
Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

author:Open your eyes to the world

Huawei HiSilicon's counterattack

At a critical moment in the reshaping of the global semiconductor landscape, Huawei HiSilicon is advancing its rise step by step. Whether this Chinese semiconductor leader can catch up, completely get rid of external pressure, and eventually become the industry hegemon has attracted much attention.

The ambition to swallow mountains and rivers

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

In May 2019, the U.S. government added Huawei to the Entity List and imposed a total blockade on it. In the face of this sweeping wave, Huawei is not afraid. Instead, they made a crucial decision – to fight to the end. In this up-and-down battle, Huawei HiSilicon played a crucial role.

From He Tingbo's passionate internal letter, we can get a glimpse of Huawei HiSilicon's determination. They vowed to create a "new world of intelligent interconnection", vowed to achieve technological self-reliance, and vowed to straighten their backs and forge ahead on the steep road. This is exactly the spirit of a company full of fighting spirit and courage.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

Once upon a time, Huawei HiSilicon was just an obscure chip design company. But today, they have grown into a force to be reckoned with in the ICT industry, catching up with and even surpassing industry giants on all fronts. Their goal is no longer satisfied with dominating a certain segment, but to become a "chip king" in the true sense.

"Manchu and Han full seats" swept the industry

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

In the face of Apple, Qualcomm and other opponents, Huawei HiSilicon undoubtedly has the advantage. This is due to their all-round offensive in the layout of the product line.

From communication to smart terminals, from automotive-grade MCUs to home appliance MCUs to analog chips, Huawei HiSilicon is a true "chip powerhouse". In contrast, competitors such as Qualcomm and MediaTek appear slightly singular and limited.

The strength of Huawei HiSilicon is also reflected in their comprehensive control over the industry chain. From chip design to manufacturing, from operating systems to application ecology, they have single-handedly covered the sky and opened up the entire industrial chain of integrated circuits. This allows them to resist external pressures, be autonomous and controllable, and lay a solid foundation for future development.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

In terms of key technological breakthroughs, Huawei HiSilicon is not lagging behind. The research and development of Tiangang chips has made them far ahead in the field of 5G and 6G communications, almost crushing their peers. The advent of Shengteng AI chips also allows them to compete with NVIDIA's monopoly in the field of AI computing. It can be said that Huawei HiSilicon is amazing the audience with a series of "trump cards".

As long as this momentum can be maintained, Huawei HiSilicon is expected to become the "hegemon" of the entire semiconductor industry. Apple, Qualcomm and other opponents, I am afraid it will be difficult to take advantage of the future competition.

Behind the counterattack attempt

The reason why Huawei HiSilicon dares to compete with global giants in such a high-profile manner is largely due to the tilt of the national strategy.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

In recent years, under the status of "the important instrument of the country", the integrated circuit industry has always been the object of national key support. From policies and regulations to capital investment, the Chinese government is making every effort to promote independent innovation in this field. With this powerful policy "escort", HiSilicon was able to rise rapidly at a critical moment.

What's even more exciting is that Huawei HiSilicon is cultivating a new "national team" for the domestic chip industry. They are using their technological advantages and industrial influence to drive the take-off of local companies such as ZTE and China TSMC. Through this "pull effect", the overall strength of China's chip industry is constantly increasing.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

It can be said that Huawei HiSilicon is giving full play to its role as a "vanguard" and making unremitting efforts to achieve the strategic goal of independent and controllable semiconductors in China. This is not only about Huawei's own survival and development, but also about the security and stability of the entire national industrial system.

The road to counterattack can be expected in the future

Looking to the future, we have reason to believe that Huawei HiSilicon's counterattack will be prosperous.

They have strong financial strength and technical reserves. With their continued investment over the past few years alone, they have made significant breakthroughs in many key areas. With the continuous increase in R&D investment, they will surely achieve a comprehensive leadership in chip performance and power consumption.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

They are actively expanding their product line to fill the gap in the industry. From high-performance computing chips to automotive chips to industrial control chips, Huawei HiSilicon is expanding its influence bit by bit. This strategic layout will surely bring more significant opportunities to them.

They have strong industrial chain integration capabilities. Relying on the resource advantages of Huawei Group, HiSilicon is gradually building a complete "core + operating system + application ecosystem" system. This provides them with a strong guarantee to win the market and customers.

