
The man went to greet his relatives, and on the way he rescued the mandrill, and the woman said that it would hurt you sooner or later

author:Click, click, tick

Today, let's talk about this, a young man from the Northeast accidentally rescued a fallen mandrill on the way to greet his relatives, and as a result, he attracted a series of strange things. In our area, there is a big mountain, called Maoshan Mountain, towering into the clouds, and there are many fairies and monsters living in it. In Taoyuan Village at the foot of the mountain, there is a young man named Li Tiezhu, who is strong and has a very good heart. On this day, he was wearing a red wedding dress, with a big red flower pinned to his chest, riding a high-headed horse, to pick up Wang Xiuying, a girl from a neighboring village. That girl is a well-known beauty, she looks like a flower, and she is also gentle and virtuous.

Li Tiezhu was so happy in his heart that he couldn't close his mouth. The welcoming team played and sang, and it was very lively. He rode at the front, and was thinking about how to talk to the bride, when suddenly the horse neighed and almost knocked him down. When I looked closely, it turned out to be a small mandrill lying on the road, covered in blood. This mandrill is about the same as a monkey, but it is large, with a red coat and clever eyes. Li Tiezhu was soft-hearted, and he couldn't see this little thing being offended, so he quickly got off the horse to see what was going on. At first glance, there was a big hole in the mandrill's leg, and the blood was flowing profusely, and it was so painful that it snorted. He didn't say anything, but took out his handkerchief, tore it into strips, bandaged the mandrill, picked some herbs, chewed them and put them on. Xiao Xiaoxiao was in tears, but looking at Li Tiezhu, his eyes were full of gratitude.

After bandaging, Li Tiezhu patted the mandrill on the head and said, "Little guy, it's not safe here, I'll send you back to the mountains." After saying that, he picked up the mandrill and walked into the mountain. When the wedding greeting team saw that the groom was gone, they were in a hurry. In the end, a few people had to be left to help, and the others continued to rush to the bride's house. Li Tiezhu sent the mandrill to the mountain, found a hidden place to put it down, and told it to take care of its injuries and stop running around. The mandrill seemed to understand, nodded, and limped into the woods. Li Tiezhu rushed back with confidence, thinking that the bride must be in a hurry.

The man went to greet his relatives, and on the way he rescued the mandrill, and the woman said that it would hurt you sooner or later

He trotted all the way back to the village, and the greeting party had returned, and the bride had also received it. Li Tiezhu hurriedly stepped forward to explain, saying that he had encountered something on the road and was delayed. The bride, Wang Xiuying, was very generous and said, "Brother Tiezhu, it's good that you come back safely, let's hurry up and get married." So, under the witness of the villagers, the two worshipped heaven and earth and became husband and wife. In the evening, Li Tiezhu and Wang Xiuying held a grand wedding, and the whole village came to join in the fun, and the scene was really lively. Oh, the wedding was going on, and all of a sudden, a woman dressed like a raven broke in. Her face was as white as paper, her eyes were cold, and as soon as she entered the door, she pointed at Li Tiezhu and shouted: "You! The mandrill you saved will get you into trouble sooner or later! As soon as these words came out, the whole field exploded. Li Tiezhu was also stunned, and wondered in his heart: Who is this woman? How do you know about my rescue of mandrills? He was about to open his mouth to ask, but the woman had already turned and disappeared into the night.

As soon as the wedding ended, Li Tiezhu told Wang Xiuying about it. Wang Xiuying, this girl is very smart, and when she heard it, she frowned: "Brother Tiezhu, this woman is unknown, and her speech is strange." Although the mandrill is human, it is an animal after all, so how can it harm people? Still, let's be careful. Li Tiezhu nodded and said, "Xiuying is right, we have to keep an eye on it in the future." ”

But how did they know that this little mandrill had really caused them trouble...... Since then, Li Tiezhu has been very careful when he goes out. Wang Xiuying also reminded him from time to time, don't be careless. The two of them lived in fear, but the mandrill was like a shadow, dangling in their lives from time to time.

