
First bitter and then sweet, the old and blessed 5 lunar birthdays were born, and the life of wealth and prosperity is prosperous

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

Life is like tea, it may be a little bitter when you taste it at first, but when you taste it carefully, sweetness will follow, just as the ancients said: "If you eat bitterly, you will become a superior person." This is not only a philosophical interpretation of the attitude towards life, but also coincides with the numerology theory in the ancient wisdom of the mainland.

"First bitter and then sweet, old and blessed" five lunar birthdays, their lives seem to be specially favored by the god of fate, rich and smooth, and the days are prosperous.

"If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan." Nalan Xingde's poem expresses people's yearning for a better beginning, but it also implies the philosophy that the world is impermanent and must eventually go through wind and rain.

Just like these five types of people with lunar birthdays, their stories seem to be dramas arranged by fate, the beginning may be full of thorns, but the final chapter is full of flowers and enviable.

First bitter and then sweet, the old and blessed 5 lunar birthdays were born, and the life of wealth and prosperity is prosperous

Chapter 1: Spring is cold and full of vitality - the fifteenth day of the first lunar month

In the lantern festival, people born on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month are like the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's pen "The east wind blooms thousands of trees at night, and the stars are like rain", blooming with unique vitality in the cold spring.

As the old proverb goes: "The spring is cold, and the cold kills the young." This early hardship, like the baptism of tea through boiling water, becomes more and more mellow, just like the open-mindedness of the great writer Su Shi in the Song Dynasty in "Fixing the Storm": "Looking back at the bleak place, returning, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine." ”

The "Don't Use the Hidden Dragon" in "Zhou Yi" is not only a patient waiting for the opportunity, but also a tempering of inner cultivation.

From the perspective of modern literature, this is just like the tenacity shown in Lu Yao's "Ordinary World": "Life cannot wait for others to arrange, you have to fight and struggle for yourself." "People born on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month have learned to take the initiative to grasp the rudder of destiny in the tempering of the years, and finally ushered in the spring of life.

"Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." This poem by Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty is not only an open-minded attitude towards life, but also a portrayal of the later life of those born on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

After years of precipitation, they finally got "blessed like Jiang Cheng", just as conveyed in the modern literary work "Alive": although life is bitter, there are always sweet moments, which make people feel the weight and temperature of life.

In the fast-paced modern society, these people who experienced wind and rain in their early years and were blessed in their later years interpreted the ancient adage of "the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold" with their actions.

First bitter and then sweet, the old and blessed 5 lunar birthdays were born, and the life of wealth and prosperity is prosperous

Chapter 2: Moistened by the summer rains, ready to go - the eighth day of the first month of April

"On an April day, spring is full of gardens, and fireworks in the world are at the right time."

On the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, a special day that integrates rain and vitality, as the "Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Luming" said: "Yo Yo Lu Ming, eat wild apples." I have guests, drummers and shengs. "People born on the eighth day of the fourth month are like deer who drink the rain in spring, even if they are in the wind and rain, they can show their vitality, and their vitality is even more vigorous under the nourishment of the summer rain.

Arjuna, the hero of the ancient Indian Mahabharata, went through difficult trials and finally achieved great deeds, which coincided with the life trajectory of those born on the eighth day of the fourth month.

In the face of the wind and rain of life, they silently accumulate strength and wait for the bloom with a posture of "diving into the night with the wind and moisturizing things silently". As Rabindranath Tagore wrote in The Birds: "Life is like the splendor of summer flowers, and death is like the quiet beauty of autumn leaves." "Life, just like the flowers that bloom after the summer rain, has experienced the baptism of wind and rain, and is more dazzling.

In ancient China, April was also known as "wheat autumn" and was the prelude to a good harvest.

"The Book of Rites: The Order of the Month" records: "The month of Mengxia, the sun is at the end, in the faint wings, and in the middle of the Danwu girl...... Ordered Situ to follow the county, and ordered the farmers to work hard, without losing time. People born on the eighth day of the fourth month seem to be born with the mission of "hard work", they are not afraid of difficulties, they are diligent, and finally harvest full fruits in the field of life.

