
How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman
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In the Luling Tomb of the Northern Song Dynasty, on the banks of the small river in Shaxi, the sun is shining and sparkling. There is often a warm picture - the mother Zheng, smiling like a flower, holding a light stalk, like a magic wand, depicts vivid words for the young Ouyang Xiu on the sand. This is not only writing, but also the mother's deep love and expectation for her son. This moving picture scroll has been praised by later generations as a good story of "painting the godson".

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Although he lost his father at a young age and his family was poor, he depended on his mother and smiled at the wind and rain. In those difficult days, the wisdom and tenacity of his mother Zheng were like bright stars, illuminating Ouyang Xiu's life path. She adapted to local conditions, using stalks as pens and sand as paper, paving the way to knowledge for her son. This mother's love and wisdom, like spring breeze and rain, nourished Ouyang Xiu's heart and forged his lifelong tenacity and talent.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman
How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Ouyang Xiu, who was only 17 years old, became famous in the Suizhou Township Examination with a concise and exquisite article that was like a dark horse. Because the text was slightly out of line with the official rhyme, he regrettably passed by the lifter. This defeat was like a sudden thunderbolt on a sunny day, but Ouyang Xiu was not the kind of person who was easily defeated! How can a small setback hide his brilliance!

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Three years later, Ouyang Xiu went into battle again, easily passed the state exam, and was recommended by the Ministry of Rites, laying a solid foundation for his road to the Ministry of Rites. Unexpectedly, he once again missed success. He began to ponder: Is it because I am not hot enough, or does this imperial examination system have to be pondered carefully? He decided to pack his bags and go out to study, looking for a wider world and more intelligent teachers and friends.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Under Xu Yan's vigorous protection, Ouyang Xiu shined in the provincial examination, becoming a supervisor and a jieyuan in one fell swoop, and finally ushered in his small peak! The study tour experience in the past few years has not only broadened his horizons, but also advanced his knowledge and insights by leaps and bounds, laying a solid foundation for his subsequent glory.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman
How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Appointed as the left-behind magistrate of Luoyang, Ouyang Xiu spent a relatively leisurely time in this cultural ancient city. He met Yin Su, Mei Yaochen and other friends in the literary world, and began his literary career. is the so-called frustration in the political world, and the pride in the literary world. The early death of his first-married wife Xu and the unfortunate death of the remarried Yang family, this emotional experience cast a sad shadow on Ouyang Xiu's heart.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Because of the writing of the "Letter of Advice to Gao Si" to support Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu was demoted to the rank of Yiling County Commander. At the local level, he has demonstrated excellent governance skills and actively governed for the benefit of the people. Although the setbacks in his career made him resentful, he did not get depressed, but turned his anger into motivation and continued to forge ahead in the difficult situation. The experience during this period not only tempered his will, but also accumulated valuable governance experience.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman
How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

He was like a brave lion, pounced on the Qingli New Deal, splashed ink, wrote the shocking "Friends of the Party", fully supported Fan Zhongyan, the sharp sword of the New Deal touched the cheese of those bureaucrats and aristocrats, and as a result, the implementation of the New Deal failed, and he was transferred to Chuzhou as a governor.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

He incarnated as a "drunkard" and wrote the intoxicating "The Story of the Drunkard Pavilion". This is not only a travelogue, but also his deep desire for political clarity and the people's living and working in peace and contentment. The landscapes of Chuzhou in his pen are picturesque, and his attitude towards life and the pursuit of ideals are even more vivid, and it has become a bright pearl in the history of literature!

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

He implemented a policy of leniency and simplicity, which made the local area prosperous, and the people loved him very much. He often calls friends, drinks and has fun, and also personally creates the two "Internet celebrity check-in places" of Fengle Pavilion and Drunkard Pavilion.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman
How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

This literary giant not only shines brightly, but also takes care of his younger generations like a gardener. Especially those talented Zeng Gong, Su Shi and others, he regarded them as treasures, and nourished them with the rain and dew of his wisdom, so that they gradually bloomed like flowers, and eventually became the bright stars of the Northern Song Dynasty literary circle.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

The imperial examination presided over by Ouyang Xiu was like a grand literary feast, and was known as the "No. 1 list of the thousand-year-old imperial examination". This feast not only promoted the innovation of the literary style of the Northern Song Dynasty, but also laid a solid foundation for the subsequent development of literature.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

In the ocean of the literary world, Ouyang Xiu waved the banner of the ancient literary movement, bravely challenged those flashy prose, and loudly appealed for a simple and natural literary style. His cry not only shook the entire literary world, but also pointed out the way for the development of literature in later generations. It was precisely because of his advocacy that the ancient literature movement was rejuvenated and became a beautiful landscape in the literary circle of the Northern Song Dynasty.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman
How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Ouyang Xiu ascended to the position of ruler, but unexpectedly, the dispute over "Pu Yi" made him walk on thin ice and slander like a tide. He begged many times to go, but he was always bound by the chains of the Golden Luan Palace. He broke free from the shackles and retreated to Yingzhou to pursue his own literary world.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Although the career path is difficult, Ouyang Xiu's heart has never been shaken by the world. While splashing ink on the court, he worked hard in the study, leaving countless precious ink treasures for future generations.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

After retiring, Ouyang Xiu is like a free bird, soaring in the ocean of poetry and songs. His years in Yingzhou were leisurely and comfortable, as if even time had slowed down for it.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

However, the good times did not last long, and this literary giant drove west in Yingzhou at the age of 66. His passing, like the fall of a bright star, marked the end of an era. But his spirit and achievements are like bright stars, forever shining in the hearts of future generations.

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman
How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Ouyang Xiu, a talented man, is not only good at literature, but also in the fields of history, economics, and agriculture! The "History of the New Five Dynasties" he wrote is a "hit" in the field of historiography, which shows how much ink he has in his stomach! As an all-round player, Ouyang Xiu has left a strong mark in various fields, and his wisdom and talent are about to overflow the screen!

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Ouyang Xiu's patriotism and integrity are as sonorous and powerful as the words he writes. Those small episodes in his career made his personality shine even brighter. He has a discerning eye, and has brought up new stars in the literary world such as Su Shi and Zeng Gong, making them a generation of grandmasters, and their influence is not covered!

How did Ouyang Xiu, a poor boy, counterattack and become a literary giant in the Northern Song Dynasty? It's because of a woman

Ouyang Xiu's personality charm lies not only in his careful cultivation of his juniors, but also in his deep attachment to the country and society. So, how did the spiritual power of this master pass on to future generations? The answer lies in the hearts of each of us, the pursuit of truth and beauty is the best inheritance of Ouyang Xiu's spirit!

Reference books

· "History of the Song Dynasty"

· The Complete Works of Ouyang Xiu

· "History of the New Five Generations"

· History of Chinese Literature

· Research on Qingli New Deal

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