
Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

author:I'm a little golden carp

At the age of 17, Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted in the mixed team group match of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships held in Indonesia, and was sent to the hospital.

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

Once netizens said that the medical facilities in some countries in Southeast Asia are not good enough at the competition site, there is no professional rescue team, from Zhang Zhijie's body, we really see this, this rescue process, it is really not ordinary, and even the basic sudden death rescue heart Fusu is not clear, which eventually led to the tragedy.

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

Zhang Zhijie's game happened when he was the captain of the Japanese players, the two sides came and went in the game, and the audience kept cheering and cheering, the Japanese players suddenly exerted their strength, Zhang Zhijie's score was equalized by the opponent, that is, at this critical moment, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground, his body kept twitching, this scene stunned everyone present.

The crowd stopped cheering, the referee was stunned, and even the opponent stopped his movements and watched in amazement.

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

Many people don't know what's going on, the coach, the referee and the ambulance personnel at the scene didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and no one went to check what was going on, and when he fell to the ground in the 7th second, the suspected coach wanted to go to the arena to see Zhang Zhijie's situation, but was stopped by the referee at once, Zhang Zhijie was still conscious, raised his head, but never got up, and the coach also got off the field at this time.

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

However, their performance was a big surprise. At the moment when Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, medical personnel did not appear immediately at the scene, and even the most basic first aid measures did not appear.

The medical staff was also late, as if there was no first aid experience, but to do a simple examination, and then let two volunteers carry him to the stretcher, the whole process took 2 and a half minutes, for the sudden death, to use cardiopulmonary resuscitation, tremolometer, etc., this is a lot of sports equipment to prepare, but such a big event, there is no relevant equipment, and there are no decent rescuers.

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

The golden four minutes, delayed, will never be gone, the golden four minutes, delayed, the probability of people losing their lives is increasing.

In the end, Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and after the family got the news, they were full of grief, and his sister even posted a complaint on social media. My younger brother is only 17 years old, so young, so good, there is such a tragedy, the white-haired person sends the black-haired person, how can people bear it, as can be seen from the video, such medical conditions also hold large-scale events, how to ensure the health of athletes.

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

The occurrence of this tragedy has also aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. People have expressed regret over Zhang Zhijie's death, why are there no professional first responders at the scene? Why didn't we take effective first aid measures in time after discovering that a player had an abnormal situation? These are questions that need to be answered urgently.

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

In this regard, netizens left messages in the comment area to express their views and opinions.

Some netizens said: Cardiac first aid. The best prime time can't be missed. Minutes!

Some netizens said: I'm old, and I can't see these little brothers going all the way

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

Some netizens said: I watched the video, I fell down for a long time and no one passed, where did the coach and teammates go?

Some netizens said: Angry, watching the child fall to the ground and no one stepped forward to take measures, the young life passed away like this, so how can the mother live

Angry! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died suddenly on the field, his family cried and complained, and insiders exposed more details

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