
Anyone who attacks a peasant with language such as peasant scum, such a person has a serious personality defect

author:Flying Fish Life

Attacking others, regardless of language or identity, is a serious personality defect. This is especially true of those who attack farmers with language such as peasant trouble, and scum. Whatever the justifications they justify, their actions show a kind of arrogant bluff. Such people do everything in their power to attack others as useless as they can, showing that they are extremely twisted and narrow-minded in their hearts and take pleasure in juggling right and wrong. Such people should be advised to seek help from a psychologist and may need appropriate medications.

Anyone who attacks a peasant with language such as peasant scum, such a person has a serious personality defect

First of all, the personality flaw of attacking farmers is reflected in the fact that they use language such as farming and dregs. As the basic laborers in society, the peasants provide an important material basis for the livelihood of each of us. However, these attackers chose to use vulgar and demeaning terms to describe the peasants, reflecting their disdain and contempt for labor and agriculture. This attitude is not only contrary to the values of modern society, but also exposes the distortion and narrow-mindedness of the attacker.

Anyone who attacks a peasant with language such as peasant scum, such a person has a serious personality defect

Secondly, when attacking others, these people also display a kind of arrogant bravado. They package their aggression for all sorts of reasons, trying to take it for granted, but ignoring the hard work and effort of the farmers. This arrogance is not so much based on objective facts as it is more about the attacker's conceit and superiority. This arrogance and bravado obscure the attacker's essential dilemma of being unable to confront the true value of the peasants head-on, and is only a cover for his own shortcomings.

Anyone who attacks a peasant with language such as peasant scum, such a person has a serious personality defect

Third, those who attacked the peasants often took pleasure in stirring up right and wrong. They like to shift their focus to the shortcomings of others rather than self-reflection and improvement. This behavior indicates a pathological psychological need on the part of the attacker, who gains some kind of spiritual satisfaction by attacking others. However, this satisfaction is short-lived, in exchange for the rupture of social relations and the destruction of their own moral image. Fiddling with right and wrong does not bring them real happiness and satisfaction, it only makes them more lonely and bored.

Anyone who attacks a peasant with language such as peasant scum, such a person has a serious personality defect

For such those who attack farmers, we should direct them to seek help from psychologists and consider the appropriate use of drugs for treatment. Because these attackers often hide deep emotional problems and low self-esteem, they need to be provided by professionals for psychological counseling and treatment. By confronting the ego and receiving treatment, the attacker has the opportunity to recognize the wrongness and inappropriateness of his actions and potentially change his or her attitudes and behaviors.

Anyone who attacks a peasant with language such as peasant scum, such a person has a serious personality defect

All in all, the personality defects that attack the peasants are manifested in their use of vicious, demeaning language, as well as the megalomania, bravado, and manipulation of right and wrong. These aggressors should be aware of their own inner distortion and narrow-mindedness, and take the initiative to seek the help of a psychiatrist for treatment. Only by facing up to one's own problems and changing one's behavior can one achieve personal growth and social harmony. We should also call on all sectors of society to pay attention to the important contributions and values of farmers, and work together for rural development and farmers' well-being.