In Shakespeare's The Tempest, Prospero achieves peace of mind and the sublimation of wisdom after experiencing a storm, which coincides with the philosophy of life of those born on the eighth day of April. Through the ups and downs of life, they have learned to grow, they have learned to let go, and finally they have achieved a spiritual transformation, as Shakespeare said: "Our revelry is over, and these illusions no longer deceive us." ”

People born on the eighth day of the fourth month, under the nourishment of the summer rain, experience the pains of growth, and finally bloom the most dazzling light, becoming the rainbow after the rain, illuminating themselves and warming others.

First bitter and then sweet, the old and blessed 5 lunar birthdays were born, and the life of wealth and prosperity is prosperous

Chapter 3: Autumn Water Grows Together - July 15

"The autumn water is the same color as the sky, and the sunset and the lonely bird fly together." This poem by Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty in the "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" depicts a quiet and far-reaching autumn picture, just like the life portrayal of those born on July 15.

In this season of harvest and gratitude, they seem to be the elves of nature, leisurely in the splendor of autumn, showing a kind of wisdom and indifference beyond the world.

There is a cloud in "Zengguang Xianwen": "Ten thousand acres of fertile land, one liter of solar eclipses; There are thousands of buildings, and you can sleep eight feet at night. This phrase speaks to the delicate balance between the material and the spiritual, and people born on the 15th of July are a perfect illustration of this balance.

They have experienced the hard work of spring plowing and summer planting, and finally harvested not only material abundance in the golden autumn season, but also spiritual enrichment and satisfaction.

In Western literature, Thoreau's Walden, with its transcendent attitude to life, coincides with the spiritual world of those born on July 15. Thoreau wrote: "I am willing to plunge deep into life, to suck the marrow of life, to live solidly, simply, to cut out everything that does not belong to life cleanly, to drive life to the brink, in its most basic form, simple, simple, simple." This pursuit of a simple life is a portrayal of their later life.

In ancient China, there was the wisdom of "harvesting in autumn and hiding in winter", which is not only a follow-up to the laws of nature, but also a metaphor for the stages of life. As said in "Lü's Spring and Autumn Period": "Spring ploughing and summer cultivation, autumn harvest and winter storage, the four do not lose time, so the five grains are endless." "Those born on July 15, their life trajectory is exactly in line with this natural law, the struggle of youth is like spring ploughing and summer sowing, and in old age, it is the harvest season, enjoying the winter storage of the soul, the richness and tranquility of the spiritual world.

The English poet John Keats praised autumn in his famous Autumn Song: "The season of mist is fruitful". This poem depicts the picture of the life of the person born on July 15 in his later years - after experiencing the ups and downs of life, he ushered in a spiritual harvest and enjoyed the tranquility and satisfaction of the world.

First bitter and then sweet, the old and blessed 5 lunar birthdays were born, and the life of wealth and prosperity is prosperous

Chapter 4: The Warm Sun of Winter, the Years Are Quiet - October 12

"October 12, the frost has passed, and the spring is coming." The person born on this day is just like the immortal bird in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" - the phoenix, which has been reborn in Nirvana after frost, bringing endless warmth and hope to the world.

Song Dynasty lyricist Xin Qiji's "East Wind Blooms Thousands of Trees at Night, Blows Down, Stars Like Rain", they bloom in the harsh winter of life with a tenacious attitude, and decorate ordinary days with stars and dazzling.

There is an old proverb: "The winter solstice is sunny, and the spring is back." This is not only the law of yin and yang reincarnation in nature, but also a true portrayal of the life trajectory of those born on October 12.

They are like gods in ancient legends, with a kind of magic power to turn ice and snow into spring water, no matter how difficult and challenging they encounter, they can melt the ice on the road ahead with a warm heart, and usher in the spring of life.

There is a common saying in modern buzzwords, "Winter is coming, will spring be far away?" For those born on October 12, this sentence is not only an expectation of the change of seasons, but also a vivid interpretation of their philosophy of life.

