
Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

author:Gather in the big community
Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32
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Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

In 1987, the hit broadcast of "Dream of Red Mansions" made countless viewers fall in love with it, but what few people know is that a young actor passed away quietly in this hustle and bustle.

Ma Guangru, a talented man who was once known as Jia Baoyu's best candidate, finally only played a supporting role in the play Jia Rui.

What's even more embarrassing is that Ma Guangru used beer to gargle his mouth in his later years, used cooking wine to satisfy his cravings, and even cut his wrists for "Sister Lin" many times. What kind of experience led this talented young man to such extremes? What is the story behind his untimely death at the age of 32? Let's uncover the mystery of the life of this "Red Mansion" actor and explore the joys and sorrows behind him.

In December 1962, in a simple adobe house in Wuhe County, Anhui Province, Ma Guangru fell to the ground. As the seventh child in the family, although he was born in a poor family, he was infinitely loved by his family.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

Ma's father was an intellectual who read poetry and books, and he had high hopes for this young son, naming him "Guangru", hoping that he would become a pillar of the country.

Ma Guangru, who was intelligent since childhood, showed a strong interest in literature at the age of 6. At that time, "Dream of Red Mansions" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" were popular all over the country, and Ma's father devoted all his money to buying these two masterpieces for his son.

Since then, "Dream of Red Mansions" has become Ma Guangru's favorite and has also laid the groundwork for his future life.

At the age of 12, Ma Guangru was admitted to Anhui Anqing Huangmei Opera School with excellent results, starting his drama life. At school, he quickly stood out as one of the best among his contemporaries.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

At the age of 15, Ma Guangru played the role of Jia Baoyu for the first time, and he played the role vividly and sincerely, so that his muscles trembled violently, which moved the audience.

After the performance, he still couldn't calm down and burst into tears many times, which shows his deep understanding and dedication to the role.

In 1987, 21-year-old Ma Guangru ushered in a turning point in his life. He was notified to audition for the 87th edition of "Dream of Red Mansions". With infinite yearning for the role of Baoyu, Ma Guangru stepped on the northbound train with confidence.

However, fate made people, and in the end, the role of Jia Baoyu was obtained by Ouyang Fenqiang, and Ma Guangru played Jia Rui, who had fewer roles.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

Despite the inner loss, Ma Guangru still accepted the role with great enthusiasm. He poured his deep understanding of "Dream of Red Mansions" and his dedication to performance into the role of Jia Rui.

Although there are not many scenes, his performance left a deep impression on the audience.

This experience is not only an important milestone in Ma Guangru's acting career, but also a hidden danger for his future life. His dedication to Jia Baoyu's character and his obsession with "Dream of Red Mansions" became key factors in his life.

From a rural teenager in Anhui to an actor in the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions", Ma Guangru's talent has been fully displayed, but this has also become a peak that he will be difficult to cross in the future.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

Ma Guangru's love life is as full of ups and downs as his dramatic life, full of drama and pathos. In the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions", he met Chen Xiaoxu, who played Lin Daiyu.

Ma Guangru, who was originally lost, regained his strength because of Chen Xiaoxu's care and encouragement. However, he misunderstood this kindness and fantasized himself as Jia Baoyu in the play, while Chen Xiaoxu became Lin Daiyu in his heart.

This misplaced affection plunged Ma Guangru into a state of bordering madness. In order to confess his heart to "Sister Lin", he actually cut his wrists three times in front of Chen Xiaoxu in a row.

Far from winning hearts and minds, this extreme behavior made Chen Xiaoxu feel frightened. This unrequited love eventually ended in failure, but it left a scar in Ma Guangru's heart that is difficult to heal.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

Subsequently, when filming "Tang Xianzu and the Peony Pavilion" in Linchuan, Jiangxi, Ma Guangru met the "second Sister Lin" in his life. As the leading actor, he not only gave careful guidance to the actress who was getting involved in TV dramas for the first time in acting, but also cared for her life.

The two quickly fell in love, as if they had found each other's confidants.

Just when Ma Guangru was at a low point in his life, a woman with infinite admiration for him appeared. Regardless of the opposition of her parents, the woman resolutely entered Ma Guangru's life.

They soon had a simple wedding and started a new life.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

After marriage, Ma Guangru briefly restrained his alcohol addiction, and his life seemed to be improving. However, the trivialities and pressures of real life, coupled with Ma Guangru's inability to get rid of his attachment to the past, made this marriage doom.

His wife hopes that he can live a down-to-earth life, but Ma Guangru has always been immersed in his ideal world and can't extricate himself.

These three emotional experiences reflect Ma Guangru's complex inner world. He longs for love, but he doesn't know how to cherish it; He wants to get out of the predicament of reality, but he can't get out of his fantasy world.

Every relationship is like a scene on the stage of his life, wonderful but embarrassing. Ma Guangru's emotional journey not only reflects his persistent pursuit of love, but also exposes the irreconcilable contradiction in his character: the huge gap between idealism and real life.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

This contradiction eventually became the last straw that crushed him, and also laid the groundwork for his tragic life.

