
The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

author:Han Ximu

Square dancing is very popular among middle-aged and elderly people, everyone can communicate together, and they can also relieve loneliness. After dinner, everyone came to the square and danced happily with music. Not only can you exercise, but you can also relax.

However, sometimes, there will be some disputes and conflicts, such as the music is too noisy and disturbing people, and there may be emotional disputes. There was such an incident in Songyuan, Jilin, what is the situation?

The event passed

On June 30, a netizen posted an article breaking the news that Jilin Songyuan Internet celebrity Ergao was killed. The scene was also exposed, and the cause of the incident was also suspected to have been revealed, and this incident also attracted the attention of netizens, let us understand the cause and effect of the incident.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

According to the video shared by local netizens, in the afternoon of that day, Ergao was dancing in Matsubara Beduna Square, and there were many people watching him.

Because Ergao is also an Internet celebrity, there are many people who know him on the Internet and in the local area, he usually dresses up very exquisitely, and many aunts and sisters like to dance with her. In the local square, Ergao is also a little famous, and he often broadcasts live.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

On June 30th, Ergao, as usual, came to Beduna Square with his purse in his pocket, and began his chic square dance again.

At this moment, a bald man suddenly rushed behind Ergao, he had a knife in his hand, and was about to stab Ergao in the thigh.

Before the second high could react, he just glanced back, and he didn't have time to dodge at all.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

The bald man cursed something, he probably just wanted to scare Ergao, and the knife in his hand did not stab at other parts, but stabbed Ergao in the thigh.

Ergao was a little surprised, and he wanted to use his hand to pull away from the bald man, but it was too late, the man entangled Ergao and stabbed the knife into Ergao's thigh.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

At that time, Ergao felt numb in his thigh, and the knife had been pierced in his thigh. The bald man still didn't give up, chasing Ergao and scolding him.

Other onlookers thought it was a joke between the two, because the square was very lively, and Ergao also danced often, and everyone didn't notice that Ergao was already in danger, and his thigh was pierced.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

After a few seconds, Ergao felt that something was wrong, and he fell to the ground unsteadily, and the knife was still on his thigh. The bald man also scolded Ergao, and he didn't realize that the matter was getting bigger, just because the bald man stabbed Ergao's thigh, which would cause him an accident.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

What's too much is that after Ergao fell to the ground, he begged for mercy while dodging the attack of the flashing man.

The bald man pulled out the knife with a two-high thigh and stabbed it several times in a row, showing no mercy in his hand.

I don't know why, there were a lot of onlookers at the scene, everyone looked at everything that happened in front of them, and no one went to help.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

After a while, Ergao had lost consciousness and was lying motionless on the ground. The police also quickly came to the scene to maintain order, and the bald man has also been arrested.

At this time, Ergao was still holding his bag in his hand, and his eyes were not closed, this happened so suddenly, he never dreamed that this kind of thing would happen one day.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

At that time, Ergao also thought that the bald man didn't dare to make a move, and he didn't pay attention to continuing to dance, thinking that the bald man was just scaring him, but he didn't expect to be provoked. The bald man was also a little scared, and at first stabbed Ergao's leg with a knife, but stabbed the main artery.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

In the end, Ergao was covered with a white cloth and lay on the square, which was unbearable.

Insiders revealed the secrets

According to netizens at the scene, the second high school died on the spot, as for the cause of the incident. It was suspected that Ergao was dancing with a female dance partner, so that the woman's husband saw it and thought that Ergao had a bad relationship with his daughter-in-law, so he angrily came to Ergao with a knife.

The bald man couldn't help but say, and without listening to the explanation, he stabbed someone with a knife and pierced the major artery on the thigh of the second high, and he didn't have time to save it.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

There are also relatives of Ergao who posted that Ergao often broadcasts live in Songyuan Beduna Square, and he usually likes to drink and go dancing when he has nothing to do.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Er Gao was stabbed to death by a bald man, and the people watching the excitement in the square were very indifferent, and few people went to save him.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

Some local netizens commented that Ergao danced with the bald man's daughter-in-law, and may have developed feelings, and he wanted to divorce the bald man when he went home.

The sixty-year-old bald man was furious all of a sudden, so he carried a knife to find Ergao, and the result was that this incident happened, destroying two families at once.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

Second, the high identity is exposed

It is understood that Ergao is an Internet celebrity on the Internet, and he broadcasts live on other platforms and has many fans.

Because Ergao usually likes to dress up, and he especially likes to clip his bag on his arm, Ergao, who is tall and handsome, was called Brother Bag by netizens.

Brother Jia Bao is also very famous in the local area, many aunts and sisters in the square know him, he has a cheerful personality, dances well, and never lacks dance partners.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

On the square is the stage of Ergao, because there are many people here, he is holding a bag, wearing glasses, and dressed chicly, which can always attract everyone's attention.

Such a person is indeed very popular in the square, can dance, and is handsome. However, it is easy to misunderstand when there are too many female companions, which is the case with the second high, and as a result, he put himself in.

The picture of the killing of Brother Bao by the Internet celebrity was exposed, and he was suspected of dancing with his female companion, and the family spoke out and the insider revealed the secret

Conclusion: There has been no local response to this incident, and the specific situation is subject to the official report. The above content comes from the relatives of the parties, as well as local netizens who broke the news and other information. The content is objective and the facts are clear, and we ask everyone to look at this matter rationally.