
World of Warcraft: WLK Super Lift Details are released, and you can go to wage earner paradise infinitely!

author:Mushan game recommendation

With the reopening of the World of Warcraft nostalgia suit, players have a lively discussion around the recent hot topic - super helicopter service. This service, especially the version released by Thunderfire, has become the focus of recent discussions among players. Players have mixed opinions about the service, with voices for support and voices against it. Personally, I'm against it, arguing that gear should be earned through effort in quests, rather than being purchased outright, which seems a bit countering to the game's original purpose.

World of Warcraft: WLK Super Lift Details are released, and you can go to wage earner paradise infinitely!

I'm tired enough to go to work, I want to play a game after work, I just hope to be easy and relaxed, open the game and see that I can't beat others without spending money, and playing a game is more tiring than going to work. However, the old player's base is based on the fun - sea - star - game, there are most of the support versions of the mobile game, and there are 30 internal number places on the daily official network, so that players can have 5000 starting resources and 500-2000 real chong every day, so that they can get a better game experience.

World of Warcraft: WLK Super Lift Details are released, and you can go to wage earner paradise infinitely!

Originally, there was an equipment catch-up mechanic in the game, so if you allow you to buy equipment directly, then what's the point of this mechanic? What's more noteworthy is that the specific rules of the Super Lift officially announced by World of Warcraft recently do not seem to have the account restrictions that everyone expected. This means that players can move up to the top of the character without any restrictions, even if it's up to ten. This undoubtedly exacerbates players' concerns about the economic balance in the game, and may even lead to all employees becoming wage earners, all of whom will rush to areas such as Odor to compete for resources.

World of Warcraft: WLK Super Lift Details are released, and you can go to wage earner paradise infinitely!

Of course, this seems like an opportunity for the Rib Man (a player who is focused on in-game economic activities rather than combat) to move up to more roles and participate in more part-time activities. But whether you can really profit from it is another matter.

Let's take a closer look at the details of this superlift. The official announced the launch time of the super helicopter as early as July 11. Among them, the Super Lift Pack contains in-game currency that can be exchanged for level 213 equipment in Dalaran. However, it should be noted that the official reminds players to be careful about redeeming, because once redeemed, it cannot be returned.

World of Warcraft: WLK Super Lift Details are released, and you can go to wage earner paradise infinitely!

In addition to gear, the pack includes advanced riding, flight paths, Northrend reputation, level upgrades, and more. What's even more shocking is that these benefits are applicable to all characters at level 1~79, and multiple characters under the same account can also be purchased repeatedly. This kind of helicopter service is really powerful, and players can quickly level up multiple full-level characters, and then plunge into areas such as Odore to compete for resources.

World of Warcraft: WLK Super Lift Details are released, and you can go to wage earner paradise infinitely!

The launch of this service has undoubtedly triggered a strong response from players. Proponents argue that it simplifies the gear acquisition process, lowers the barrier to entry for dungeons, and makes it easier for players to integrate into the game. Opponents fear that such a service would disrupt the game's balance and could even spark more similar events, ultimately ruining World of Warcraft.

So, what do you think of this super uplift service? Does it really fit into the World of Warcraft game? Feel free to express your views in the comment area.

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