
The jungler becomes weaker, the mid lane mage shuffles, and the mage who clears the line quickly is stronger

author:Talking about things

Junglers only have two words for the experience of the new season, "powerless", and this feeling has nothing to do with hero strength, but with the economy. The economy of the new version of the jungle is lower than the online economy, and it is difficult for junglers to play the economy poor if they do not rub the line. Players who honestly farm in the jungle, the economy is usually the third or fourth position in the team, there is no economic difference, and the jungler is not a threat to double C at all.

The jungler becomes weaker, the mid lane mage shuffles, and the mage who clears the line quickly is stronger

There are two reasons for the decline of the jungler, one is that the jungle area has become larger, and the jungler heroes with poor mobility have difficulty running the map, and time is wasted on the road; The second is that the economy of the wild area as a whole is not as good as online, even if you don't win all the wild monsters in the wild area, your economy is at most the No. 3 position, and it is difficult to surpass the shooter and mage. The early double C did not live up to the name, and today's double C is terrifying.

The jungler becomes weaker, the mid lane mage shuffles, and the mage who clears the line quickly is stronger

Without the threat of junglers, the status of mid lane mages has improved, and the popularity and win rate of many mage heroes are increasing. In fact, you should be able to find that mages with a high win rate have a common characteristic, they are relatively fast in clearing lines. Now there are four lanes in the middle lane, and clearing the line quickly means that your support is fast, and the rhythm that once required the jungler hero belt has now fallen to the mage.

The jungler becomes weaker, the mid lane mage shuffles, and the mage who clears the line quickly is stronger

A typical example is Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu's reinforcement in the new season is not too much, but his intensity is excessive. Just talking about the ability to clear the line, it is estimated that no one dares to say that it is better than Zhou Yu, he set fire and ran, and the four lines of soldiers are attacked together, and there will be no situation where the front row soldiers block the damage to the back row soldiers. If you want to score quickly, you can try Zhou Yu as a hero.

The jungler becomes weaker, the mid lane mage shuffles, and the mage who clears the line quickly is stronger

Similarly, among the stabbing heroes, Shiranui Dance is also very powerful, her fan can be split, she can fight cattle across the mountains, and defeat multiple minions at once. Compared to the previous Fire Dance, the new version of Fire Dance has increased the line clearing speed by at least 20%. Fire Dance is also a more flexible hero, with higher mobility than Zhou Yu, and Fire Dance is more restrained by heroes like Zhou Yu and Zhen Ji.