
"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

author:A thousand people have zero faces

In the bright starry sky of Chinese radio and television, the light of every host shines after countless trials and trainings.

In this glamorous arena, the rise of a post-80s female host has caused widespread discussion and controversy.

Not only did she accidentally "kick away" the senior host Dong Qing in a large-scale live event, but she was also blamed by the audience for making mistakes in many subsequent programs.

This hostess is still being reused by CCTV, is this a fluke or does she have unknown advantages?

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

The hostess is named Li Ting (pseudonym), and her appearance is always accompanied by controversy and applause.

In that iconic live broadcast, Li Ting replaced the original host Dong Qing on a temporary basis, although her performance was slightly rusty, and even made a few obvious mistakes, but her composure and on-the-spot adaptability unexpectedly won the recognition of some viewers.

Since then, despite the constant criticism of her on the Internet, CCTV has always seemed to give her more opportunities and challenges, making her career move forward amid constant controversy.

Behind Li Ting is CCTV's in-depth excavation and cultivation of her unique value.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

It is understood that she not only has solid foreign language skills, but also has served as a behind-the-scenes translator and coordinator in many large-scale international events, showing high professionalism and work efficiency.

Her calmness and tact in dealing with emergencies have also earned her the unofficial title of "crisis management expert" within CCTV.

These professional skills, which seem to be ignored by the audience, are precisely an important reason for CCTV to continue to reuse her.

Li Ting is also constantly seeking breakthroughs on the road of personal growth.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

In the public eye, she may have been criticized for several mistakes, but within CCTV, she has earned the respect of many senior colleagues for her humble learning attitude and high enthusiasm for her work.

This kind of spirit and effort that is silently put in behind the scenes is often invisible to the outside world.

CCTV's concept of talent emphasizes the cultivation of comprehensive ability and potential, not just the glamorous momentary on the stage.

In Li Ting's career, every mistake seems to have become a stepping stone for her growth.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

It is these experiences that have shaped her unique charm and profound heritage as a host, and also allowed her to occupy a place in the CCTV family.

Despite the complexity of the outside world, this in-depth cooperative relationship between Li Ting and CCTV is obviously based on mutual recognition and value exchange.

Taking over the baton from Dong Qing: the new stress test

When this post-80s hostess stepped on the huge stage left by Dong Qing, she not only inherited a high-rated program, but also carried the strict expectations and deep doubts of countless audiences.

Dong Qing, as an iconic TV character, her every smile, every word, and even her standing posture and walking rhythm are regarded as a classic template by the audience.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

Every little gesture and tone of the new host seems to be under a magnifying glass, and her every little mistake could be put in the spotlight and become a hot topic on social media and coffee machines.

For her, this is not only a professional relay race, but also an invisible battle of public opinion.

In the early days of the show, she walked on thin ice, as if walking on a tightrope.

Despite her solid professional background and exceptional talent, almost every live stream was challenging under this unprecedented pressure.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

A slightly careless impromptu speech and a small technical mistake in the program were all magnified and interpreted, and even triggered ruthless criticism and ridicule from the audience and the media.

This extreme public opinion reaction showed a clear differentiation: some viewers continued to miss Dong Qing's classic style and depth, while another part of the audience expressed optimistic support for the freshness and changes brought by the new host.

Such a public opinion environment has undoubtedly brought great challenges and uncertainties to her career.

Faced with such a dilemma, she did not choose to retreat or give up, but chose to face the challenge, and through continuous learning and self-adjustment, she began to try to inject her own style and concept into the show.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

She no longer tries to replicate every classic moment of Dong Qing, but begins to find a unique connection point between herself and the audience.

She has gradually shown her personality and charm in the show, such as by increasing interaction with the audience, using language and expressions that are more relevant to younger audiences, and introducing new program sessions to attract a wider audience.

Over time, her efforts began to bear fruit.

Although she encountered many boycotts and criticisms at first, her sincerity and hard work gradually won the recognition and support of a part of the audience.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

More importantly, through her unremitting efforts, she began to gradually dissolve the public's prejudices, so that more and more audiences began to accept and appreciate her differences.

Her persistence not only shows her personal professionalism and spiritual outlook, but also gradually helps the audience realize that every host should have their own unique style and light, rather than living in the shadow of their predecessors forever.

The story of this new presenter is not only a story of professional growth and personal challenges, but also a story of how to find yourself under pressure and expectations and create new possibilities.

Overcoming setbacks: from mistakes to improvements

In the early stages of the presenter's career, frequent mistakes and criticism became almost the norm.