The man went to greet his relatives, and on the way he rescued the mandrill, and the woman said that it would hurt you sooner or later

One day, Li Tiezhu went up the mountain to chop firewood, and he met the little mandrill. The little mandrill was healed, his fur was oily and slippery, and he was in good spirits. As soon as he saw Li Tiezhu, he rushed over and hugged his legs, as if he had seen a relative. Li Tiezhu felt awkward in his heart, a big man, he was embarrassed to be held by such a small thing. But he also understood that the mandrill was grateful to him for saving it. He sighed, touched the mandrill's head, and said, "Little one, how do you remember this?" I forgot. When the little mandrill listened, he blinked his eyes, as if he understood, and rubbed it into his arms again.

Li Tiezhu looked at this little mandrill, and began to beat the drum in his heart. He remembered the words of the woman in black, and his heart was a little hairy. But he was a bold and careful man, and decided to test the mandrill first. He gathered a few young people from the village to discuss how to deal with the mandrill. Some say catch with a net, others beat with a stick. But Li Tiezhu shook his head, he said: "This mandrill is human, we can't treat it like this." We'll have to figure out a way to let it go on its own. When everyone heard it, they all thought it made sense. So, they started figuring it out. In the end, Li Tiezhu thought of a trick, he said: "Let's find a place in the mountains, build a small nest for it, put some food and drink, and let it live there by itself." "When it gets used to it, it won't come back to bother us." When everyone heard it, they all thought that this trick was quite reliable. Just do it, and within a few days I found a picturesque place in the mountains and built a hut for the mandrill. The mandrill also seemed to understand their kindness, and ran there every day, and slowly stopped troublesome with Li Tiezhu. This matter seems to be in the past, but the words of the woman in black are like thorns in the hearts of Li Tiezhu and Wang Xiuying. The two of them always felt that this matter was not so simple, and they had to find an opportunity to find out.

One night, the couple couldn't fall asleep while lying in bed, so they began to think about it. Wang Xiuying said: "Brother Tiezhu, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this matter has nothing to do with Maoshan. That mandrill is a spirit on Maoshan Mountain, maybe there is some secret we don't know. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he felt quite reasonable. He said, "Then let's go up the mountain and explore to see if we can find some clues." So, the couple took advantage of the night to quietly go up to Maoshan Mountain. They were cautious all the way, for fear of alarming something.

The man went to greet his relatives, and on the way he rescued the mandrill, and the woman said that it would hurt you sooner or later

But just as they were about to climb to the top of the mountain, they suddenly heard a strange noise. The voice was so piercing that it made people's hearts furrile when they heard it. The couple looked at each other, and both saw fear in each other's eyes. They clasped hands tightly and mustered up the courage to move on. After a while, they saw a miraculous sight - the little mandrill, standing on a large rock, with its eyes closed and its mouth chanting. It emits a faint glow and looks like a god. The husband and wife were stupid, they didn't expect this mandrill to have this ability.

At that moment, the mandrill suddenly opened its eyes and saw them. Its eyes immediately became fierce and pounced on them. The couple was so frightened that they turned around and ran. They shouted for help as they ran, but in this deep mountain and old forest, how could anyone come to save them? Just as they were about to be overtaken by the mandrill, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky and covered the mandrill. The couple stopped and saw an old man with a white beard standing in front of them. The old man was wearing a Taoist robe and holding a whisk in his hand, and at first glance he was a master of Taoism. He looked at the couple and then at the mandrill covered by the golden light, sighed and said, "Alas, this is all destined by heaven. When the couple heard this, they were so anxious that they couldn't do it. They hurriedly approached the old man to find out what was going on. The old man told them all the ins and outs of the matter-it turned out that this mandrill was a monster on Maoshan Mountain, and because of improper cultivation, he went mad. In order to cultivate to become an immortal, it does evil everywhere and absorbs the essence of living beings. And Li Tiezhu saved its life at the beginning, and the monster remembered it in his heart and wanted to repay it. 1345789 Oh, this thing is neat, it's really not covered. The eldest sister in black, let's say, she is actually a Taoist aunt who cultivates in the mountains, and when she sees that demon is doing a lot of evil, she wants to teach her a lesson. But her little Taoism, compared to the demons, is simply trivial, and it is not enough to see at all. She had no choice but to observe secretly and see the opportunity before making a move. When she saw that you had a good heart and saved the life of the demon, she moved her mind and wanted to use your hands to clean up the demon.

