
She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

author:Buchanan Balls


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She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

Have you ever heard of "Little Dragon Girl"? No, I'm not talking about the fairy sister who captivates the country and the city. I'm talking about Jackie Chan's biological daughter, the "alternative little dragon girl" who was abandoned by her father, abused by her mother, and finally chose to be gay.

You might say, Jackie Chan daughter? How could it be so miserable? But that's how absurd it is. Let's walk into this forgotten "princess" and see how she blooms in the face of adversity and fights back in her own way against the world that hurt her.

This story may make you rethink: Is blood relationship really that important? Will the halo on Vanity Fair also become the last straw that crushes a family?

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

Childhood Shadows: The Bullied "Little Dragon Girl"

You may think that as Jackie Chan's daughter, Wu Zhuolin should live a life of fine clothes and food. But the reality is like a heavy punch, which wakes us up fiercely. It turns out that under the aura, there may also be the deepest darkness hidden.

Wu Zhuolin's childhood is simply a realistic version of the "Cinderella" story, but there is no prince to rescue her. In a key primary school in Shanghai, she is not the "little princess" who is held by the stars, but has become the target of bullying.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined
Words like "wild seed" and "mongrel" pierced her heart like a knife.

Her classmates not only humiliated her verbally, but also did some excessive behavior. Some boys would throw stones at her, and some even threw her school bag into the pond. Can you imagine? A little girl has to face such bullying every day, but no one stands up for her.

What's even more distressing is that when she returns home, what awaits her is not a warm embrace, but another nightmare. Her mother, Wu Qili, should have been her strongest backing, but she became the person who hurt her the most.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined
Wu Zhuolin once choked up and said: "When she was drunk, she would punch and kick me, lock me in my room, and not let me go to the toilet." I could only squat in the corner, drinking my own urine when I couldn't stand the thirst. "

Such words make people's hearts break when they hear it. A little girl should go through such abuse, which is simply the best portrayal of a childhood nightmare.

Under this double whammy, Wu Zhuolin became more and more autistic. She had no friends, no one to talk to. The most terrifying thing is that she began to have suicidal thoughts. It is said that she committed suicide by slitting her wrists several times, and this information is chilling.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

It was not until he was later placed in a welfare home that Wu Zhuolin temporarily escaped from this "hell on earth". However, the shadow of her childhood has been deeply engraved in her heart and has become the fuse for her rebellious behavior in the future.

Such an experience makes us ask: Why did Jackie Chan never come forward to stop all this? Did he really know nothing about what happened to his daughter? Or is it that in his eyes, career and reputation are far more important than family affection?

Rebellious Runaway: Finding Self-Identity

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

The adolescent Wu Zhuolin, like a bird that has been locked in a cage for too long, finally found a chance to escape. Her resistance came violently and resolutely.

When she publicly declared that she was gay, the entire entertainment industry was shocked. This news, like a bombshell, caused an uproar on the Internet. Some people sympathize with her, some blame her, and more people are speculating: Is this her revenge on Jackie Chan?

Wu Zhuolin's chosen partner is a female Internet celebrity named "Andy". The combination of the two could be said to be "shocking" at the time. But if you think about it, it's a silent accusation.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined
Wu Zhuolin once said: "What about homosexuality? I didn't have a normal family since I was a child, and I didn't have my father's love! I deserve to pursue the life I want!"

This sentence, every word is like a knife, pointing directly to the deepest pain in her heart. What she longs for is nothing more than the warmth of an ordinary person's home. However, fate gave her a celebrity father and took everything away from her.

Wu Qili reacted violently to her daughter's choice. She publicly denounced Wu Zhuolin, saying that she tried every means to pull her up, but in exchange for such a result. However, we can't help but ask: Can the domestic violence in those years really be regarded as "pulling"?

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

In the end, Wu Zhuolin chose to take Andy away from home and settle in Canada. This decision is like a complete farewell to the past life. She can finally get away from the chaos of the entertainment industry and start pursuing the life she wants.

But fleeing doesn't mean the problem is over. In a foreign land, more challenges and tribulations await her.

Struggling to survive: the struggle in a foreign land

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

When Wu Zhuolin set foot on Canadian soil, she probably thought she could finally start a new life. But reality soon gave her a resounding slap in the face. With no background, no resources, and even basic life skills, how can she survive in this strange country?

The burden of life was so mercilessly pressed on her thin shoulders. In order to make a basic living, Wu Zhuolin had to work odd jobs and tutors. Can you imagine? The "little dragon girl" who used to call for wind and rain is now running around for hours of odd jobs.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined
Andy once revealed: "Sometimes she can't even pay the rent, but she just stubbornly wants to get tattoos, get cosmetics, etc."

This passage makes people feel both distressed and helpless. Wu Zhuolin doesn't seem to have fully adapted to this impoverished life, and she is still seeking some small solace in her own way.

The most shocking thing is that some media photographed them picking up garbage on the street for money. As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar. There is even a saying on the Internet that "Jackie Chan's daughter is on the street". However, Wu Zhuolin does not seem to care about these rumors. She insisted on her choice and refused to bow to Jackie Chan.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined
"He is obviously a billionaire, but he abandoned one of my own daughters like this! If it weren't for the exposé, I wouldn't have done it. Wu Zhuolin once said angrily.

This sentence expresses the pain and unwillingness in her heart. But at the same time, it also shows her strong side. Even though life is so difficult, she still chooses to live her life in her own way instead of bowing to the man who has never fulfilled her fatherhood.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

However, the hardships of life did not wear out Wu Zhuolin's dream. During her days in a foreign country, she began to rethink the direction of her life. Despite running for a livelihood every day, she never gave up on planning for the future.

