
Win with less! CCTV refused to broadcast the Chinese men's basketball team's warm-up match against Australia, and the reason is clearly visible!

author:Sheep talk about sports

When the Chinese men's basketball team arrived in Australia to prepare for tomorrow's warm-up game, an unknown sense of tension seemed to envelop the entire team. Surprisingly, however, tomorrow's match will not be televised, in stark contrast to the buzz of the previous Macau stadium. Against a strong Australian team, this match was undoubtedly a real challenge and a profound trial.

Win with less! CCTV refused to broadcast the Chinese men's basketball team's warm-up match against Australia, and the reason is clearly visible!

Although CCTV has no plans to broadcast it, the importance of this warm-up game is self-evident. Against a star-studded Australian team, the Chinese team's performance will be an important test of the new lineup and tactics. Every racket, every breakthrough, although not recorded on the screen, but every detail is related to the future of the team and the growth of each player. This kind of occasion provides a rare opportunity for teams to really test and adjust their tactical layout without outside pressure.

Win with less! CCTV refused to broadcast the Chinese men's basketball team's warm-up match against Australia, and the reason is clearly visible!

The roster of head coach Guo Shiqiang is still in the final screening. Reduced from 17 to 12 players, every choice is strategic. Tomorrow night's game is not just a chance against Australia, it's a stage for every player to prove themselves. In this context, the absence of the pressure of live broadcast may allow the players to focus more on the game itself and show their true strength.

For the fans, this warm-up game is much more than just the score. Against NBA star-studded opponents, every moment is a victory. There was a lot of discussion among the fans, who cared not only about the score, but also about every manifestation of the team's spirit and tactical progress.

Win with less! CCTV refused to broadcast the Chinese men's basketball team's warm-up match against Australia, and the reason is clearly visible!

Moreover, from a fan perspective, their focus on the game is not just focused on the live broadcast of the game. True basketball fans follow the progress of the game through a variety of channels, whether it's through instant updates on social media or through post-game analysis commentary. This enthusiasm shows the deep roots of basketball culture in China and the importance of the national team to these loyal fans.

The purpose of the Chinese team's trip was not only to test new tactics, but also to exercise the psychological and technical abilities of the players. Playing against a top team like Australia gives the coaching staff and players the most direct feedback on where they really stand at an international level. Although the game was not televised, every pass and every defensive adjustment was closely related to the team's tactical evolution and the growth trajectory of the players.


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