The hit of the 87 version of "Dream of Red Mansions" brought unprecedented popularity to Ma Guangru. Despite only playing a supporting role, Jia Rui, his performance has been widely recognized.

This hard-won success allowed Ma Guangru to stand on a new peak in his acting career. He became a special guest actor on CCTV and made a name for himself on various important occasions.

At the Red Chamber Gala held in Shanghai, Ma Guangru and Guo Xiaozhen sang "Tianxian Pei", which won full applause and showed his versatile side.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

However, Ma Guangru seems unable to get out of Jia Baoyu's role. He often mentions "Dream of Red Mansions" in front of people, and even claims to be a treasure jade. This dedication to the role has not only brought him fame, but also become a shackle for him to move forward.

In order to follow his "Sister Lin", Ma Guangru resolutely gave up everything in Anhui and came to work at Nanchang TV Station. However, the working environment of the TV station is very different from the troupe he is familiar with.

Cumbersome filming affairs, unfamiliar news business, and complex interpersonal networks all made Ma Guangru feel powerless.

From a stage star to a newcomer to a TV station, this role switch is a huge challenge for Ma Guangru. He couldn't adapt to the new work environment and put his talents to work in a new field.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

Under the double blow of psychological gap and realistic pressure, Ma Guangru began to use alcohol to eliminate his sorrows, and gradually indulged in the world of alcohol.

This experience revealed the dilemma that Ma Guangru faced in the transformation of his career. His talent was on full display on stage, but he couldn't find the corresponding space in the work of the TV station.

This sense of disparity made him feel lost, which eventually led him to a point of no return. Ma Guangru's story also reflects the powerlessness of many artists in the face of practical challenges, as well as the huge gap between ideals and reality.

With his alcoholism, Ma Guangru's life took a sharp turn for the worse. used to be a genius of Huangmei Opera, but now he has become an alcoholic who can't extricate himself. The originally healthy and strong young man plummeted to less than 100 catties, describing him as withered.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

His life fell into a vicious circle: alcoholism - frustration - continued drinking.

In order to make ends meet, Ma Guangru's wife opened a fashion store with the help of relatives and friends. However, Ma Guangru not only failed to contribute to the family business, but became a burden.

He often sells clothes to friends or colleagues at the purchase price, which not only does not bring income to the family, but also increases the financial burden.

When he is shy and has no money to buy wine, Ma Guangru will not hesitate to spend on credit. What's even more shocking is that he even started to quench his cravings with cooking wine and gargle with beer.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

This extreme behavior not only destroyed his health, but also put great financial pressure on the family.

Ma Guangru's married life also fell into crisis as a result. His wife hopes that he can cheer up and live a down-to-earth life, but Ma Guangru seems to have lost the courage to face reality.

He spends his days immersed in the glory of the past, unable to accept the disappointment of the present. The once brilliant turned into self-pity, and the once high-spirited turned into decadence and depression.

This experience illustrates the difficulties of Ma Guangru's life. Alcohol addiction, marital crisis, and financial pressure are intertwined, pushing this once glamorous actor to the trough of his life.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

Ma Guangru's story also reflects the fragility of many artists in the face of frustration in reality, and how the huge gap between ideals and reality can destroy a person's will.

Ma Guangru's life was like a tragedy, and it came to an end in 1994. At the age of 32, his health deteriorated dramatically due to long-term alcoholism, and he eventually had to be admitted to the hospital.

His wife had to sell the only property she had in order to pay for the high medical bills. However, years of alcohol erosion have caused irreversible damage to Ma Guangru's body and mind.

At the last moment of his life, this once beautiful actor even owed 40 yuan for the tavern. This seemingly insignificant number profoundly interprets the embarrassment and helplessness of Ma Guangru's later life.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

From the genius of Huangmei Opera to the supporting role in "Dream of Red Mansions", and then to his death in obscurity, Ma Guangru's life trajectory is embarrassing.

Ma Guangru's tragedy stems from the great contradiction between talent and reality. He had an extraordinary artistic talent, but he couldn't find a place in real life. He longs for love, but he doesn't know how to cherish it.

He wants to succeed, but he can't afford to fail. This gap between talent and reality eventually became the last straw that crushed him.

Ma Guangru's story is not only a personal tragedy, but also a warning to the whole society. It reminds us that talents need to be properly channeled and dreams need to be achieved on the ground.

Ma Guangru: Gargled with beer, drank cooking wine, cut her wrists for "Sister Lin" and died at the age of 32

Immersing yourself too much in an ideal world while ignoring the cruelty of real life often leads to unbearable consequences.

Ma Guangru's life, like his beloved "Dream of Red Mansions", is full of ups and downs, and what he ultimately leaves the world with is endless regret and deep thinking. The fall of this genius is not only a personal tribute to Ma Guangru, but also a warning to all those who have dreams: how to find a balance between ideals and reality, and how to maintain the original intention in the face of adversity, these are all questions that we need to ponder.

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