
Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

author:Xiao Jia said popular science


Nowadays, in the midst of increasing urbanization and the increasing number of high-rise buildings, we rarely see public power lines and poles, so why are these power lines disappearing to make cities better?

This is because the urban insulated towers and insulated porcelain bottles around us play a key role, so if the insulated towers and porcelain bottles are not waterproof, will there be leakage on rainy days?

Rainwater is not a conductor of electricity.

High-voltage lines have become an indispensable part of our lives, and we have the impression that whenever there is cloudy weather and electricity starts to appear in the air, it means that there is a high probability of thunderstorm.

Then the general electric tower and wire may become a thunder boy lying in heaven, and half of the body is soaked in water by the instantaneous electricity, and the other half is subjected to a huge electric shock, which will not only lead to a dangerous electric shock accident, but also seriously affect people's normal life.

However, we found that despite the heavy rainfall, most people were not hindered and the power lines did not accidentally leak. So why can the high-voltage line be opened normally on a rainy day and not be difficult to move an inch?

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

It's not that we all understand wrong, rain has no electricity. In fact, strictly speaking, rain itself does not conduct electricity, as we all know in college chemistry, there are no ions in the water, and there are not enough molecules in the air to form an ion event, then the rain cannot conduct electricity.

The so-called "rainwater conductivity" is due to the suspended matter produced by the raindrops that are closely related to the air; The so-called "raindrops caused by suspended matter" are not called suspended matter when the raindrops fall, but because of the suspended dust in the air.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

We all know that there are many microorganisms in the air, and once these microorganisms stay in the air for too long, they can easily form a layer of thick smoke, which will gather together and form suspended matter produced in the raindrops.

Then these nano-scale substances are easily entangled with water, so the raindrops will get bigger and bigger as they fall, and eventually fall softly to the ground.

However, these suspended substances will form an electrolyte in the raindrops, that is, once the raindrops fall to the ground, they will hide on the ground and become conductor lines, and when the two conductor wires are close to each other, they will form a conductive situation, and eventually form thunderstorm.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

On the other hand, it is also due to air pollution caused by excessive industrialization in cities; Once the air is polluted, a large amount of suspended matter will be within reach, so once the rain touches the polluted land, these pollutants will be released by the rainwater, so it will also form a conductive state and cause arc sparks in the sky.

Although the rain we usually see does not directly harm the high-voltage lines, there is a risk of short circuits when these droplets fall onto the power lines and towers.

Therefore, scientists have found that the best time for rain in China is six months, which means that almost all of our rain is "weakly acidic".

When weakly acidic rainwater falls on the surface of the tower, it's fine, but when it seeps into the power lines, it's likely to be short-circuited.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

It is precisely because of this situation, and the country has also made a certain trade-off in the selection of materials, after all, the country is demanding the strength and toughness of the insulated porcelain bottle at the same time, but also very emphasizes the insulation function of the porcelain bottle, in order to avoid this situation, agricultural science and technology researchers have added sponges and other water-absorbing materials to the porcelain bottle, in order to ensure that the porcelain bottle works normally when it rains, once these sponges and water-absorbing materials further absorb water, you can avoid water droplets from penetrating into the wire, so as to ensure the safety of the wire.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

The current porcelain vase is mainly made of epoxy resin and alumina, although this material can be deformed under external force, but it will not be damaged by water, and will not cause the panel to fall off due to the penetration of water, so as to ensure the safe operation of the wire.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

In addition, the voltage of the high-voltage line is not only in the rainy day, even most people do not know that even in the rainstorm, the high-voltage line will not be short-circuited, although some people think that if it rains too much, the wire will not be short-circuited.

This is just because we don't know that today's high-voltage lines in China basically use a voltage of 150,000 volts, and the current in this voltage is in a relatively narrow range, so even if there is more rain, it will not have a direct impact on the high-voltage line.

Although the high-voltage line will not be short-circuited in rainy days, scientific and technological personnel still dare not slack off, and will still take certain measures and methods, which are mainly to ensure the safety and stability of the high-voltage line.

