
Deal Rating A+! Stone fights to fame! It was only a matter of time before the Rockets got Durant

author:Yin Yin talks about sports
Deal Rating A+! Stone fights to fame! It was only a matter of time before the Rockets got Durant

On July 1, Beijing time, the NBA set off a trade storm, and the Rockets and Nets completed a blockbuster trade for the league. The news of the deal quickly spread across NBA media platforms, sparking heated discussions among fans and in-depth analysis by experts.

"Wow, did you see that? The Rockets and Nets actually made such a big move! A basketball fan commented excitedly on social media.

"This is an A+ trade rating, no wonder it has attracted so much attention, I don't know what big moves the Rockets have?" Another fan asked curiously.

Analysts on the NBA trade website also gave their views for the first time: "This deal is not only a gain in draft picks for the Rockets, but also a demonstration of ambition in the future strategic layout." They control all of the first-round picks the Suns give the Nets, which means they will have more draft freedom for years to come. "

On July 1, Beijing time, the NBA set off a trade storm, and the Rockets and Nets completed a blockbuster trade for the league.

Deal Rating A+! Stone fights to fame! It was only a matter of time before the Rockets got Durant

Here's what the deal is: The Rockets sold the Nets' 2025 swap rights and a 2026 first-round pick in exchange for the Suns' first-round picks for future seasons in 2025, 2027 and 2029. Of particular note is that the Rockets actually control all of those first-round picks, including swap rights in 2025, meaning they will have more draft picks in the coming years.

The news caused an uproar in NBA circles. Shortly after the deal was announced, fans and pundits began to hotly discuss the significance and implications of the deal.

"Oh my God, the Rockets actually got the Nets' swap rights and first-round picks? Isn't this laying the groundwork for future champions? One fan said excitedly.

"Indeed, this trade is a bold move for the Rockets. Controlling the Suns' first-round pick for years to come means they have more options in the draft market. Another expert analyzed.

Within the Rockets, the deal is also seen as a major strategic realignment and an important step in future plans. Speaking at the press conference, the General Manager said: "We are confident in the future, and this deal not only reflects our desire for a championship, but is also part of our strategic layout. We believe that with these chips, we will be able to rebuild our squad in the coming seasons and further strengthen our squad. ”

Deal Rating A+! Stone fights to fame! It was only a matter of time before the Rockets got Durant

Analysts believe the Rockets' move shows their ambitions in the competitive NBA league, not just looking to win in the game in front of them, but also laying the foundation for long-term success. This deal does have the potential to be a crucial step back to the top.

Regarding the next steps in the trade, the Rockets plan to use these three first-round picks to try and re-sign former NBA MVP Kevin Durant. Durant currently plays for the Suns, but according to NBA reporter Shams, it's only a matter of time before he joins the Rockets. The news sparked widespread discussion and anticipation among fans and experts.

"Durant is coming back to the Rockets? That's big news! A basketball fan excitedly commented on social media.

"If the Rockets can really sign Durant, their roster will become very strong and will hopefully challenge for a championship!" Another fan said excitedly.

The general manager of the Rockets also revealed some details to the media: "We are very excited about Durant's return. His arrival will bring a huge boost to the team, not only on the pitch, but also in terms of leadership and experience. ”

Deal Rating A+! Stone fights to fame! It was only a matter of time before the Rockets got Durant

Within the Rockets, players are also full of anticipation and excitement about Durant's possible arrival. "Durant is an absolute superstar and his addition will make our team even stronger." One team core said they are looking forward to meeting the challenges of the new season with Durant.

Analysts believe that if the Rockets succeed in signing Durant, it will greatly increase their chances of competing for a championship. Not only is Durant a top player, but he also has a lot of playoff experience and a championship ring, which is undoubtedly a huge plus for a team that is hungry for success.

The entire league is watching the Rockets see how Durant will impact the team's future and whether they can get back to the top of the league with this important deal.

The Rockets' strategy for the new season is in the spotlight, and they plan to give more playing time to young players, especially players like VanVleet and Tate.

VanVleet's contract is set to expire next summer, and the Rockets are not entirely happy with his performance, so they may not exercise his contract option. Tate's contract is relatively small, making an effective salary balance with Durant's high salary.

Deal Rating A+! Stone fights to fame! It was only a matter of time before the Rockets got Durant

This strategic decision has caused some discussion and anticipation within the team.

'The development of our young players is very critical and they need more game time to show what they are capable of. The Rockets head coach said to his players during training camp.

"Van Vleet has potential, but he's been a bit inconsistent in his performances. However, I believe he has what it takes to improve in the new season. A veteran player said to his teammates in private.

Van Vleet and Tate are part of the squad and have different visions for the future. Van Vleet wants to prove his worth with more game time, while Tate is more focused on playing a relatively low-key but important role in the team.

The Rockets' management has also been cautious and sensible when considering future contracts and salary structures. Not only do they have to take into account the competitive form of the team, but they also have to maintain a financial balance in order to lay a solid foundation for the team's future success.

Deal Rating A+! Stone fights to fame! It was only a matter of time before the Rockets got Durant

The whole team is getting ready for the new season and is looking forward to bringing new glory to the team through the development of young players and the leadership of experienced players. Before Durant or other potential high-level players join, every step of their decision counts.

The Rockets have demonstrated their ambition in the league and their confidence in the future with this deal. Durant's arrival will be an important step in achieving their championship dreams, and the team's strategy and salary structure show their strong determination to build a more competitive team.

Deal Rating A+! Stone fights to fame! It was only a matter of time before the Rockets got Durant

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