
"There is an auspicious time for birth", those born in these 5 hours, the children are the most blessed with filial piety, and they will be rich for a hundred years

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

The ancients said: "The time and place are favorable", this phrase comes from "Mencius, Gongsun Chou Shang", which means that the natural climatic conditions, geographical environment and people's hearts are the three major factors that determine victory or defeat during the war.

When it comes to life, all of them yearn for profound blessings, as the ancients said, "Blessing is like the East China Sea, longevity is better than Nanshan", and what we look forward to is the long well-being and longevity. The children and grandchildren are full of children and grandchildren, and they enjoy the joy of family, which is a beautiful vision in the hearts of countless people throughout the ages, just as the "Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Changdi" said: "Yier's descendants, inheritance." ”

In modern times, although scientific rationality occupies the mainstream, some people are still willing to discuss the relationship between birth time and fate, and regard it as a kind of life interest or psychological sustenance.

Some people even try to find the subtle connection between the time of birth and the trajectory of life according to modern statistical methods, although it is inconclusive, but it also adds a bit of after-dinner conversation.

Let's walk through the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern thinking, and explore the meaning and revelation behind these times, rather than using them as the only basis for real life.

"There is an auspicious time for birth", those born in these 5 hours, the children are the most blessed with filial piety, and they will be rich for a hundred years

Auspicious time 1: The first dawn of the morning - the time of the morning (5 am to 7 pm)

"The sun rises in the east, and everything recovers." As the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi described in "Bamboo Branches": "The sunrise and spring fog disappear, and the Jiangtou Shu guests are stationed in Lanhua." "At the end of the day, the sun is rising, the sky is gradually white, and the earth is awakened from its slumber and full of life. It is the beginning of the day, a symbol of hope and new life, as the proverb goes, "The plan of the year is in the spring, and the plan of the day is in the morning." ”

Children who come at this moment seem to have the breath of the rising sun, and their personalities are always positive and optimistic, like the rising sun, warm but not dazzling, and can bring warmth and light to the family. Just like the Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli's pen "The little lotus shows its sharp corners, and there are dragonflies standing on its head", full of vitality and hope of life.

"Zhou Yi" said: "Yuan Henry Zhen, Dazai Qianyuan." These four words imply beginning, smoothness, harmony and perseverance, which is the portrayal of people born in Mao.

They know how to cherish and be grateful since childhood, and when they grow up, they are often able to give back this gratitude to their families and society, be filial to their parents, treat their friends sincerely, and work hard for their careers.

In modern literature, we also see praise for those who were born at the time of Mao. As the modern writer Lin Qingxuan wrote in his prose: "Every morning is a new gift, with hopes and dreams, to start the day." "The people of the hour, just like the gift of this early morning, their presence makes the family full of warmth and harmony, and also makes the people around them feel the positive power.

People born in Mao not only have the spirit of the rising sun, but also know how to be grateful and give back, so their families are harmonious and blessed, as the saying goes: "Home and everything is prosperous." In such a family atmosphere, happiness and contentment naturally come as promised.

"There is an auspicious time for birth", those born in these 5 hours, the children are the most blessed with filial piety, and they will be rich for a hundred years

Auspicious time 2: High in the middle of the day - noon (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.)

"At noon, the sun is prosperous, and the heaven and earth are righteous." As the proverb goes, "The sun is strong at noon, and the righteousness is abundant." "At noon, the sun is in the sky, radiant, yang energy has reached the peak of the day, at this time, people born at this time, like the scorching sun as enthusiastic and unrestrained, vigorous, as if born with endless vitality and vitality.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" has a cloud: "Yang Qi, if the sky and the sun, lose its place, then lose life." This sentence profoundly reveals the importance of yang energy to life.

Children born at noon come to the world at this time of the most yang energy, and they often have leadership skills and the courage to take responsibility, just like the ancient mythological god Apollo, who shines with their light on the people around them.

In ancient Chinese tales, people born at noon were often given extraordinary fates. For example, the famous general Huo Qubing of the Han Dynasty, legend has it that he was born at noon, and showed extraordinary martial arts and leadership since he was a child, and eventually became a generation of famous generals, making great achievements for the country. His success not only made his parents extremely proud, but also allowed the whole family to enjoy the glory and blessings brought by their children.

In foreign literature, people born at noon are often portrayed as energetic and creative. Just like Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, the protagonists in the play show their talent and passion in the afternoon sun, and interpret wonderful stories.

Modern writer Sanmao wrote in his prose: "The process of life, whether it is spring and snow, green vegetables and tofu, I have to taste what it tastes like, so as not to go through such a journey in vain." "People at noon use their vitality to taste the various flavors of life and create their own wonderful life.

Those born at noon are as enthusiastic as the scorching sun, as the saying goes, "When the sun shines at noon, good luck will come naturally." "In such an auspicious time, we seem to see the infinite brilliance and bright future of life.

"There is an auspicious time for birth", those born in these 5 hours, the children are the most blessed with filial piety, and they will be rich for a hundred years

Auspicious time 3: Gentle twilight - unitary time (17 o'clock to 19 o'clock)

"The sunset is infinitely good, but it's just near dusk." This poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin expresses the unique charm of the unitary period.

At the time of unitary, the sun sets in the west mountain, and the horizon is gradually dyed with a layer of gold, and the golden light is sprinkled all over the sky, just like a beautiful picture. It is a poetic and romantic time, as if nature has slowed down at this moment, making people intoxicated.