Every time she walks on the stage, her heart will inevitably spring up with the previous gaffe and the disappointed eyes of the audience.

These setbacks did not make her choose to give up, but instead served as a catalyst for her to improve her skills.

She began to delve into every mistake, not only digging into the root cause of the problem, but also trying to learn from it and gradually improve her performance.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

Her transformation began with the study of ancient poetry.

Ancient poems not only enriched her language expression and cultural heritage, but more importantly, these thousand-year-old wisdom taught her how to remain calm and calm under pressure.

By reciting these poems, she not only improved her memory, but also learned how to express the content of the program in a more vivid and interesting way, making it more engaging to the audience.

She also began to delve into the background information of each show to make sure she knew every detail of the show so that she could be more comfortable hosting.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

This relentless effort and self-improvement gradually manifested itself in her performance, where the mistakes that had once been frequent began to diminish, and her expression became more fluent and confident.

The audience began to notice her change, from initial skepticism and dissatisfaction, to appreciation and anticipation.

Her story not only showcases personal growth, but also inspires many peers and viewers, proving that through continuous learning and self-challenge, everyone can go above and beyond to achieve their potential.

This continuous effort and change has not only enabled her to gain a firm foothold in her career, but also won her more opportunities and challenges.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

Find a unique voice: an innovative hosting style

In the dazzling glow of television, the profession of a presenter is often seen as a glamorous label, but finding your place in this high-pressure and competitive environment is no easy feat.

For the presenter, her professional journey has been a series of constant temptations and self-breakthroughs.

Early in her career, she followed the prevailing pattern in the television industry, performing standardized questioning and interaction.

As time went on, she began to feel that this way was limiting her personality and creativity, and she decided that a change was needed.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

She began to explore her hosting style by enhancing her interaction with the contestants.

It's not just a Q&A, it's an emotional exchange and a capture of real reactions.

She tries to set up more open-ended questions in the show to encourage contestants to share more personal stories and emotional experiences.

This change makes the show instantly full of freshness and depth, and the contestants' answers are no longer preset templates, but full of personality and authenticity.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

Viewers are starting to see a different screen image – a more human, resonant presenter.

Traditional viewers and some of the program's production staff have reservations about this non-traditional way of hosting.

They worry that this style may cause the show to lose its traditional audience or become too casual.

The presenter faces a major career decision: whether to continue with the pursuit of personalization and innovation, or to return to a safer, more widely accepted model.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

After a fierce inner struggle and practical adjustments, she stuck to her style, which turned out to be not only loved by younger audiences, but also gradually embraced by a wider audience.

This unique hosting style not only refreshed her career, but also provided a new perspective on the production of TV shows.

Through this example, we see the importance of finding a balance between tradition and innovation, and the profound impact of personalized expression on the media industry.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

Finally recognized: from controversy to praise

It is often said that the road of a public figure is always full of bumps, and for this host, the road is undoubtedly full of challenges and controversies.

Her performance in the Spring Festival Gala and other important programs was not satisfactory, and she was often criticized by the audience and peers for wrong lines and inaccurate timing.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

These early mistakes not only put her at a low point in her career, but also made her the focus of public opinion and subjected to huge psychological pressure.

It was under these criticisms and pressures that she did not choose to retreat, but chose to face and reinvent herself.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

She began to be strict with herself, starting to improve from every small detail, whether it is the familiarity of the lines, the ability to adapt to the scene, or the in-depth understanding of the content of the show.

She even attends facilitator training courses in her free time to improve her professional skills.

What's more, she learned to learn from every failure and turn audience feedback and criticism into motivation to move forward.

Over time, the presenter's changes began to pay off.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

In the following Spring Festival Gala programs, she won the applause of the audience with her more confident and skilled performance.

Her transformation is not only reflected in the improvement of her skills, but also in how she feels the connotation of the show and transmits positive energy with her heart.

Her success was not achieved overnight, but through unremitting efforts and continuous improvement, she gradually established a new image in the hearts of the public, from a newcomer who often makes mistakes, to a professional host who is loved and respected by the audience.

"Kicked out" Dong Qing, who was praised by CCTV for making repeated mistakes, what is the outstanding ability of this post-80s female hostess

The process of this transformation is full of hardships and glories, how she found herself in the continuous public and internal criticism, and how she finally won wide recognition through continuous efforts and self-transcendence, all of which are not only her personal efforts, but also the result of her infinite love and persistence in the art of hosting.