
Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

author:Mr. Wen's Reading Club
Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart
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Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

In the Chinese film and television industry, the love story of Chen Guojun and Liu Xiaoqing is legendary. This once sensational celebrity couple, their marriage lasted only two years, but they left countless embarrassing topics.

"You are the only woman I love with all my heart." This affectionate confession came from Chen Guojun's mouth, expressing his complex and deep feelings for Liu Xiaoqing. However, what caused the pair to finally part ways? And what forces reconciled them after eighteen years? Let's uncover this dramatic emotional journey and explore the complex interweaving of love, marriage and human nature.

Chen Guojun's life trajectory is quite dramatic, from the child of a military family to becoming a tough guy movie star, his experience is legendary. Born in a military family full of artistic atmosphere, his parents are both military drama actors, and this unique background laid the groundwork for Chen Guojun's future acting career.

During his childhood, under the guidance of his father, Chen Guojun performed on stage for the first time. His superb performance won warm applause from the audience and planted a love for performing arts in his young heart.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

However, as fate would have it, in that special era, the young Chen Guojun was forced to leave his hometown and experienced a long and difficult time.

After returning to his homeland, under the persuasion of his family, Chen Guojun chose to join the army. This military career not only exercised his will, but also shaped his tall and mighty image and indomitable character, which laid the foundation for his future development in the film and television industry.

In 1975, the god of fate favored Chen Guojun. A chance street encounter made him discover by a director of Changchun Film Studio. At that time, the crew was looking for a tall and powerful young actor.

Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Chen Guojun accepted the invitation without hesitation, thus starting his acting career.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

With his outstanding acting talent and unique charm, Chen Guojun quickly made a name for himself in the film and television industry. He has served as the number one male in the movie many times, and has created many tough guy images that impressed the audience, winning the love of the audience.

His success is not only reflected on the silver screen, but also in real life. Many female colleagues are in love with this handsome and dashing tough guy movie star, including his first wife Zhao Yamin.

Chen Guojun's acting career is full of opportunities and challenges. The transformation from a soldier to an actor has allowed him to show a unique charm on the screen. His tough guy image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the delicate emotions he shows in his performances also let the audience see his multifaceted nature.

This experience not only established his status in the film and television industry, but also laid the groundwork for his future encounter with Liu Xiaoqing.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

Chen Guojun's story tells us that the road of life is often full of accidents, and it is these accidents that create unique life experiences. From the son of a soldier to a tough guy movie star, Chen Guojun's acting career is not only his personal growth history, but also a microcosm of the Chinese film and television industry in that special era.

In the 1980s, the Chinese film and television industry was surging, and a group of outstanding actors emerged. Among them, Liu Xiaoqing quickly became a high-profile goddess with works such as "Little Flower" and "Look at This Family".

And Chen Guojun, the already famous tough guy movie star, has not escaped her charm.

The gears of fate quietly turned in the crew of "Deep in the Heart". When Chen Guojun learned that the heroine of the play was Liu Xiaoqing, he took the role without hesitation, and did not even ask about the salary.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

This decision was destined to change the trajectory of his life.

At the filming scene, the rivalry between the two sparked a spark of love. Especially in the kiss scene, Chen Guojun showed extraordinary devotion, and his affectionate friendship and handsome and chic appearance deeply moved Liu Xiaoqing, who had just ended his last marriage.

The relationship between the two was like a spark, which quickly heated up and fell in love.

However, this hard-won love faces many obstacles. Chen Guojun has been married for many years and has a young son, Chen He. In order to follow his true love, he made a shocking decision - to divorce his wife Zhao Yamin.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

This decision caused a huge controversy at the time. Many leaders at the Changchun Film Studio tried to dissuade Chen Guojun in the hope of saving his marriage. But Chen Guojun has a resolute attitude, even if he has to bear the infamy of a betrayer, he must be with Liu Xiaoqing.

In the end, Zhao Yamin, who felt helpless, could only compromise and sign the divorce agreement, but she resolutely fought for the custody of her son Chen He.

Soon after the divorce, Chen Guojun and Liu Xiaoqing held a grand wedding to announce their love to the world. However, due to the previous derailment scandal, Chen Guojun was given a cold shoulder by many crews, and his chances of receiving the drama plummeted.

Faced with such a dilemma, he came up with the idea of transforming into a director.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

Liu Xiaoqing showed her courage and responsibility at this difficult time. She fully supported her husband's decision, and in order to help Chen Guojun raise funds to shoot the new drama "Ruthless Lover", she did not hesitate to run around and desperately take over the drama to make money.

With their joint efforts, Chen Guojun gradually emerged in the field of directing.

The newlyweds are like lovers in the face of life's challenges. Their love story is enviable, and it also makes people look forward to the halfway couple growing old together.

However, fate always seems to like to play a joke, and their marriage came to an end after only two years.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

Looking back on the love story of Chen Guojun and Liu Xiaoqing, we have seen the heat of love and witnessed the cruelty of reality. They are desperate for love and bravely pursue their own happiness, but in the end they still fail to withstand the test of reality.

