
The marriage and love website was looking for a partner, but it was a blind date to a "married man", and the woman who had been deceived for two years collapsed

author:Sharp-eyed life

On the road to finding true love, everyone wants to meet the person who can treat each other with sincerity and spend the rest of their lives together. However, for Ms. Shi from Taiyuan, the experience was full of twists and turns.

A few years ago, with a vision of marriage, she met Mr. Fan through a dating website. Mr. Fan made it clear from the beginning that he was in this relationship for the purpose of marriage, and such a sincere attitude touched Ms. Shi. The two soon fell in love and began a beautiful romance. However, what Ms. Shi never expected was that there was a "secret" hidden behind this relationship that she didn't expect......

The marriage and love website was looking for a partner, but it was a blind date to a "married man", and the woman who had been deceived for two years collapsed

"I didn't want to expose it at first, but because his character was so bad, I went to the Public Security Bureau to sue him for fraud." This is what Ms. Shi told reporters. The person in Ms. Shi's mouth is none other than his boyfriend Mr. Fan, who has been dating him for two years, so why did Ms. Shi report Mr. Fan for fraud?

"Mr. Fan and I met through a blind date website in 2018, and after we met, he told me that he wanted to fall in love with the purpose of getting married." Ms. Shi said that seeing Mr. Fan treating each other with sincerity, she was also very optimistic about their fate. After getting along for a period of time, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up, and they lived together for a while.

During that time, whether it was eating or watching movies, Mr. Fan always asked Ms. Shi to spend money, and from the beginning, he claimed that he was not in a good financial situation and was particularly poor.

The marriage and love website was looking for a partner, but it was a blind date to a "married man", and the woman who had been deceived for two years collapsed

When the two are in different places, most of them chat on WeChat, and although there are few opportunities for the two to meet, Ms. Shi is still very optimistic about this relationship.

"We have stayed together before in a small shop. At first, it was also a long place, and it didn't take long to live together. Ms. Shi recalled. But what she never expected was that a secret she discovered by chance shattered her dream in an instant.

"We have been dating for two years, and one day I watched Douyin and saw that his wife posted a video about their family of three, and then I asked him if he was married, and he said no. So, I asked him out again, and he told me that he got married in 2019. ”

The marriage and love website was looking for a partner, but it was a blind date to a "married man", and the woman who had been deceived for two years collapsed

Judging from the WeChat chat records, Mr. Fan said that he got married at the age of 28, which can be calculated according to the age on the ID card, that is, he got married in 2017. According to Ms. Shi, the two had not yet met at that time. "Obviously, he concealed the fact that he was married and had children, and he asked for marriage on a blind date website, which is itself a deception."

In WeChat, Mr. Fan explained that although he was married, he had always minded separating from his wife, so there was a later incident between him and Ms. Shi. He admitted his mistake and apologized. However, Ms. Shi has her own opinion on Mr. Fan's behavior.

The marriage and love website was looking for a partner, but it was a blind date to a "married man", and the woman who had been deceived for two years collapsed

"He didn't just cheat on me about marital status, he tried to cheat me out of money." Ms. Shi said, "He cheated me out of money and asked me to transfer 3,000 yuan to him, but I knew that I had been cheated at the time, so I didn't transfer it to him." Now he's blocked all my contact information, and I can't reach him, and he doesn't contact me, this person, I think his virtue is too bad, so I think it's necessary to expose this person. ”

Ms. Shi's experience has taught us that on the road to finding true love, we should not only have a vision for a better future, but also remain rational.

The marriage and love website was looking for a partner, but it was a blind date to a "married man", and the woman who had been deceived for two years collapsed

Ms. Shi's experience has made us realize that we should have an in-depth understanding before establishing any relationship, whether in real life or in the online world. In the face of platforms such as marriage and dating, you should maintain a cautious attitude, and if necessary, you can conduct background checks through formal channels to avoid falling into the trap of others.

"Love is beautiful, but it should not be blind. Protecting yourself is responsible for yourself, and it is also responsible for the love that truly belongs to you in the future. "In this complex and ever-changing society, may we all find that pure and true love with wisdom and courage.

(This story is pure fiction, if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental)

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