
Rong Yiren's wife, Yang Jianqing, has been with her husband for nearly 70 years, and the secret of her long life


In China's modern history, there is such a couple, whose love story spans nearly 70 spring and autumn periods, and has experienced major historical periods such as war, founding of the People's Republic of China, reform and opening up. They are Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing. How did Yang Jianqing, a lady born in a scholarly family, become the virtuous helper of the famous Chinese industrialist and politician Rong Yiren? How did she always stick to her husband's side in the midst of ups and downs and tide over the difficulties together? How did he maintain his noble character and good living condition after the death of his husband, and finally died at the age of 96?

Rong Yiren's wife, Yang Jianqing, has been with her husband for nearly 70 years, and the secret of her long life

1. Childhood sweetheart: The encounter between the daughter of a famous family in Wuxi and the son of the Rong family

In December 1917, Yang Jianqing was born in a scholarly family in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Her father, Yang Ganqing, was a well-known local figure in Wuxi, and like Qin Xiaolu, an important member of the League, he had considerable influence in Wuxi. As a famous local family, the Yang family not only has a family history, but also is enthusiastic about public welfare, and enjoys a good reputation in Wuxi society.

Yang Jianqing received a good family education since he was a child, and not only read poetry and books, but also learned traditional talents such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She is gifted and intelligent, and has a generous manners, and is known as a "talented woman" in the local area. In the early 1930s, 13-year-old Yang Jianqing transferred from St. Mary's Girls' School in Shanghai to Wuxi Middle School. It was on the playground of this school that she and Rong Yiren had their first encounter in their lives.

It was a sunny afternoon, and 14-year-old Rong Yiren was walking in the school playground. He inadvertently caught a glimpse of Yang Jianqing, who was talking and laughing with his classmates, and was attracted by her slim figure and bright smile. At this moment, as if time stood still, Rong Yiren's gaze could not be taken away for a long time. This chance encounter planted the seeds of love in Rong Yiren's heart.

However, in those days, the parents were often in charge of marriage. As a well-known business family in Wuxi, the Rong family is naturally no exception. When Rong Yiren was 15 years old, his family began to look for a suitable partner for him. However, Rong Yiren always remembered that encounter on the playground and was not interested in the other girls introduced by his family.

Fate seems to favor the lovers. After Rong Yiren politely rejected the object introduced by his family many times, one day, a matchmaker came to visit with a girl's birthday. When Rong Yiren learned that this eight characters were Yang Jianqing's, he was ecstatic and immediately expressed his heart to his mother.

In 1932, with the approval of the two parents, 16-year-old Rong Yiren and 15-year-old Yang Jianqing entered into a marriage contract. Despite being engaged, the two did not abandon their studies. Rong Yiren was admitted to St. John's University in Shanghai, while Yang Jianqing continued his studies in Wuxi.

During this long-distance relationship, the two kept in touch through letters. Rong Yiren often poured out his thoughts about Yang Jianqing in his letters, and Yang Jianqing responded with gentle and graceful strokes. These youthful letters witnessed the gradual deepening of the relationship between the two.

In 1936, Rong Yiren was 20 years old and Yang Jianqing was 19 years old, and the two finally held a grand wedding. On the day of the wedding, Wuxi City was lit up with lights and guests in an endless stream. Yang Jianqing was dressed in a traditional red wedding dress, dignified and beautiful; Rong Yiren was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, handsome and straight. In the blessing of everyone, the two officially entered the palace of marriage.

After getting married, Yang Jianqing moved into the Rong family and started a new life. With her good upbringing and gentle character, she quickly won the love of the Rong family. At the same time, she also showed excellent housekeeping skills and took care of the Rong family's affairs in an orderly manner.

