
Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

author:A small town girl, Ah Yue

One day in 1922, 15-year-old Huang Ningsu was standing outside the gallery, admiring a few paintings. When she was fascinated, suddenly a man appeared beside her, and Huang Ningsu looked at this man carefully.

I saw that he had a long beard, looked a bit of an artist, had a smile in his eyes, and was a little arrogant.

Before Huang Ningsu could speak, the man explained to a few paintings in front of him, and he explained it very professionally, and saw a lot of details that Huang Ningsu did not pay attention to, and she instantly believed that this man was definitely a professional painter.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

Sure enough, the two chatted while admiring the paintings, and soon talked about each other's identities, and the man said a name, which made Huang Ningsu excited.

It turned out that the man was the famous painter Zhang Daqian.

At the same time, he is also the idol of Xanthogenin.

The man he loves, but he already has a wife

At that time, Zhang Daqian was only 23 years old, young, handsome and charming, coupled with unparalleled talent, which fascinated countless girls.

also fascinated the flower girl xanthocin.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

Zhang Daqian is a native of Neijiang, Sichuan, and was born in a scholarly family. He was literate at the age of 5, could memorize poems at the age of 6, and began to learn painting at the age of 8.

Master Xu Beihong appreciated him very much.

Huang Ningsu also knew a little about Zhang Daqian's life experience, but she didn't expect that the other party would be such a gentle gentleman, and she always thought that he was arrogant and would not take himself seriously.

In fact, just this time, Zhang Daqian also fell in love with xantinin.

The two naturally began to date.

Although they are 8 years apart, they still have a common topic and have a good chat.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

The two talked about their life ideals from humanities and arts, and it can be said that they had an all-nighter and hated to see each other late.

Under the love of love, Zhang Daqian proposed to get married, but Huang Ningsu's family strongly objected. Why? It stands to reason that a man like Zhang Daqian, who is talented, famous, gentle, gentleman and modest, can't ask for it.

Because Zhang Daqian already has a wife.

Dare to love, which looks beautiful, as if it is destined by God, is actually an immoral love affair that violates secular ethics.

Huang Ningsu was trained by his parents and his face turned red.

That's right, how can I be in love with a married man? How is this possible?

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

Nominal first marriage

And Zhang Daqian, on his side, also went home to have a showdown with his wife.

Zhang Daqian's wife's name is Zeng Qingrong, and Zhang Daqian is still a bit close to each other, obviously such a marriage must have been arranged by his parents in his early years.

That's right, Zhang Daqian's parents saw that Qingrong was from a famous family, gentle and virtuous, knowledgeable, and good at the hall and kitchen, so they arranged this family affair for Zhang Daqian.

Zhang Daqian didn't have a bad impression of Zeng Qingrong, and he didn't want to fight his parents, so he agreed in a daze.

As a result, Zhang Daqian only felt restrained after marriage, he was naturally romantic, erotic, and it was really difficult to open up to a person he didn't love.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

So, Zhang Daqian and Zeng Qingrong began a stage of sharing a bed and dreaming.

Zhang Daqian often dreams back at midnight, thinking of his two unforgettable lovers, one of whom is his cousin Xie Shunhua, the two grew up together, and the other is a girl surnamed Ni.

It's just that these two have nothing to do with Zhang Daqian.

cousin Xie Shunhua died at the age of 20; Ni's accidental dementia.

Zhang Daqian sighed that his fate was changeable, so he was a little disheartened about love, thinking that his destiny would be difficult to disobey, so he could find someone to marry.

During this time, Zhang Daqian came into contact with Buddhism, and decided not to marry in this life and cut off the worldly red dust. There is also a legal name of "Daqian", and since then "Zhang Daqian" has existed in this world.

Three months later, the romantic and amorous Zhang Daqian returned to vulgarity.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

Marry him at all costs

As soon as his parents saw it, they arranged this marriage for Zhang Daqian, hoping that their son Zhang Daqian could have a good home.