As long as they can continue to maintain their determination and execution to win, Huawei HiSilicon will become the "champion" of the global semiconductor industry in the near future. At that time, Apple, Qualcomm and other former overlords may only be able to look up to this upstart from the East.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

People are eagerly looking forward to this "chip army" from China being able to write an exciting new chapter in the global semiconductor landscape.

Huawei HiSilicon's counterattack

With the advancement of Huawei HiSilicon, the global semiconductor landscape is undergoing profound changes. This "chip iron army" from China is no longer satisfied with leading in a certain segment, but is determined to become the absolute master of the industry.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

Create an independent and controllable industrial chain

For Huawei HiSilicon, the biggest advantage is that they have built a complete "core + operating system + application ecosystem" system. This not only enables them to resist external pressures, but also lays a solid foundation for their future development.

In the chip manufacturing process, Huawei HiSilicon has achieved independent control. They have not only established close cooperation with TSMC, but are also actively cultivating their own chip foundry capabilities. With the gradual breakthrough of this capacity bottleneck, Huawei HiSilicon will have stronger resource allocation capabilities to take the initiative in the fierce market competition.

In terms of operating systems, Huawei's self-developed HarmonyOS is rapidly being popularized. This not only provides HiSilicon chips with a high-quality software platform, but is also expected to swallow up the market share of the Android camp in the future. It can be said that Huawei is building a new "core-software-ecosystem" system, which will greatly enhance its overall competitiveness.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

At the same time, Huawei has also leveraged its brand and channel advantages to take the lead in building an application ecosystem. From smartphones to smart homes, from in-vehicle systems to industrial control devices, Huawei has become an indispensable key player. This control of the entire industry chain will undoubtedly further strengthen HiSilicon's leading position in various market segments.

It can be said that Huawei HiSilicon is building an insurmountable "moat" through its independent and controllable industrial chain layout. This not only enables them to better withstand external pressures, but also lays a solid foundation for their future take-off.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

All-out offense, unstoppable

With the support of a solid industrial chain foundation, Huawei HiSilicon is launching a comprehensive attack on a broader market territory.

In the field of smart devices, HiSilicon chips have dominated Huawei's mobile phones and tablets, and are gradually penetrating into other brands. With the continuous launch of the Kirin 9000 series and new products with higher performance, HiSilicon is expected to further compress the market space of competitors such as Qualcomm and MediaTek.

In the field of new energy vehicles, HiSilicon is also aiming at this 100-billion-level "blue ocean". With their advantages in automotive-grade chips and AI chips, they are quickly cutting into the supply chain system of vehicle manufacturers. In the next few years, HiSilicon is expected to become the "chip overlord" on this track.

At the same time, in industrial control, security monitoring and other subdivisions, HiSilicon is also setting off a storm of "China Chip". They are leveraging their leadership in MCUs and MPUs to fully penetrate the supply chain of upstream equipment manufacturers. It is believed that in the near future, HiSilicon will occupy a dominant position in these fields.

It can be said that Huawei HiSilicon is currently on the offensive in an all-round way. Whether it is smart phones, automotive electronics or industrial control equipment, they are striving to become the absolute "chip overlord". This kind of offensive will undoubtedly further accelerate the reshaping of the global semiconductor industry pattern.

Huawei HiSilicon asks to fight for the country~ Huawei, which has been strangled by the Western Emperor for 5 years, is the second of the 5 golden flowers blooming!

We have reason to believe that Huawei HiSilicon's counterattack will continue to make great progress.

In terms of technological innovation, they will maintain continuous investment and breakthroughs. With the maturity of advanced processes such as DUV and EUV, as well as the continuous optimization of Shengteng AI chips, Huawei HiSilicon will have stronger product competitiveness. At that time, it will be difficult for Apple, Qualcomm and other old powerhouses to fight against this "chip tiger" from China.

In terms of industrial chain integration, they will also be more and more outstanding. With the further improvement of the HarmonyOS ecosystem and the in-depth cultivation of the vehicle and industrial control fields, HiSilicon will become an indispensable key link. This synergistic advantage of "core-soft-hard" will inject strong impetus into its future development.

In terms of policy support, the state's strong support for the integrated circuit industry will also benefit Huawei HiSilicon. With the introduction of a series of supportive policies, they will have more abundant funds and resources to support their own take-off.

Overall, Huawei HiSilicon is in a period of rare strategic opportunities. As long as they continue to maintain their determination and execution to win, I believe that in the near future, this "chip iron army" from China will occupy a supreme position in the global semiconductor industry.