2. Go hand in hand: husband and wife face difficulties together

On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing faced a major life choice. In 1949, as the People's Liberation Army (PLA) approached Shanghai, many business friends and family members chose to leave. Yang Jianqing also asked someone to rent a house in Hong Kong to prepare for a possible move. However, after careful consideration, Rong Yiren decided to stay in Shanghai. This decision was undoubtedly risky, but Yang Jianqing chose to unconditionally support her husband's decision.

Rong Yiren's decision stems from his confidence in the future of New China and his recognition of his own value. He believes that as an industrialist, he has the responsibility to contribute his own strength to the construction of New China. Although Yang Jianqing also has concerns in her heart, she respects and supports her husband's choice. She canceled her rent in Hong Kong and remained firmly in Shanghai with her husband.

This decision brought unexpected development to the Rong family. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Rong Yiren won the trust of the new government with his business talents and patriotic feelings. He actively participated in the construction of the country, reorganized his enterprise into a public-private joint venture, and made an important contribution to the country's economic development. In this process, Yang Jianqing has always been Rong Yiren's strong backing, she not only takes care of the family, but also often accompanies her husband to attend various social occasions, showing everyone's beautiful demeanor.

Rong Yiren's wife, Yang Jianqing, has been with her husband for nearly 70 years, and the secret of her long life

In 1978, with the implementation of the reform and opening up policy, Rong Yiren was reactivated. He was appointed Vice Chairman of China International Trust and Investment Corporation and began a new career journey. At this important turning point, Yang Jianqing once again showed her wisdom as a virtuous helper.

She encouraged Rong Yiren to actively devote himself to the cause of reform and opening up, and also reminded him to be cautious and not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Yang Jianqing knows that every decision made by her husband may affect the fate of the entire family. Therefore, she often advises Rong Yiren when he makes important decisions and helps him weigh the pros and cons.

After Rong Yiren returned to work, Yang Jianqing was not idle. She actively participates in social activities and makes her own contribution to charity. She co-founded the Shanghai Women and Children's Welfare Foundation and worked to improve the living conditions of women and children.

In 1993, Rong Yiren was elected Vice President of the People's Republic of China. This is the pinnacle of his career and an affirmation of his life's work. At this important moment, Yang Jianqing still maintains a low-key and humble style. Instead of being arrogant because of her husband's high position, she was more cautious and cautious, always reminding herself and her family to cherish the hard-won opportunity and make more contributions to the country.

The experiences of Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing have witnessed the vicissitudes of modern Chinese history. From the families of wealthy businessmen during the Republic of China, to the public-private partnership after the founding of New China, to the difficult years of the Cultural Revolution, and finally to the re-emergence after the reform and opening up, their life trajectories are closely linked to the development of the country.

In these long years, Yang Jianqing has consistently supported her husband and faced the ups and downs of life with him. Her wisdom, courage and tenacity not only supported Rong Yiren through the low point of his life, but also made important contributions to his career success. Their story is not only a touching friendship between husband and wife, but also a precious record that witnesses the changes in modern Chinese history.

3. Virtuous help: the Rong family is a family member who convinces people with virtue

In Rong Yiren's political and business career, Yang Jianqing played an extremely important but unknown role. She is not only Rong Yiren's virtuous helper, but also the head of the Rong family, and has made great contributions to the prosperity of the Rong family and the success of Rong Yiren's career in her unique way.

As the head of the Rong family, Yang Jianqing's most significant feature is her low-key and humility. Despite Rong Yiren's high position, Yang Jianqing has always maintained a peaceful attitude towards life. She once said in private: "Although our family is in good condition, we can't forget the difficult years of the past. We must know how to be grateful and make more contributions to society. This unpretentious attitude not only affected the family style of the Rong family, but also won a good social reputation for Rong Yiren.

In family life, Yang Jianqing, with his delicate observation and wisdom, has become Rong Yiren's most trusted life consultant. In 1985, Rong Yiren was appointed vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. This is an important political position, and Rong Yiren faces many challenges. At this critical moment, Yang Jianqing gave her husband valuable advice. She reminded Rong Yiren to pay attention to listening to the voices of all parties and balancing the demands of different interest groups. These suggestions have played an important guiding role in Rong Yiren's work in his new position.