It's a pity that Zeng Qingrong is not Zhang Daqian's destination, and after getting married, Zhang Daqian is very cold to Zeng Qingrong and doesn't talk to his wife. It can be seen how sad Zeng Qingrong was at that time.

Later, when Zhang Daqian met Huang Ningsu, he showed a long-lost smile.

It is rare to see her husband comfortable, Zeng Qingrong also stretched her brows, as long as he can be happy, everything is fine. So, when Zhang Daqian said what was in his heart and said that he wanted to marry Huang Ningsu, Zeng Qingrong just smiled indifferently.

In 1922, Huang Ningsu married Zhang Daqian despite the opposition of his parents.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

The parents were really helpless, so they said to Huang Ningsu, I don't care why you want to marry him, but it is really inappropriate to marry him as a concubine, you are the daughter of Huanghua.

But Huang Ningsu couldn't manage so much at all, and the two entered the marriage hall like this.

Although their lives are not rich, they are very happy. The two of them just painted in a dilapidated house, and they could not go out for a day, fantasizing about everything.

If the marriage is like this, it is happy, as the saying goes, only envy the mandarin duck and not the immortal. With someone who loves you by your side, what kind of life will you live?

But neither of the young nor the two thought that marriage is to live, and falling in love is romantic.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

From a young girl to a yellow-faced woman

After marrying Zhang Daqian, Huang Ningsu found out that not only did his parents disagree with them being together, but in fact, Zhang Daqian's parents didn't agree either, so after Huang Ningsu got married, he didn't give her a good look.

Huang Ningsu himself is not very mature, he is already in his teens, and he is not suitable to be a wife at all, so he is not doing well. Naturally, I didn't get good words from my husband's family.

Don't look at Huang Ningsu's young age, but he knows very well in his heart that if he wants to get out of this situation, there is only one way, which is to give Zhang Daqian a child, because Zeng Qingrong did not give birth to Zhang Daqian before, so this has become Huang Ningsu's only wish.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

For this goal, Huang Ningsu has worked hard for more than ten years, from the age of teenagers to prepare for pregnancy, to the twenties, Huang Ningsu's lifelong career has become to give birth.

The hard work paid off, Huang Ningsu gave birth to eight children, but she also became a yellow-faced woman from a young girl.

is only in his twenties, just like a middle-aged woman, with loose skin and wrinkles, Zhang Daqian, who has always liked romance and beauty, naturally lost interest in xanthotinin.

So, in 1934, when Zhang Daqian was 35 years old, he married his third wife home.

This woman is almost a copy of Huang Ningsu, 17 years old, beautiful and beautiful, proficient in the skills of Jingyun drums, talented and good-looking, Zhang Daqian loves it very much.

Since then, this woman, like Huang Ningsu, was thrown aside by Zhang Daqian after she got old.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

Filed for divorce at the age of forty

In 1949, Zhang Daqian married his fourth wife, 18 years old, a rich daughter.

What's even worse is that she is still the best friend of Zhang Daqian and Huang Ningsu's daughter, which violates secular ethics and makes people speechless.

Does xantinin have any opinion on this? Of course there is no opinion, she has already thought clearly, the reincarnation of cause and effect, retribution is unpleasant, as long as she takes care of herself, so Huang Ningsu doesn't care about her married status, and is chic outside with other men. I don't know if Zhang Daqian knows?

In 1947, 40-year-old Huang Ningsu took the initiative to file for divorce.

Married Zhang Daqian at the age of 15, and gave birth to 8 children for him in 25 years, why did he resolutely divorce at the age of 40?

Zhang Daqian was immersed in the gentleness of his fourth wife at the time, and he didn't care about Huang Ningsu at all, so he agreed to the divorce.

In this way, Huang Ningsu left Zhang Daqian, didn't care about the eight children, and left with his beloved man.

Sometimes these celebrities' views on love and marriage are so joking, you think they talk about the mountains and the sea, they depict you and me, but they can't keep a lonely heart.

Love is sometimes more simple for us ordinary people.