
Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Today's topic: Why are poor families mostly discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Text: Moyue North

Edited by Mo Yuebei

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

This article is long and is based on the personal experience of netizens, which will definitely shock you!!!

Do you have fights in your house?

Is it frequent?

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant?


Next, let's take a look at what other netizens have to say.

I have also seen my daughter-in-law eat 12 pumpkins during pregnancy, it is really pitiful, can it be good to eat so little and the child develops?

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

If the family could work together to earn money, there shouldn't be so many quarrels.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

In contrast, if it is for the sake of millions of heads to break the bloodstream, it is reasonable; If it's for a few hundred dollars, it's really ugly.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Such parents are rare even nowadays.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

The child is still very young, her cognition has not yet been formed, and at this time it is time for adults to reflect on themselves.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Human nature is like that.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Once you start arguing over this matter, then your life will not be very stable in the future.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

I would rather suffer mentally than physically.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

It is normal to pay more attention to the safety of the child to see a doctor, and the requirements for the doctor are naturally higher, and it is normal to overcharge.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

That's the point of having money, so that you can get it the fastest when you need it.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Many people spend their lives healing the shocks they received in childhood.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

It's really suffocating to make such a fuss for seven dollars.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

How expensive can frozen food be? What's more, she is pregnant, so I am really worried about whether the baby will be well cared for after birth.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

The transition is the hardest, but it should be much better in the future, and hopefully your ex-girlfriend can get rid of her old memories and have a new life.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

I have to pay off the mortgage and car loan, and at this time I have to add a child, who is likely to want to become the center of family conflicts.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

This kind of thing happened because of five cents, and it really shouldn't be.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

In the past, it was easy for people to find short-sightedness if they didn't know that they could get a divorce.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

This thing was obviously built by her mother-in-law herself, and it would be good if she could give him half of the money after selling it, but she even had to scold her.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

This all feels like a mentality problem, not simply a lack of money.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

People who only dare to spill their grievances on their own family members are really not capable people.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Money can solve many problems, make it easier for mothers, and make families more harmonious.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

At this time, the people in the family have become accustomed to her giving, and if she no longer gives, she will be blamed.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Has this matter left a shadow on you, if so, you must change it when you grow up, otherwise it will really affect your future life.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Rich people may be a little kinder, after all, they can solve things that can be solved with money.

Why are the families of the poor so much discordant? Netizen: Because of five cents, he doesn't have a mother anymore

Write at the end:

Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Let us know in the comments section.

There is a certain inauthenticity in the content of the above pictures! Ladies and gentlemen, don't take it seriously.

If you have different experiences or opinions, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss! The younger brother must be humbly taught.

Finally, remember to pay attention to "Mo Beiyue", don't forget to like and follow, I'm waiting for you in the comment area!


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