Yang Jianqing's role as a virtuous helper is not only reflected in her support for her husband, but also in her management of the entire Rong family. She knows that the rise and fall of a family depends not only on the ability of the family leader, but also on the unity and shared values of the entire family. To this end, she formulated a series of family rules and family mottos, requiring family members to abide by integrity, be diligent and thrifty, and be enthusiastic about public welfare.

Rong Yiren's wife, Yang Jianqing, has been with her husband for nearly 70 years, and the secret of her long life

In 1988, the Rong family held a family reunion. At this gathering, Yang Jianqing solemnly read out to the family members the family rules she had personally formulated. One of them is: "Whatever position a member of the family holds, be humble and not a bully." This family rule has had a profound impact on the Rong family and has become the standard for the children of the Rong family to behave in the world.

Yang Jianqing also attaches great importance to the family's educational inheritance. She insisted that her children receive a good education, and she also focused on moral education. She often leads her children to participate in various charity activities, so that they can cultivate a sense of social responsibility from an early age. Under her influence, the next generation of the Rong family has also become talents who contribute to society.

As the head of the Rong family, Yang Jianqing also shoulders the heavy responsibility of maintaining family relationships. As a big family, the Rong family will inevitably have some internal contradictions. Whenever this happens, Yang Jianqing always mediates with her unique wisdom and patience. The method she uses is not to force orders, but to convince people with reason and emotion. This flexible management method has always maintained a harmonious and united atmosphere for the Rong family.

In 1992, Rong Yiren was elected vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress. This position implies greater responsibility and more social occasions. At this time, Yang Jianqing's role was highlighted again. She not only has to take care of family affairs so that Rong Yiren has no worries, but also plays a decent role in various social situations. Her elegant and generous manners and decent speech have won a good social image for Rong Yiren.

Yang Jianqing also has a special "job", that is, to help Rong Yiren screen various social requests. As a high-ranking official, Rong Yiren receives a large number of letters and requests for help every day. Yang Jianqing will carefully read these letters, screen out the cases that really need help, and hand them over to Rong Yiren to deal with. This approach not only improves work efficiency, but also avoids some unnecessary troubles.

After Rong Yiren's death, Yang Jianqing still maintained his concern and participation in society. She continues to support various charitable causes and encourages family members to contribute to society. She often said: "Our family can not be where it is today without the support of the state and society. We should give back to the society. This spirit has also become the family style of the Rong family, influencing generations of Rong family children.

As the head of the Rong family, Yang Jianqing has made great contributions to the prosperity of the Rong family and the success of Rong Yiren's career in her unique way. Her wisdom, gentleness and tenacity not only shaped the Rong family's family ethos, but also set an example for China's political and business circles. Her story shows how a traditional Chinese woman can play an important role in modern society, contributing to the development of her family and country.

Fourth, the fragrance of peach and plum: cultivate a new generation of Rong family

In the life journey of Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing, nurturing the next generation has always been one of their most important responsibilities. As parents, they are well aware of the importance of education, and pay attention not only to their children's academics, but also to the cultivation of moral character. Their educational philosophy and methods have laid a solid foundation for the growth of the new generation of the Rong family.

The educational philosophy of the Rong family can be summarized as "having both ability and political integrity, and integrating knowledge and action". Both Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing believe that a person's success depends not only on talent, but more importantly, on morality. Therefore, in the education of their children, they place special emphasis on the cultivation of moral character.

In the early 1960s, Rong Zhijian, the eldest son of the Rong family, had just entered college. At a family gathering, Rong Yiren told his children: "Learning is important, but being a human being is even more important. You need to remember that whatever you do in the future, you must contribute to society. This sentence has become the motto for the growth of the children of the Rong family.