Hope for the future: Hold on to your dreams and pursue independence

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

After so many twists and turns, you might think that Wu Zhuolin has lost hope in life. But, surprisingly, her eyes still gleamed with a vision for the future.

"I will continue to live in Canada, earn money with my own hands to support myself and live a dignified life. I'll go to school, learn animation design and programming, and maybe open a studio in the future. "
She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

These words show Wu Zhuolin's indomitable spirit. Despite the hardships of life, she did not give up pursuing her dreams. She chose the fields of animation design and programming, perhaps as a way for her to express her inner world through art and technology.

On social media, Wu often shares his work and thoughts. These works may be immature or imperfect, but each of them embodies her hard work and dreams. In this way, she told the world: Even if I am abandoned, even if life is difficult, I am still working hard and growing.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

And Andy, the person who accompanied her through the most difficult years, became her strongest backing. The two of them depend on each other in a foreign country and face the challenges of life together. As Andy puts it, "If life is too easy, we can't live." This sentence expresses the true meaning of their support for each other in adversity.

Wu Zhuolin's story allows us to see how a child who has been hurt can get back on his feet in the face of adversity. She proved in her own way that even without her father's protection, even if she was abandoned by the world, she could still live her own wonderful life.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

However, we can't help but ask: Is such an ending really what Wu Zhuolin deserves? As a father, should Jackie Chan take on more responsibility?

Netizens are hotly discussed: There are different opinions

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and various opinions were released one after another, which was dazzling.

Some netizens expressed sympathy and support:

"It's not easy for Xiaolongnu, she has been bullied and abused since she was a child, and now she has to pick up garbage in a foreign country to survive. Jackie Chan is really not a thing, rich and famous, but he doesn't care about his own daughter!" "It's really remarkable that Wu Zhuolin can stick to his dream in such a difficult environment. I hope that her future life will be better and better, and she will prove it to those who have hurt her with her own efforts. "
She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

Some netizens also questioned Wu Zhuolin's choice:

"While sympathetic to her experience, isn't it a bit too extreme to be openly gay? Is this really good for your future?" "Picking up garbage for money, is it hype? After all, she is Jackie Chan's daughter, so she shouldn't have fallen to this point, right?"

Some netizens pointed the finger at Jackie Chan:

"It's really disappointing that Jackie Chan has avoided talking about this daughter for so many years. You can't be like this, no matter how rich and famous you are, you have to fulfill your responsibilities as a father!" "I hope that Jackie Chan can take the initiative to repair the relationship with his daughter and give Xiaolongnu a complete home. After all, blood is thicker than water, and the bond between father and daughter is constantly cut. "
She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

Of course, there are also some voices of reason:

"It's not black and white. Jackie Chan, Wu Qili and Wu Zhuolin all have their own problems and difficulties. Hopefully, they will be able to put aside their preconceptions and communicate openly and honestly. "In any case, I hope Wu Zhuolin can live strongly. There is still a long way to go in life, and I believe that she will be able to find her own happiness. "

These comments reflect the public's differing views on the matter, as well as the society's diverse understanding of family, responsibilities and individual choices.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

Write at the end

Looking back at the story of Wu Zhuolin, we see how a child who was hurt found himself in the face of adversity and stood up again. Her experience, like a mirror, reflects the dark side behind the entertainment industry, and also makes us rethink the meaning of family affection.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

As a father, has Jackie Chan fulfilled his responsibilities? Is Wu Qili's education method appropriate? Wu Zhuolin's choice is to resist or self-preservation? I am afraid there is no standard answer to these questions. But one thing is certain: everyone should be responsible for their own choices, while also respecting the choices of others.

Wu Zhuolin's story continues, and her struggle in a foreign country has just begun. We look forward to seeing her grow and transform in the future, and hope that she can find inner peace and happiness.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for you to think about: If you were Wu Zhuolin, how would you choose in the face of such a family and life? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

This story is not only about Wu Zhuolin's personal experience, but also reflects some of the common problems that exist in our society. For example, the growth plight of celebrities' children, the harm of domestic violence to children, the survival situation of the gay community, and so on. These questions are worth pondering for each of us.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

Wu Zhuolin's experience may give some inspiration and strength to those who are going through difficulties. She tells us in her own way: even if life has given you a thousand pounds of burden, you can still choose to stand up and go your own way.

At the same time, this story also gives us a warning: family affection is not taken for granted, it needs to be managed with care. No matter how successful and wealthy you are, if you neglect your family, especially your own children, then your success will also lose its most important meaning.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

For Jackie Chan, this may be an opportunity to re-examine his life. Money and fame are important, but should you put your body down and reconnect with your daughter? It takes courage as well as wisdom.

For us ordinary people, Wu Zhuolin's story reminds us to cherish the people around us and treat our families well. Because on the road of life, family members are often our most solid backing.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

In closing, I would like to say that everyone's life is unique. No matter what situation you find yourself in right now, don't give up hope easily. Just like Wu Zhuolin, even if life is difficult, you must be brave enough to chase your dreams. Because only you can decide how to write your life.

She is the daughter who was "abandoned" by Jackie Chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than imagined

The world isn't perfect, but each of us has a chance to make it better. Perhaps, Wu Zhuolin's story is the beginning.

It allows us to see another side of life and also makes us rethink a lot of questions. No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, I hope you can find your own revelation in this story. Because everyone's life deserves to be respected, understood, and cherished.

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