
The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

author:Mr. Wen's Reading Club
The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman
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The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

Macau gambling king Stanley Ho passed away and held a three-day grand funeral. What should have been a solemn ceremony caused an uproar over a photograph.

Although the gambling king's former son-in-law, Xu Jinheng, attended the funeral, his current wife Li Jiaxin was absent from this important occasion. Surprisingly, Li Jiaxin chose to post an intimate photo with the late music talent Chen Baiqiang on social platforms, with a text to express her admiration for Chen Baiqiang.

This move immediately attracted a lot of speculation and criticism from the outside world, and many people believed that Li Jiaxin was deliberately provoking the gambling king's beloved daughter He Chaoqiong.

This sensational storm in Hong Kong stems from a complicated marriage of a wealthy family. Pansy Ho, as the pearl of gambling king Stanley Ho, and her marriage to Xu Jinheng was the focus of Hong Kong media reports.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

However, there are hidden worries behind this seemingly perfect marriage. It is reported that He Chaoqiong always thinks about her young lover Chen Baiqiang, while Xu Jinheng feels powerless about this marriage that lacks an emotional foundation.

Just when the relationship between this wealthy couple was becoming more and more estranged, the famous Li Jiaxin quietly appeared. She has reached the age of confusion, and has had many scandals with Hong Kong's top richest people, but she has never been able to get her wish.

Seeing that her youth was no longer there, she locked her eyes on Xu Jinheng, whose married life was not satisfactory.

Li Jiaxin began to frequently appear with Hui Jinheng in various public appearances, unabashedly showing their intimate relationship. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly a provocation to He Chaoqiong, and it has also caused a lot of speculation from the outside world.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

It is even rumored that the reason why He Chaoqiong is reluctant to sign the divorce agreement is because she is jealous of Li Jiaxin's alluring appearance.

These rumors soon reached the ears of gambling king Stanley Ho. As a father who loves his daughter, he can't tolerate the outside world's false evaluation of He Chaoqiong. In anger, the gambling king ordered He Chaoqiong and Xu Jinheng to go through the divorce procedures as soon as possible.

Soon after, Xu Jinheng and Li Jiaxin held a grand wedding and officially became husband and wife.

However, the gambling king's attitude towards this new marriage was unusually cold. In an interview with the media, he bluntly said that he did not receive the wedding card and did not expect to receive it. What's even more shocking is that the gambling king publicly stated that he didn't know Xu Jinheng, and insinuated that Li Jiaxin was far less good than his daughter He Chaoqiong.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

He unabashedly called Li Jiaxin "that annoying woman", showing strong dissatisfaction with the marriage.

In the face of the gambling king's anger, the Xu family chose to remain silent, while Li Jiaxin responded in a way that seemed to have high emotional intelligence. "The most important thing is to wish him a happy birthday, a long and healthy life, and continue to bring more topics to everyone," she said.

However, this apparent humility did not change the gambling king's opinion of her.

This triangular dispute not only reveals the complexity of the wealthy marriage, but also highlights Li Jiaxin's ambitions and means in this wealthy game. However, she seems to have underestimated the strength of the gambling king family and the weight of He Chaoqiong in the family.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

It is worth noting that Pansy Ho behaved unusually calmly throughout the incident. She neither openly competed with Li Jiaxin, nor expressed dissatisfaction with her ex-husband Xu Jinheng's new marriage.

This attitude not only shows Pansy Ho's personal accomplishment, but also hints at her important position in the family.

This dispute over a wealthy marriage has not only become a hot topic in Hong Kong's social circles, but also laid the groundwork for the subsequent change of family power. It reveals the complex relationships within wealthy families, as well as the delicate balance between wealth, power, and affection.

In this eye-catching dispute between wealthy families, He Chaoqiong's status and strength gradually surfaced. As the eldest daughter of gambling king Stanley Ho, Pansy Ho has shown extraordinary talent and outstanding ability since she was a child.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

Her thoughtful, low-key personality was admired by gambling kings and laid a solid foundation for her future success.

Gambling king Stanley Ho began to train Pansy Ho early on, taking her with him to teach her personally, imparting years of accumulated business experience. This advantage of being "close to the water" has given Pansy Ho an in-depth understanding of the workings of family businesses.

The gambling king boldly handed over most of the industry to He Chaoqiong to manage, allowing her to hone her business talents in practice. When the gambling king was still in his prime, the industry generally believed that He Chaoqiong was undoubtedly the most potential successor.

With the passage of time, Pansy Ho's position in the family has become more and more solid. She not only became an important decision-maker with real power in the gambling king family, but also gradually controlled the core interests of the family.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

After the death of the gambling king, most of the huge inheritance and business empire of up to 500 billion yuan are now under the full control of Pansy Ho. In addition to the Xinde Group, which was worth tens of billions during the gambling king's lifetime, three of the four most profitable industries of the gambling king fell into the hands of He Chaoqiong's second room, demonstrating her core position in the family.

Pansy Ho's business talent is not only reflected in her inheritance and management of the family business, but also in her ability to create new businesses with her siblings. They not only inherited the rich wealth of the gambling king, but also co-founded well-known companies such as MGM and Melco International, successfully transforming their father's wealth into new business models and further expanding the family's influence.

In her personal life, Pansy Ho has shown maturity and wisdom to match her business acumen. After divorcing Heo Jin-hyung, she was not emotionally troubled and devoted all her energy to the family business.

This kind of dedication and hard work not only made her perform better in the business world, but also won more trust and appreciation from the gambling king.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

Pansy Ho's success is not only reflected in the business field, but also in her protection of the family's interests. In the face of the high-profile behavior of her ex-husband Xu Jinheng and Li Jiaxin, as well as Li Jiaxin's various provocations, He Chaoqiong has always remained silent, showing a bearing commensurate with her status.