Rong Yiren's wife, Yang Jianqing, has been with her husband for nearly 70 years, and the secret of her long life

Yang Jianqing pays more attention to teaching his children by word and deed in daily life. She often leads her children to participate in various charity activities, so that they can cultivate a sense of social responsibility from an early age. In 1965, a severe flood occurred in Shanghai. Yang Jianqing took Rong Zhijian and Rong Zhirong, who were still in middle school, to participate in the disaster relief work. This experience made the young Rong family deeply realize the importance of serving the society.

In terms of academics, Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing adopted a strict but flexible education method. They encourage their children to choose a major based on their interests, but they are required to excel in their chosen field. Rong Zhijian chose engineering, Rong Zhirong chose economics, and the youngest daughter, Rong Kangning, chose medicine. No matter what major their children choose, Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing give them full support.

In 1966, the Cultural Revolution broke out, and the Rong family suffered a serious blow. Rong Yiren was sent to the countryside for labor reform, and his children were forced to interrupt their studies. However, even in such a difficult environment, Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing still did not give up on the education of their children. They encourage their children to take advantage of the opportunities of rural life, learn practical skills and learn about grassroots society.

Rong Zhijian once said when recalling those years: "Although we lost the formal learning opportunity, our parents taught us to learn from life. I learned a lot of practical skills in the countryside, and these experiences helped me a lot in my later career development. "

In 1978, with the implementation of the reform and opening up policy, the children of the Rong family regained the opportunity to study and work. Rong Zhijian entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University to study for a master's degree, and Rong Zhirong was sent to the United States to study. In the face of these new opportunities, Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing once again emphasized the importance of responsibility and contribution.

In 1980, Rong Zhirong returned from studying in the United States. At the welcome dinner, Rong Yiren said to his children: "You now have better learning opportunities, which is given by the state. You should cherish this opportunity and make your own contribution to the development of the country after completing your studies. These words deeply affected the new generation of the Rong family.

Under the education of Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing, the children of the Rong family have grown into talents who contribute to society. Rong Zhijian later became a famous entrepreneur and made important contributions to China's economic development. Rong Zhirong has made remarkable achievements in the financial field and participated in a number of important financial reforms. The youngest daughter, Rong Kangning, became a doctor and worked to improve medical conditions in China.

In addition to their own children, Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing also attach great importance to the education of their grandchildren. They believe that a good family culture needs to be passed down from generation to generation. In the 1990s, when the third generation of the Rong family began to grow up, Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing formulated a series of family rules, including: "No matter what the family background is, you must be diligent and thrifty, not extravagant and wasteful", "respect others, and do not bully others". These family rules have become a guide for the growth of the new generation of the Rong family.

Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing's educational philosophy not only influenced the Rong family, but also the people around them. They often share their educational experiences with their friends and encourage them to pay attention to the nurturing of the next generation. At a gathering of entrepreneurs, Rong Yiren said: "Our generation has a responsibility to nurture the next generation. Only by cultivating excellent successors can our business develop for a long time. "

With the development of the times, the education methods of the Rong family are also constantly adjusted. However, the core concept of "having both ability and political integrity, and integrating knowledge and action" has never changed. This educational concept has not only cultivated a group of outstanding Rong family children, but also provided a useful reference for the cultivation of talents in China.

In the later years of Rong Yiren and Yang Jianqing, their greatest satisfaction was to see that their children and grandchildren had become people who contributed to society. Their educational achievements are not only reflected in the career achievements of their children, but also in the good family style that the Rong family has always maintained. This family style has become the most valuable spiritual wealth of the Rong family, and it has also become a model of modern family education in China.

Rong Yiren's wife, Yang Jianqing, has been with her husband for nearly 70 years, and the secret of her long life

5. Centennial Glory: The historical inheritance and modern development of the Rong family

The history of the Rong family can be traced back to Ningbo at the end of the 19th century. From an ordinary merchant family to one of China's top family businesses, the Rong family's development has witnessed great changes in China's modern society. In this process, the Rong family has always adhered to its own family tradition, and at the same time kept pace with the times and adapted to the development needs of the new era.