When Li Tiezhu and Wang Xiuying heard this, their eyes widened like copper bells, how could they have imagined that this matter would be so deeply involved. The two of them hurriedly asked the old man what to do next. The old man pondered for a while, and then said, "This demon has gone mad, and ordinary spells are like tickling to it. The only way to get rid of it is to find its demon pill and kill it with one blow. However, this demon pill is the essence of its years of cultivation, and it is hidden more hidden than a rat hole, and it is really difficult to find out. ”

The man went to greet his relatives, and on the way he rescued the mandrill, and the woman said that it would hurt you sooner or later

When the couple heard this, they felt sad in their hearts. Although they wanted to get rid of this evil, they really couldn't find a way. When the old man saw them like that, he said, "Come on, I'll show you both the way." You go to the Maoshan Taoist priest on Maoshan Mountain, they may have a way to find the demon pill. However, you have to be careful not to make any noise and let the demon run away. ”

When the couple heard this, they hurriedly thanked him, then said goodbye to the old man and went down the mountain. As the old man said, they found the residence of the Taoist priest of Maoshan. The Taoist priest, with white hair, looks like a fairy wind and bones, and he really looks like a master. The couple told him the ins and outs of the matter, and after hearing this, the Taoist priest frowned and didn't speak for a long time. After a long while, the Taoist priest spoke: "This matter is indeed difficult to do. That demon has been cultivated into a refinement, and the demon pill must be hidden tightly. However, our Maoshan faction has a set of secret methods that can sense the breath of demons. If you want, I can help you. ”

When the couple heard this, they were so happy in their hearts that they hurriedly thanked them, and then followed the Taoist priest up the mountain. The Taoist priest took them around the mountain for several nights, and finally sensed the demonic aura. They followed the breath all the way until they finally came to a cave. The cave was black and rumbling, and there was a demonic aura at the entrance of the cave. The couple looked at this hole and trembled in their hearts. But as soon as they thought that the demon had done a lot of evil, and if they didn't get rid of it, there would be endless troubles, so they hardened their heads and followed the Taoist priest into the cave.

The man went to greet his relatives, and on the way he rescued the mandrill, and the woman said that it would hurt you sooner or later

The cave was as black as ink, and the couple tightly grabbed the corners of the Taoist priest's clothes, for fear of getting separated. They walked in the dark, and they didn't know how long, until they finally came to a spacious hall. There was a stone platform in the center of the hall, and the demon was standing on it, his eyes closed tightly, and he was cultivating. When the couple saw this, they hurriedly stepped forward and prepared to give the demon a surprise attack. Hey, it was a thrilling time! At that moment, the demon suddenly opened its evil eyes and pounced on them like a mad dog. The husband and wife, so frightened that their souls were about to fly, and they hurriedly retreated, retreating like something. When the Taoist priest saw this posture, he immediately shouted: "You evil animal, you dare to be arrogant!" As he spoke, he pulled out his flying sword and stabbed it towards the demon with a whoosh.

Although that demon is also quite capable, but when he meets this Maoshan Taoist, it is really a small thing. Within a few rounds, the Taoist priest was beaten and embarrassed. In the end, the Taoist priest stabbed the demon in the chest with a sword, forcing the demon pill out. As soon as the Taoist priest grabbed his hand and pinched it, the demon pill turned into ashes, and as the demon pill dispersed, the demon also let out a miserable scream, and then fell straight to the ground.

When the couple saw this situation, the big stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground. They stepped forward, and when they looked closely, the demon had become an ordinary mandrill, and there was no longer that fierce and vicious appearance. The couple knew that the matter was successfully resolved. They hurriedly thanked the Taoist priest for their kindness, and then said goodbye to Maoshan.

The man went to greet his relatives, and on the way he rescued the mandrill, and the woman said that it would hurt you sooner or later

When they returned to the village, they told them about it, and the villagers were amazed when they heard it, saying that Li Tiezhu and Wang Xiuying were really lucky stars and could meet such a master. Since then, nothing strange has happened to Taoyuan Village. The life of Li Tiezhu and Wang Xiuying is called a happy one. The great kindness and great virtue of the Taoist priests of Namao Mountain, they have always kept it in mind. Every time they mentioned this, they would say with emotion: "Thanks to that master, we will never forget it in our lives!" ”

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