She is well versed in the way of the mall and understands that the real victory does not lie in the battle of words, but in the accumulation and display of strength.

Today, Pansy Ho has successfully ranked among the world's richest people, and her achievements are not only the embodiment of personal ability, but also the result of the careful cultivation of the gambling king. In the change of power in the gambling king family, He Chaoqiong proved that she was the best successor with practical actions.

She not only inherited the family's wealth, but also inherited the business wisdom and strategic vision of the gambling king, laying a solid foundation for the future development of the gambling king family.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

Compared with Pansy Ho's steady climb, Li Jiaxin's road to a wealthy family is full of twists and turns and controversy. As an actress from an ordinary background, Li Jiaxin has intersected with Hong Kong's top rich people many times with her stunning appearance and unremitting efforts, but she has never been able to enter the upper class society as she wishes.

Before becoming attached to Xu Jinheng, Li Jiaxin had a high-profile relationship with the wealthy Liu Luanxiong. In order to realize her dream of becoming a wealthy family, she did not hesitate to become a "third party", and even made jaw-dropping moves.

It is rumored that she called Liu Luanxiong's wife Bao Yongqin several times, making it clear that Liu Luanxiong no longer loves her and persuading her to give up this marriage. This aggressive attitude not only did not win Li Jiaxin's sympathy, but instead drew widespread criticism from the outside world.

However, Li Jiaxin's actions ultimately backfired. Liu Luanxiong did not choose her, but turned to another well-known actress, Guan Zhilin. This defeat did not dampen Li Jiaxin's dream of becoming a wealthy family, and she quickly set her sights on Xu Jinheng.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

In the relationship with Xu Jinheng, Li Jiaxin showed a strong skill. She frequently took Xu Jinheng to appear in various public occasions, unabashedly showing their intimate relationship, and using the power of the media and public opinion to put pressure on He Chaoqiong.

This strategy eventually worked, and she got her wish and married into a wealthy family and became the daughter-in-law of the Xu family.

However, Li Jiaxin seems to underestimate the complexity of the life of a wealthy family. After marrying into the Xu family for many years, she has never been able to truly integrate into the family core, and even cannot participate in the operation of the family business.

What is even more embarrassing is that she needs to rely on a fixed allowance from her family in her daily life. This situation is far from her original dream of being a wealthy family, and it also makes her always suspicious when facing He Chaoqiong.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

Li Jiaxin's situation reached a new low at the funeral after the death of gambling king Stanley Ho. She chose not to attend the funeral, instead posting a photo with Chen Baiqiang on social media, a move that was widely interpreted as a provocation to Pansy Ho.

However, instead of elevating her status, this behavior attracted more criticism and ridicule.

Li Jiaxin's experience fully demonstrates the cruel reality of the life of a wealthy family. Although she successfully married into a wealthy family, she was never able to truly control her own destiny. From a star to a wealthy daughter-in-law today, Li Jiaxin's transformation seems glamorous, but in fact it hides bitterness.

Her story reminds us that in a game of wealth and power, beauty and means are not enough to ensure victory, and true success requires more wisdom and strength.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

Behind this high-profile feud is the very different wealth distribution strategies of the two families, which fully demonstrates the complex relationship between power and wealth.

The 500 billion inheritance left by the gambling king Stanley Ho is mainly controlled by Pansy Ho, and this decision demonstrates the absolute trust and high importance of the gambling king in this daughter. Pansy Ho not only inherited her father's business empire, but also successfully pushed the family business to new heights.

She is at the helm of the 10-billion-dollar Shun Tak Group, and has co-founded well-known companies such as MGM and Melco International with her siblings, further expanding the family's wealth.

In contrast, the Xu family's wealth distribution was more conservative and cautious. When Xu Jinheng's father Xu Shixun died, he did not pass on his huge fortune of nearly 50 billion yuan directly to his son, but chose to lock all his assets in the family trust fund.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

This means that Xu Jinheng can only receive a fixed monthly salary, rather than freely disposing of the family's huge wealth.

This huge difference in the way wealth is distributed directly affects the living conditions and social status of Li Jiaxin and He Chaoqiong. Pansy Ho not only wields an astonishing fortune, but also has a significant influence in the business world.

And Li Jiaxin, although she successfully married into a wealthy family, can only rely on the fixed income of the family trust fund to live, which is very different from her original dream of becoming a wealthy family.

This game of wealth profoundly reveals that in the world of wealthy families, real power is often directly linked to the control of wealth.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

The turmoil at the funeral of gambling king Stanley Ho not only revealed the long-term accumulated grievances between Li Jiaxin and Pansy Ho, but also reflected the complex reality behind the glamour of the life of a wealthy family.

With her own ability and family support, Pansy Ho has successfully established herself on the list of the world's richest people and established her prestige in the business world. And Li Jiaxin, although she realized her desire to marry into a wealthy family, she has never really been able to integrate into it, and even needs to attract attention through provocative behavior on important occasions.

This story profoundly reveals that the life of a wealthy family is not only superficial glory and wealth. True success requires not only outstanding appearance and shrewd skills, but also excellent strength and wise minds.

In the game of wealth and power, everyone is looking for their place, and the ultimate winners are often those who can balance personal ambition and family interests, and have a long-term vision.

The gambling king passed away, why did Li Jiaxin make a big fuss about the funeral? was once scolded by the gambling king: an extremely annoying woman

The different fates of Li Jiaxin and Pansy Ho are a vivid portrayal of this truth.

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