The founder of the Rong family, Rong De, was born in 1862 into a merchant family in Ningbo. At the end of the 80s of the 19th century, the young Rong Desheng came to Shanghai and started his business career. He started as a small yarn mill, and with his diligence and business acumen, he gradually expanded his career to various fields such as textiles and finance. In 1901, Rong Desheng founded the first large-scale enterprise of the Rong family, Shenxin Yarn Factory, which marked the official entry of the Rong family into the stage of China's modern industry.

Rong Desheng is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also an industrialist with a sense of social responsibility. During the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, Rong Desheng actively supported the revolutionary cause and provided a large amount of financial support for Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary activities. This sense of patriotism and social responsibility has become an important tradition of the Rong family, influencing later generations of the Rong family.

In 1912, Rong Desheng's eldest son, Rong Zongjing, took over the family business. Under his leadership, the Rong family's business further expanded, becoming one of the largest national capital groups in China at that time. Adhering to his father's legacy, Rong Zongjing has not only achieved great success in business, but also actively participated in social welfare undertakings. In 1932, when there was a serious flood in Shanghai, Rong Zongjing took the lead in donating money and organizing disaster relief work, showing the sense of social responsibility of entrepreneurs.

In 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, the Rong family faced a major choice. As the third-generation head of the Rong family, Rong Yiren made the decision to stay in the mainland and continue to develop. This decision has a profound impact on the future of the Rong family. Under the new social system, Rong Yiren led the Rong family to adapt to the new economic environment, transformed the family business into a public-private joint venture, and made important contributions to the industrialization of New China.

In 1978, the implementation of the reform and opening up policy brought new development opportunities to the Rong family. Rong Yiren keenly seized this opportunity and actively participated in China's economic reform. In 1979, under the impetus of Rong Yiren, China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC Group) was established, which marked the beginning of a new stage of development for the Rong family.

In the 1980s, the fourth generation of the Rong family began to emerge. Rong Zhijian and Rong Zhirong have made remarkable achievements in the fields of industry and finance respectively. They combined the tradition of the Rong family with modern business management to promote the modern transformation of the family business. In 1987, under the leadership of Rong Zhijian, CITIC Pacific was listed in Hong Kong, marking the internationalization of the Rong family's business.

In the 21st century, the Rong family is facing new challenges and opportunities. In the context of globalization, Rongjia's business territory has been further expanded. In 2009, CITIC Group completed the acquisition of Australia's McClung Resources, one of the largest overseas acquisitions by a Chinese company at the time. This case demonstrates the strength and influence of the Rong family in the international business arena.

However, the Rong family has not forgotten its social responsibility. After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Rongjia's enterprises actively participated in disaster relief and reconstruction efforts. Rong Zhijian personally donated 50 million yuan for the reconstruction of the disaster area, showing the Rong family's consistent sense of social responsibility.

In the field of education, the Rong family has also made important contributions. In 2013, Rong Zhirong donated 100 million yuan to Shanghai Jiao Tong University to support the development of the school. This not only reflects the importance that the Rong family attaches to education, but also gives back to the society.

Rong Yiren's wife, Yang Jianqing, has been with her husband for nearly 70 years, and the secret of her long life

In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of its international status, the Rong family's career has also ushered in new development opportunities. The fifth generation of the Rong family has begun to gradually take over the family business, and they are also exploring new directions while carrying on the family tradition.

In the field of financial technology, the younger generation of the Rong family has shown an innovative spirit. In 2018, a fintech company invested by Rongjia was listed on the NASDAQ in the United States, marking the beginning of Rongjia's involvement in emerging industries. This innovative spirit echoes the Rong family's consistent enterprising spirit and shows the continuation of the family gene.