
World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Super Ascend Details, multiple characters under the same account can be purchased!

author:Mushan game recommendation

Recently, the details of the high-profile thunderfire super helicopter have finally surfaced. Many players were skeptical and apprehensive about the launch of this new feature, as they didn't fully agree with the way it was going up. Next, let's take a closer look at the many details of this superlift, and perhaps find some answers from it.

World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Super Ascend Details, multiple characters under the same account can be purchased!

I'm tired enough to go to work, I want to play a game after work, I just hope to be easy and relaxed, open the game and see that I can't beat others without spending money, and playing a game is more tiring than going to work. However, the old player's base is based on the fun - sea - star - game, there are most of the support versions of the mobile game, and there are 30 internal number places on the daily official network, so that players can have 5000 starting resources and 500-2000 real chong every day, so that they can get a better game experience.

First of all, regarding the launch time of the super helicopter, Leihuo has officially announced it as July 11. This means that there are only more than ten days left, and the majority of players will be able to see the true face of Lushan.

World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Super Ascend Details, multiple characters under the same account can be purchased!

In addition, the way to obtain the Homecoming Emblem, which players are most concerned about, has also been answered. This special item, as the key to exchanging for level 213 equipment, naturally became the focus of everyone's attention. The rewards for the Super Helicopter are also generous, including advanced riding flight paths, Northrend prestige, shoulder and head enchantments, a certain amount of gold, and a 22-block backpack. What's even more exciting is that after purchasing the Super Lift, there will also be a Homecoming Article, and players can redeem their favorite equipment directly from the Dalaran Robot.

World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Super Ascend Details, multiple characters under the same account can be purchased!

So, how exactly did this mysterious homecoming coat of arms be obtained? The answer is to recharge and get it away. However, one of the points of controversy with Super Ascend is that multiple characters under the same account can be purchased multiple times. This means that even if you have ten level 1 characters, you can easily buy them ten times, saving players a lot of time and money.

As for the scope of application of Super Lift, it is limited to characters of level 1~79. Some players who have upgraded their account to level 80 may be disappointed as they will not be able to purchase the equipment in it. Therefore, players who want to buy Super Lift must be careful not to rush to upgrade their characters so as not to miss out on this rare opportunity.

World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Super Ascend Details, multiple characters under the same account can be purchased!

While Mega Lift provides players with a quick way to get gear, World of Warcraft players have long been accustomed to challenging themselves and acquiring gear in quests. The way to buy equipment this time is undoubtedly an innovative attempt in World of Warcraft. However, many players have expressed concern about this, hoping that Thunderfire will not launch such activities frequently, so as not to upset the balance of the game and the player's gaming experience.

Lei Huo's launch of Super Straight Lift this time may be to test the bottom line of players, or it may be to quickly accumulate performance in the early stage of the server. But in any case, we want this to be a one-off event, not a regular presence. What do you think about this? Feel free to share your views in the comments section.


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