Persist in adversity and grow up in difficulties, and ultimately reap not only personal success, but also family harmony and social recognition, just as the ancient wedding custom of "red silk concentric", implying the depth and stability of emotions.

The ancient poet Du Fu once said in "Looking for Flowers by the Riverside": "Huang Siniang's house is full of flowers, and thousands of flowers are low on the branches. This is not only a depiction of the beauty of spring, but also a symbol of the abundance and colorfulness of life for those born on October 12.

Like the path covered with flowers, every step is the fragrance of life, and even in winter, you can use your enthusiasm and optimism to make the world around you full of vitality and vitality.

There is also a proverb that "Ruixue Trillion Year" is also circulated, which not only indicates a good harvest in the coming year, but also means that the life of those born on October 12 will experience a baptism of wind and snow, and then usher in a full harvest and happiness. Their philosophy of life is like a dialogue across time and space, with the indifferent ambition of the ancients and the positive progress of modern people, interwoven into a touching song of the years.

First bitter and then sweet, the old and blessed 5 lunar birthdays were born, and the life of wealth and prosperity is prosperous

Chapter 5: Reincarnation is reborn, and the blessings are long--the thirtieth month of the lunar month

"The thirtieth month of the lunar month, the twilight of the year is cold, and the reincarnation is new." Those who are born on this day are just like the phoenix nirvana in ancient mythology, giving birth to a new fire in the ice at the end of the year, just as the "Zhuangzi Inner Chapter Wandering" said: "There is a fish in the north of the underworld, and its name is Kun." Turned into a bird, its name is Peng. It means that the journey of his life, leaping from hardship to infinite vastness.

"Hope is attached to existence, where there is, there is hope, and where there is hope, there is light." People born in the thirtieth month of the lunar month are such a group of beings who are looking for light in the cold winter at the end of the year, and they believe that the end of every reincarnation is the beginning of a new life, just like the earth after the snow of the lunar month, waiting for the return of spring.

There is an ancient proverb: "Without a cold bone, how can you get the fragrance of plum blossoms." This perseverance is not only a tribute to the 30th birthday of the lunar month, but also their unchanging belief in the face of life's challenges.

In the modern context, this is like "seeing a rainbow after the wind and rain", and they know that only by going through the test of harsh winter can they meet the glory of spring.

Looking at the modern writer Yu Hua's "Alive", the protagonist Fugui in the book has gone through the vicissitudes of life, but he has always lived tenaciously, which coincides with the fate of those born in the thirtieth month of the lunar month.

Their philosophy of life is to find their own meaning of "living" in the continuous reincarnation and rebirth, no matter how the world changes, that love and dedication to life, like blessings, endlessly.

The ancient poet Wang Anshi's "one year old in the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tusu." It is not only a depiction of the Spring Festival scene, but also a beautiful place for the future of those born on the thirtieth day of the lunar month.

Just like the sound of firecrackers saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, it resounded in the sky, indicating the infinite possibilities and hopes of the new year.

Incorporating more ancient and modern wisdom, such as the ancients saying that "life is infinite from generation to generation, and Jiang Yue is only similar every year", and the modern buzzword "new year, new self", the story of those born in the thirtieth month of the lunar month has become a bridge connecting the past and the future, tradition and modernity.

Through their own experiences, they have proved that no matter how times change, those ancient wisdoms of hope, resilience and rebirth still shine brightly and illuminate everyone's spiritual journey.

First bitter and then sweet, the old and blessed 5 lunar birthdays were born, and the life of wealth and prosperity is prosperous

"If you don't experience wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow." Although these five lunar birthdays have their own characteristics, they jointly interpret a truth: the road of life is bitter first and then sweet, as long as we remain optimistic and have the courage to face challenges, we will eventually reap our own share of blessings.

"Caigen Tan" said: "I am blessed by the thinness of the sky, and I am thick and virtuous." "True blessings are created with one's own hands and perceived by one's heart. Let us cherish every experience in our respective life journeys, look forward to every beautiful tomorrow, and live our own wonderful life.