A child born in the unitary period, with a bit of gentleness and artistic flavor in his personality.

They are like the evening breeze, gentle and delicate, good at listening and perceiving everything around them.

In the family, they often play the role of an emotional bond, using their sensitivity and kindness to bind the family together.

As described in the Book of Songs: "In the past, I was in the past, and the willows were still there." "The people of the unitary time care for their parents are meticulous, and filial piety is like a long stream, although it is not vigorous, but it is lasting and warm.

They know how to express their gratitude and love to their parents in the bits and pieces of life, so that the home is filled with warmth and happiness.

In ancient tales, people born in the unitary period were also often endowed with the qualities of gentleness and wisdom. For example, Zhuge Liang, a famous minister in ancient times, is said to have been born in the unitary period. With his extraordinary wisdom and gentle character, he became an outstanding figure in history. His filial piety and loyalty not only made his family proud, but also made future generations admire.

Writer Zhang Ailing depicts in the novel: "Dusk is the most tender time of the day, and people born in the unitary period seem to come to the world with this tenderness." "In their own way, they warm the people around them and make life better.

People born in the unitary period, they are like the gentleness of the twilight, bringing warmth and happiness to the family with their gentleness and artistic atmosphere.

"There is an auspicious time for birth", those born in these 5 hours, the children are the most blessed with filial piety, and they will be rich for a hundred years

Auspicious time 4: The moon and stars are scarce - sub-hour (23 o'clock to 1 o'clock)

"When is the bright moon? Ask the sky for wine. This poem by Su Shi, a great writer in the Song Dynasty, expresses the unique charm of the child.

In the middle of the night, the moon hangs high in the sky, and the stars are dotted, which is the most quiet moment between heaven and earth. People born at this hour seem to be contaminated with this tranquility and mystery, they are delicate, imaginative, good at thinking and introspection, like the bright moonlight, gentle and profound.

In ancient legends, people born as children were often endowed with extraordinary wisdom and insight. Like Chang'e in ancient mythology, legend has it that she swallowed the elixir when she was a child and flew to the Moon Palace. With her wisdom and tolerance, she became a fairy in the Moon Palace, silently guarding the peace of the world. The sons of the time, just like Chang'e, with their unique wisdom and tolerance, silently pay for the family, their filial piety is not vigorous, but as soft as the moonlight, lasting to illuminate the hearts of the family.

"Tao Te Ching" cloud: "Good is like water, and water is good for all things without fighting." "The people of the time are like the water of goodness, they do not fight or grab, but they can give the most solid support to their families at critical moments.

Their filial piety is like a long stream of water, although it is not publicized, but it can nourish the hearts of the family and make the family full of love and warmth.

In folk customs, the child is also regarded as the most sacred time of the day.

It is believed that children born when they are children often have a different destiny and talent. They are like the brightest stars in the night sky, although they are scarce, they can illuminate the way forward for their families with their unique light.

"The son of the child, filial piety is like moonlight." In such an auspicious time, we seem to see the infinite possibilities of life and a bright future.

"There is an auspicious time for birth", those born in these 5 hours, the children are the most blessed with filial piety, and they will be rich for a hundred years

Auspicious time 5: Dawn - ugly time (1 o'clock to 3 o'clock)

"The rooster sings and laughs, and when the ugly time comes, a hundred flowers bloom." This old proverb vividly depicts the unique charm of ugly times.

When it is ugly, when night and day alternate, it is the time when the old goes and the new comes, as if the cycle of nature has reached a delicate balance at this moment. Children born at this time symbolize change and rebirth, and they are like a ray of dawn, bringing new hope and vitality to the family.

In ancient times, it was widely believed that people born when they were ugly had extraordinary destiny and talent. They are seen as messengers of change, able to rise in the face of adversity and bring change and prosperity to their families.

As the Book of Changes says: "Heaven is strong, and the gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement." This sentence profoundly reveals the tenacity and unyielding of people in ugly times. The way they are filial to their parents is not to rely on the protection of the family, but through their own unremitting efforts and struggles, so that the family will gradually prosper and achieve true prosperity and a hundred years of wealth.

There is also a folk proverb that praises the people of the ugly time: "The son of the ugly time is as tough as a rock." This sentence vividly depicts the character traits of people in the ugly times.

They are as resilient as a rock, and no matter what difficulties and challenges they encounter, they can maintain a firm belief and indomitable spirit.

At the same time, people in the ugly times also know the importance of filial piety.

They understand that true filial piety is not only about material support and life care, but also about making parents proud and proud through their own efforts and achievements.

"The son of the ugly time is as tough as a rock, filial piety is like the warm sun." In such an auspicious time, we seem to see the infinite possibilities of life and a bright future.

"There is an auspicious time for birth", those born in these 5 hours, the children are the most blessed with filial piety, and they will be rich for a hundred years

In exploring the mysteries of these auspicious times, we may as well see them as a cultural inheritance and spiritual consolation, rather than mechanical fatalism.

Every life is a unique miracle, no matter when or where it is born, it has unlimited potential and a bright future. Filial piety and wealth are more the result of a life attitude and family education, rather than simply determined by the time of birth. Let us cherish the people in front of us, manage our lives with our hearts, and create our own happiness legend no matter when we start the journey of life.