
"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

author:Fei Ge Curiosity
"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later
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"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

In the dazzling entertainment industry, a love story that spans the age gap of 12 years quietly blooms. The lightning marriage between CCTV beauty host Hu Die and talented director Lu Chuan has aroused the curiosity and speculation of countless audiences.

However, life after marriage is not a fairy tale. Separation during pregnancy, facing prenatal check-ups alone, and returning to work quickly after childbirth...... How did this seemingly "unmatched" couple go through seven years of ups and downs hand in hand? What kind of wisdom and perseverance is contained in their marriage? Let's uncover the mystery behind this high-profile love story and discover the secret to their happy marriage.

In 1983, Hu Die fell to the ground in a family with profound cultural heritage in Shaanxi Province. From an early age, she grew up bathed in her parents' rigorous and intelligent education methods.

In particular, his father's educational philosophy was both gentle and firm, which laid a solid foundation for Hu Die's future life path.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

There is an interesting childhood story that vividly shows the educational wisdom of Hu Die's father. One day, Hu Die lied that she didn't have homework because she was playful. Faced with the child's lies, the father did not get angry, but chose to ask again and again calmly.

Even if Hu Die still insisted on his statement, his father did not directly expose it, but chose to call the teacher to verify the situation. Upon learning the truth, the father did not resort to severe punishment, but patiently explained to his daughter the importance of honesty and trustworthiness and the crucial impact of taking responsibility on one's future development.

This kind of education method that is both principled and full of love has deeply influenced Hu Die's character formation.

Growing up in such a family atmosphere full of wisdom, Hu Die gradually cultivated independent, self-confident and strong character traits. In 2007, with infinite love for radio and television, 24-year-old Hu Die successfully entered the door of CCTV.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

When she first entered the workplace, she was like a sponge, trying to absorb every drop of nutrients in her work and devoting herself to the cause she loved.

On the vast stage of CCTV, Hu Die is like a fish in water and has quickly grown into an excellent host. Her professionalism and professionalism have won unanimous praise from her colleagues, and her gentle and generous image has also been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.

However, the busy pace of work has made Hu Die remain single all the time, and it seems that he has no time to take care of his personal love life.

At that time, Hu Die's eyes flashed with infinite enthusiasm for his career, and the corners of his mouth often hung a confident smile, and his body was full of youthful vitality. She focused on her work, worked hard to improve her business capabilities, and gradually gained a firm foothold in the highly competitive environment of CCTV.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

From rigorous family education to the identity change of CCTV host, Hu Die's growth path shows her perseverance and persistent pursuit of dreams. This experience not only shaped her independent character, but also laid a solid foundation for her to face challenges in her career and marriage later on.

2015 was a turning point of fate for the 32-year-old Hu Die. While her career was booming, an unexpected encounter completely changed the course of her life.

She met the talented director Lu Chuan, and the two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love.

Lu Chuan, a well-known director 12 years older than Hu Die, attracted Hu Die with his unique artistic perspective and profound cultural heritage. In him, Hu Die saw a world that was completely different from himself and as wonderful as yet.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

The communication between them seems to have opened a new door, allowing Hu Die to appreciate a broader artistic world in addition to his busy hosting work.

However, the speed at which their relationship developed really surprised the outside world. From acquaintance, love to marriage, Hu Die and Lu Chuan took less than a year.

At the end of 2015, the two decisively got married and held a grand wedding. This wedding is not only a testimony of the love between the two, but also a major focus of the entertainment industry that year.

In the face of all kinds of speculation from the outside world, Hu Die has always maintained his calmness and self-confidence. When asked what she thought of her husband's ex, she said frankly: "I don't care about Lu Chuan's past relationship experience, I only care about whether he has properly handled his last relationship after meeting me."

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

These words not only show Hu Die's open-minded attitude, but also reflect her confidence in herself and this relationship.

The lives of the newlywed Yan'er, Hu Die and Lu Chuan are full of sweetness. However, reality soon presented a challenge for the newcomers. As a director, the nature of Lu Chuan's work determines that he needs to go out to shoot frequently, sometimes even in the field for several months in a row; As a CCTV host, Hu Die needs to maintain a high degree of stability and appear in front of the camera on time every day.

The work rhythm and lifestyle of the two seem to be difficult to coordinate.

In the face of these difficulties, Hu Die did not feel depressed. She firmly believes that true love and marriage are not about tying each other, but giving each other the freedom and support to pursue their dreams.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

"Why do you have to tie each other up when you get married?" Hu Die once said in an interview, "Instead of worrying about this and that all day long, it is better to devote yourself wholeheartedly to your career."

This independent and mutually supportive concept of marriage has become the cornerstone of Hu Die and Lu Chuan's relationship. They understand each other's work characteristics and give each other enough space and trust.

Even if they can't be together from time to time, they can shine in their respective fields while maintaining the heat of their relationship.

With such belief, Hu Die and Lu Chuan embarked on the journey of marriage hand in hand, ready to meet unknown challenges. Their love story is not only a romance that spans ages, but also a modern marriage epitome of two independent individuals looking for a balance between pursuing a career and maintaining a relationship.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

Soon after marriage, Hu Die ushered in another major moment in her life - she was pregnant. It was supposed to be a time of joy for the couple to share together, but fate seemed to test the newlyweds.

coincided with the critical period of Lu Chuan's career, and he had to go to the UK to work, leaving the pregnant Hu Die alone in China.