Although their marriage ended in failure, the experience undoubtedly left a deep mark on the lives of both men. It not only changed the trajectory of their lives, but also laid the groundwork for their future career development.

This story tells us that although love is beautiful, it takes much more than passion to maintain a marriage, it also requires more understanding, tolerance and joint efforts.

In 1990, a sudden storm swept away Chen Guojun and Liu Xiaoqing's seemingly happy marriage. Liu Xiaoqing suddenly filed for divorce from Chen Guojun, a decision like a bombshell, instantly pushing the two into the whirlpool of legal disputes.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

There are various versions circulating about the reason for their divorce, the most well-known of which is Jiang Wen's intervention.

It is rumored that Jiang Wen was working with Liu Xiaoqing on a movie at that time. Despite the 13-year age difference between the two, they have created an unusual spark at work. Their interaction became more and more intimate, which attracted the sideways attention of colleagues in the crew.

A righteous crew member took the risk and informed Chen Guojun of the situation in an anonymous letter.

At first, Chen Guojun had a hard time believing the rumors. However, as more and more evidence surfaces, he has to face this harsh reality. It is said that once when he went to visit the crew, he accidentally bumped into the intimate scene of Liu Xiaoqing and Jiang Wen, which made him angry, and even had the idea of dying together.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

Fortunately, Liu Xiaoqing apologized in time to avoid the tragedy.

From that moment on, their marital relationship was like a broken mirror that could never be repaired. The original promise not to disclose each other's privacy was completely broken.

Liu Xiaoqing's portrayal of Chen Guojun as an abuser in his book has attracted widespread attention in society and has also dealt a serious blow to Chen's image.

In the face of his ex-wife's accusations, Chen Guojun did not choose to remain silent. In 1997, he fought back and created "The Story I Have to Tell with Liu Xiaoqing", which made the entanglement between her and Jiang Wen public.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

This open war of words lasted for a long time, causing great harm to both parties and ending this once vigorous love in a bitter way.

Since then, they have not had any contact for eighteen years, and even in media interviews, they have deliberately avoided mentioning each other's names. This love tragedy not only affected their personal lives, but also affected their career development to a certain extent.

The breakdown of this marriage and the public confrontation that ensues show us the fragility of love and the complexity of human nature. It reminds us that even seemingly perfect love can fall apart under the test of reality.

At the same time, the story also reflects the social phenomenon of excessive attention to the private lives of public figures, and makes us think about the balance between celebrity privacy and the public's right to know.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

The years are like a river, flowing quietly, washing away the grievances and hatreds of the past. In 2015, in a popular variety show, Chen Guojun and Liu Xiaoqing ushered in a long-awaited reunion.

The turmoil of the year seems to have been smoothed by time, and they look at each other and smile in front of the camera, like old friends who have not seen each other for many years, which surprises the audience.

In the show, Chen Guojun said to Liu Xiaoqing affectionately: "You are the only person I love wholeheartedly." This sentence not only expresses their deep relationship, but also expresses his relief from this past.

Subsequently, they hugged each other tightly and truly realized "meeting and laughing at each other", this scene was warm and affectionate, and touched countless audiences.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

After the divorce, Chen Guojun was not trapped by the past, but devoted his energy to his career. He has directed many excellent works such as "The Woman Who Waded the River of Men" one after another, and has achieved good results in the field of directing, showing his talent behind the scenes.

In 2002, he met Fu Liyun, who was 16 years younger than him, opening a new chapter in his life and finding new happiness.

Liu Xiaoqing is also constantly exploring new directions in life. Now, she has devoted herself to the live streaming industry, showing her ability to adapt to the new era. On January 23, 2024, she sold her handwritten calligraphy in the live broadcast room, which attracted the attention of many viewers, proving that she still has strong influence and appeal.

Time has passed, and the former love and hatred have turned into faint memories. Chen Guojun and Liu Xiaoqing have each found their own life path, and they have also learned to face the past with a peaceful mind.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

This once sensational marriage finally became an indispensable part of the lives of two people under the baptism of the years, and also added a unique color to their lives.

Their story of reconciliation teaches us that time can indeed heal wounds, and that tolerance and understanding can resolve past conflicts. This is not only their personal growth, but also a positive example for the public, showing how to deal with past emotional entanglements with grace.

In Chen Guojun's ups and downs in life, the relationship with his son Chen He is undoubtedly a warm light. Although they were estranged in their early years because of their marriage to Liu Xiaoqing, the relationship between father and son gradually deepened as time went by.

In 2020, an important moment marked the sublimation of their relationship - the father and son teamed up to direct the film "High-Speed Rail Testifying". This work has not only won the official support of the Chinese railway department, but has also become their common pride.

Chen Guojun: The people who love and hate in life are the original Liu Xiaoqing, and his son Chen He is the pride in his heart

Whenever Chen He is mentioned, Chen Guojun's eyes always shine with pride. Whether in public or in private, he was not shy about compliments and spoke freely about his son's talents and achievements.

This deep father-son relationship seems to be a kind of redemption for his once complicated emotional life, and it has also become the most precious treasure in his life.

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