
With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?

author:Home fairy

When I returned from a long-distance business trip, the familiar atmosphere outside the door rushed to my face, and the excitement in my heart was indescribable. As soon as the door opened, before I could unload the burden of my luggage, I couldn't wait to record this long-lost warmth.

With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?
With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?
With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?

Everything in the house is still in order, and there is a breath of fresh air in the air. I can't help but chuckle, probably thanks to those little green beings—my plants. They stand quietly in the corner, or hang in front of the window, green and vibrant, as if telling me what they miss and wait for.

With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?
With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?
With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?

Each green plant is extraordinarily filial, and in their own way, it tells me that they are all alive and well. In the days I was away, they didn't slack off for a moment, trying to photosynthesize, absorbing sunlight and air, and keeping their homes fresh and vibrant.

With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?
With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?

I approached them, caressing each green leaf, feeling the vitality coming from deep in the soil. They accompany me silently, witness my return and departure every time, and become my most loyal friends. In their company, even the longest and most lonely journey becomes full of meaning.

With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?
With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?

The warmth of home sometimes doesn't need too many words to express. These green plants, their silent perseverance, are the greatest comfort and support for me. Their presence makes my home more vivid, and it also makes my life more hopeful and motivated.

With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?
With such a beautiful home, who wouldn't want to be away on a business trip?

The action of packing his luggage couldn't help but slow down. I think this is what it feels like to be home, not in a hurry, just to quietly enjoy this rare peace and harmony. Thanks to these plants, they make my home always full of life and make every return so worth looking forward to.