In the face of her husband's long journey, although Hu Die was reluctant to give up, she was more understanding and supportive. She knows that this is an important opportunity for Lu Chuan's career development, and as a wife, she chooses to silently take on the responsibility of taking care of herself and the fetus in her womb.

This decision shows Hu Die's independence and strength as a modern woman.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

The discomfort during pregnancy made Hu Die's whole body look swollen, but she still insisted on going to the hospital alone for prenatal checkups. Every time he stepped into the door of the hospital and saw the happy fathers-to-be around him by his wife's side, Hu Die's heart inevitably felt a little lonely.

However, she quickly adjusted her mindset and smiled as she completed one examination after another on her own.

During these days of facing pregnancy alone, Hu Die showed amazing strength and independence. Not only does she have to deal with physical discomfort, but she also has to juggle family and work arrangements.

Despite this, she has never complained about her husband's absence in public, but instead shares her daily life on social media, conveying positive and optimistic energy.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

"Although my husband is not around, I know that he is working hard for our future. I believe that our love and marriage can withstand such tests. Hu Die said in an interview, his eyes revealing firmness and gentleness.

These words not only expressed her understanding and support for her husband, but also showed her confidence in this marriage.

Finally, after a long wait, Hu Die gave birth to a lovely baby. When she held the newborn and looked at the tired but happy face of Lu Chuan, who hurried back, all the hard work seemed to turn into sweet memories.

At this moment, Hu Die felt unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

This pregnancy experience not only tested Hu Die's will, but also deepened her understanding of marriage. She understands that true love is not about being inseparable, but about supporting each other when they need it, and giving understanding and support to each other as they pursue their dreams.

Hu Die used her actions to interpret the independence and strength of modern women, and also laid a more stable foundation for her marriage with Lu Chuan.

Through this special experience, Hu Die not only successfully passed an important stage of her life, but also found her own place in marriage. In her own way, she proved that even in the face of difficulties and challenges, as long as you maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in each other, you can make love and marriage more resilient and beautiful.

The joy of becoming a first-time mother has not completely faded, and Hu Die began to think about plans to return to work. For her, hosting is not only a job, but also an important way to realize her self-worth.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

However, finding a balance between caring for a newborn and developing her career became a new challenge for her.

Less than half a year after giving birth, Hu Die made a decision that surprised many people - to return to work at CCTV. This choice shows her love for her career and her pursuit of self-fulfillment.

When she stood in the familiar studio again and faced the camera, her whole person glowed with dazzling light. At that moment, Hu Die felt the long-lost stage passion, as if he had found another self.

However, returning to work is not an easy task. During the day, she devotes herself to hosting work, striving to be perfectly presented in every appearance; After work, she quickly switched roles and became a full-time mother, taking care of the children's diet and daily life.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

Despite her busy life, Hu Die enjoys it, and her face is always filled with a happy smile.

In the process of balancing career and family, Hu Die has shown amazing wisdom and perseverance. She knows that a successful career and a happy family life are not in conflict, and the key lies in how to allocate time and energy wisely.

"I think that whether it is a career or a family, the most important thing is to manage it with heart." Hu Die shared her experience in an interview, "I cherish every opportunity to stand in front of the camera, and I also cherish every moment of time with my family.

Both of these are integral parts of my life.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

At the same time, Hu Die also insisted on giving her husband enough free space. She understands the characteristics of Lu Chuan's work as a director and never interferes with his work arrangement. This concept of marriage of mutual respect and mutual support has injected lasting vitality into their relationship.

Hu Die proved with her actions that women can find a balance between career and family. Her story has not only inspired many women in the workplace, but also provided a model for modern marital relationships.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the marriage of Hu Die and Lu Chuan has gone through seven spring and autumn. However, the so-called "seven-year itch" does not seem to be manifesting itself in the couple.

On the contrary, their relationship has become stronger and their married life has become more harmonious.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

The success of this marriage stems from their common character traits and ideal pursuits. Hu Die and Lu Chuan are both enterprising and excellence-minded people, they understand each other's work pressure, and they also appreciate each other's achievements in their respective fields.

At the same time, they both maintain a zest and curiosity for life, which makes their married life full of freshness and vitality.

"Don't worry about tomorrow", this is Hu Die's philosophy of life. She believes that instead of worrying about what may happen in the future, it is better to focus on the present moment and strive to be an independent and attractive woman.

It is this confidence and charm that keeps her uniquely attractive in her marriage.

"CCTV Beauty Host" Hu Die: Married to a 12-year-old director, got pregnant and separated, what happened later

In the past seven years, I have witnessed Hu Die's growth from a CCTV newcomer to a well-known host, and also witnessed her transformation from a newlywed Yan'er to a mother. And this marriage is the most beautiful scenery in her life's journey.

For the future, Hu Die is full of confidence: "I believe that as long as we cherish and support each other, our love will become sweeter and sweeter, and our family will become happier and happier."

The story of Hu Die and Lu Chuan is not only a romantic love that spans ages, but also a model of modern marriage about mutual understanding and growing together. They have proved with their actions that true love can transcend differences in age and occupation, and grow deeper in mutual support and respect.

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