: as long as she feels that she has a clear conscience, why should she care about the eyes of others? This kind of self-confidence and perseverance is her most valuable asset after coming out of the suffering.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

Her story not only shows how a woman reinvents herself in the face of adversity, but also reflects how society's attitudes towards non-traditional professions are slowly changing.

Although the controversy remains, people like Lee Mei Jin are proving with their actions that every kind of labor is worthy of respect.

After 22 years of professional crying career, Li Meizhen has completed an amazing life transformation. From a former victim of domestic violence, she has grown into a financially independent, confident and strong woman.

This special job not only brought a stable income, but more importantly, allowed her to rediscover her self-worth and direction in life.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

Li Meizhen used her own efforts and tears to buy a property for her two sons, and this sense of accomplishment made her proud. She is no longer the helpless woman who was tormented by domestic violence, but a strong mother who can support the family independently.

Every crying performance seems to be a release of the pain of the past, allowing her to face life more calmly.

This job also changed Li Meizhen's attitude towards life. She learned how to face grief head-on and how to find hope in the midst of adversity. By constantly interpreting the grief of others, she has found a way to heal her own inner wounds.

Li Meizhen's story teaches us a vivid life lesson. It teaches us that even after a difficult past, with courage and determination, life will always turn around.

Li Meizhen: was chosen to be a "crying bereavement girl" by domestic violence, and earned 3,000 yuan a game and bought a house for her son

In her own way, she proves that everyone has the right to pursue happiness, no matter how unusual the path may seem. Li Meizhen's transformation is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all those in difficult circumstances, demonstrating the most precious resilience and hope in human nature.

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