
Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat these 5 things every day

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Shen

Grandma Li is 70 years old this year and has always been physically tough.

After retiring, she began to pay attention to health, and would eat some hawthorn products every day, such as hawthorn chips, hawthorn cakes, and even make tea with hawthorn.

However, in recent times, Grandma Li has often felt an upset stomach, with excessive stomach acid and stomach pain.

After going to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor told her that it could be caused by an overdose of hawthorn.

Grandma Li then realized that the eating habits she had always thought were healthy may have caused harm to her body.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat these 5 things every day

1. Hawthorn: sweet and sour, but not suitable for everyone

Hawthorn has the effect of appetizing and digesting, and many elderly people like to use hawthorn to make tea or make hawthorn cake.

However, although hawthorn is delicious, it is not suitable for all elderly people.

1. Causes stomach upset

2. Affect drug absorption

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat these 5 things every day

2. High-sugar foods: sweet traps, harmful to health

As we age, the metabolic capacity of the elderly declines, and excessive sugar intake can easily lead to a series of health problems.

1. Increased risk of diabetes

High-sugar foods can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate, increase the burden of insulin, and long-term consumption can easily cause diabetes or aggravate the condition.

2. Induce cardiovascular disease

Excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity, hyperlipidemia, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Older adults should avoid frequent consumption of desserts, sweets, and sugary drinks.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat these 5 things every day

3. High-salt food: invisible killer, threatening blood pressure

A high-salt diet is one of the important causes of high blood pressure, and the elderly especially need to control their salt intake.

1. Triggers high blood pressure

Excessive salt intake can lead to an increase in sodium ions in the body, which increases the burden on blood vessels, which can lead to hypertension and its complications.

2. Impaired kidney function

A high-salt diet can also increase the burden on the kidneys and impair kidney function, especially for the elderly with chronic kidney disease, and salt intake should be strictly controlled.

4. Fried food: delicious but unhealthy

Although fried foods are crispy and delicious, they have multiple adverse effects on the health of the elderly.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat these 5 things every day

1. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

2. Induce indigestion

Fried food is not easy to digest, and the digestive system of the elderly is reduced, and it is easy to cause symptoms such as indigestion and bloating after eating.

5. Preserved foods: the health hazards behind deliciousness

Pickled foods are made with a lot of salt and preservatives, which pose a threat to the health of the elderly.

1. High salt content

Preserved foods are high in salt, which can cause an increase in blood pressure, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and may also lead to kidney damage if consumed for a long time.

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat these 5 things every day

2. Contains nitrites

Nitrite produced during the curing process is a carcinogen, and long-term consumption of preserved foods increases the risk of cancer.

6. Caffeinated drinks: refreshing but not too much

Although caffeinated beverages such as coffee and strong tea can be refreshing, older people should reduce their intake.

1. Affects sleep

2. Triggers osteoporosis

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat these 5 things every day

7. Healthy eating recommendations

In order to stay healthy, the elderly need to pay special attention to the following points in their diet:

Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet should include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals to ensure complete nutrition.

Control salt and sugar intake

Strictly control the intake of salt and sugar, and avoid foods high in salt and sugar. It is recommended to use natural flavorings such as lemon juice, vanilla, etc. instead of salt and sugar.

Choose a healthy cooking method

Should the elderly stay away from hawthorn? Doctor's advice: If you don't want your body to "collapse", don't eat these 5 things every day

Consume good fats in moderation

Drink plenty of water

Older people should maintain adequate water intake to boost metabolism and help the body flush out toxins. Drink 1500-2000 ml of water per day.

Diet is essential to the health of the elderly, and scientific and reasonable dietary habits can effectively prevent and manage a variety of chronic diseases.

The elderly should stay away from high-sugar, high-salt, fried, pickled foods and caffeinated drinks, choose nutritionally balanced and light foods, combined with moderate exercise and good work and rest, in order to maintain health and prolong life.

Pay attention to a healthy diet, start with choosing the right food, and hope that every elderly person can have a healthy and happy old age!

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