How to make urban wires free of short circuits.

In today's urbanization, insulation plays a big role, just as our urbanization is getting faster and faster, more and more high-rise buildings are rising from the ground, and although this practice makes the city more beautiful, it makes it more and more difficult to install wires.

Once the high-voltage line is exposed to the air, it is not only susceptible to wind and sun, but also may be struck by lightning, which will also be very unfavorable for maintenance and maintenance work.

Therefore, our country's scientific and technological personnel have done a lot of difficult work on the issue of maintaining high-voltage lines.

The first thing to solve this problem is to do a good job of waterproofing, after all, the meaning of dripping water eventually forms the ocean, and even the water is not blocked by the high-voltage line, not to mention what danger will be formed after being struck by lightning.

For this reason, scientific and technological personnel have made a lot of insulated series of insulators, which is what we usually call insulated towers and insulated porcelain bottles.

And take the insulated porcelain vase as an example, its essence is an insulating ceramic, so why do we have to use porcelain?

This is because porcelain is more delicate, and the delicate surface can better play a role in preventing rain, after all, it is also very common in our urbanization construction when the area is insufficient.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

On the other hand, the fragile nature of porcelain also allows it to quickly receive electromagnetic fields, which transmit electricity from the highest point to the lowest point.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

Eventually, the vase was fixed to the tower, and the electricity was transmitted, which not only ensured the smooth flow of electricity in the city, but also greatly reduced the lighting expenditure of the citizens.

But in the case of the porcelain vase, once it is broken, it will cause the high-voltage line to open the circuit, thus stopping the power transmission, which is very uneconomical for us.

Therefore, in order to avoid the porcelain bottle from breaking as much as possible, we will also make it into an egg-shaped design, which can not only avoid breaking, but also remove the air in the bottle to ensure the normal operation of power transmission.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

Speaking of this porcelain vase, if you have seen the high-voltage line, you will find that the porcelain vase will be hung to a certain extent; It's actually an insulation job.

If the vase is fixed directly to the tower, it will cause the insulating arms inside the vase to be tighter, creating a "conductive bridge" that can cause the tower to break.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

Therefore, this is also the purpose of the scientific and technological personnel to design this kind of insulated arm; As long as the porcelain vase is suspended, it can avoid the appearance of "conductive bridges" and improve the strength of the tower.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

However, this work is not an easy task, and it also requires scientific and technological personnel and construction personnel to carry out insulation testing, so as to better ensure the safe operation of power facilities.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

How the city should develop in the future.

Although urbanization is unstoppable, scientists should still try to plan cities while reducing their impact on the natural environment.

In the future urban planning, scientific and technological researchers should further explore and give full play to the potential of insulating materials, especially to ensure the smooth flow of urban electricity while reducing environmental pollution.

In addition, in the future urbanization process, it is necessary to take into account issues such as biodiversity and environmental restoration, and to integrate measures such as ecological agriculture and biodiversity conservation into urban planning to create a livable environment.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?

In addition, we should also pay attention to the beauty and humanistic spirit of the city, encourage the protection and inheritance of excellent cultural landscapes and historical buildings, and create a unique urban style under the combination of traditional culture and modern technology.

All in all, future urban planning should not only focus on development and innovation, but also pay attention to the ecological environment and the beauty of human settlements, only in this way can we create a livable and workable city and bring a better future and life to people.

Water is conductive, why on rainy days, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line does not leak electricity?


Urbanization is inevitable, but we can still do more to protect the environment and improve the quality of living in the process of urban planning and construction.

The presence of insulated towers and porcelain vases not only brings the convenience of electricity, but also increases the beauty of the city, but we cannot ignore the maintenance and protection of these essential facilities.

Therefore, in the future urbanization process, we should actively explore scientific and technological innovation, pay attention to the concept of environmental protection, maintain respect for traditional culture, and strive to build a livable and workable city.

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