
Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

author:Cereal bars talk about the past and the present
Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father
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Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

In 2010, outside the operating room of a public hospital in Anhui Province, a tense atmosphere hung over the waiting area. 60-year-old Sheng Hailin is experiencing a thrilling labor inside.

Medical staff shuttled back and forth, and family members waited anxiously. Sheng Hailin's husband, Wu Jingzhou, clasped his hands, his eyes full of worry and expectation.

Why did this old man who was over the age of sixteen make such an astonishing decision? What kind of life transition did she experience? When the door to the operating room finally opened, the cries of two newborns resounded through the hallway, and an incredible miracle was born.

With smiles of relief on their faces, the nurses announced the good news to the waiting families. This touching family legend is slowly unveiling its veil.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

The story of Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou began in 1949, in a vigorous military compound. The two gradually developed from childhood playmates to sweet lovers, and the friendship between childhood sweethearts became deeper and deeper under the baptism of the years.

Although they had to be separated during their studies, they maintained their relationship through frequent correspondence, and each letter carried the thoughts and love of the other party.

After getting married, Sheng Hailin worked in a well-known hospital with an excellent medical background, while Wu Jingzhou focused on his career development. Life is fast-paced and fulfilling, and they enjoy the quality of their time together.

It wasn't until they were almost 30 years old that they ushered in the crystallization of love - their lovely daughter Tingting.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

Tingting's arrival brought infinite joy to the family. Under the careful cultivation of her parents, Tingting showed extraordinary intelligence. Not only did she excel in her studies and rank at the top of her grade all year round, but she also won many awards in various competitions and became a leader among her peers.

Watching their daughter grow up healthy and happy, Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou felt extremely relieved and proud.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Tingting has stepped into the university campus. There, she met her true son, and the love story between the two became a good story on campus.

After graduating from college, Tingting entered the marriage hall with her beloved and formed her own small family. The happy life of the newlywed Yan'er made Sheng Hailin and his wife feel gratified.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

However, fate ruthlessly played tricks on this happy family on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2008. On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, Tingting and his wife, who had been away from their hometown for a long time, returned to their hometown as usual.

After chatting with friends and family late into the night, they stayed overnight at their grandmother's house. Unexpectedly, because the room was closed and the coal fire was not extinguished, the relentless carbon monoxide quietly invaded their sleep.

The next day, close to noon, Sheng Hailin saw that her daughter and his wife had not gotten up for a long time, and she was suspicious. When she finally entered the room, the strong smell of gas made her instantly realize that her situation was critical.

She called her daughter's name hoarsely, but there was only a suffocating silence.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

Although the daughter couple was immediately rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment, it was too late. When the doctor announced that the rescue was ineffective, Sheng Hailin's world completely collapsed at that moment. She was in pain, and she washed her face with tears all day long, and the pain of losing her daughter almost crushed her.

If it weren't for the support and companionship of her husband Wu Jingzhou, she might never have been able to get out of this haze.

This sudden tragedy plunged the originally happy family into endless grief. Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou fell into deep self-blame and guilt, and they couldn't forgive themselves for failing to protect their daughter.

Life seems to have lost all its color, and every day is a torment.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

However, life goes on. After a long period of mourning, Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou decided to try to get out of the haze of grief. They support each other in their efforts to regain meaning in life.

Although this experience was painful, it also made them cherish each other more, and the relationship between the husband and wife became deeper.

The huge blow of losing her beloved daughter made Sheng Hailin fall into deep despair. After countless sleepless nights, a seemingly crazy idea sprouted in her mind - to have another child.

This thought seemed incredible to even herself at first, but for Sheng Hailin, who had suffered from the loss of her daughter, it might be the only way to soothe her broken heart.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

However, the reality is harsh. Sheng Hailin, who is over the age of six, has long lost the ability to give birth naturally. She and her husband Wu Jingzhou have tried to fill the void in their hearts through adoption, but they have repeatedly hit a wall due to age.

The staff of the social welfare agency patiently explained the reasons why they were not eligible for adoption, which was undoubtedly another heavy blow to the long-suffering couple.

After many fruitless attempts, Sheng Hailin pinned her hopes on IVF technology. This decision not only has to face huge health risks, but also bears doubts and incomprehension from society.

Whenever she brought up this idea, it would always attract surprised glances and dissuasive words from the people around her.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

At first, even Wu Jingzhou was skeptical of his wife's decision. He was worried that such an attempt would cause irreversible damage to Sheng Hailin's body. However, looking at his wife's determined eyes and increasingly depressed mental state, Wu Jingzhou finally chose to support.

He knew that this might be the only way to give his wife hope back to life.

With this determination, Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou began the difficult road of seeking medical treatment. They have been turned to several hospitals, but they have been repeatedly turned away. Most doctors declined because of Ms. Sheng's age.

However, these setbacks did not extinguish Sheng Hailin's flame of hope, but made her more determined.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

The hard work paid off, and they finally found a doctor in a hospital in Hefei who was willing to accept them. The doctor explained in detail the possible risks, including the possibility of not being able to safely get off the operating table.

But none of these warnings shook Sheng Hailin's resolve. Her eyes burned with a desire for new life, an obsession that transcended life and death.

Under the careful care of the doctor, Sheng Hailin's physical condition gradually reached the standard of IVF surgery. After three months of careful recuperation, she finally ushered in the long-awaited good news - a successful pregnancy! What's even more surprising is that she is pregnant with twins.

The joy of pregnancy was quickly replaced by the worry of reality. It has been suggested that Sheng Hailin keep only one fetus to reduce the risk. However, having experienced the pain of losing her daughter, she could not accept the possibility of losing her child again.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

She insisted on bringing both babies into the world safely, even if it meant taking a bigger risk.

During pregnancy, Sheng Hailin cared for the life in her womb like a treasure. She wholeheartedly secured the baby and went to the hospital on time for examination and treatment. As her due date approached, she was admitted to the hospital where she received round-the-clock care.

In 2010, accompanied by her husband, 60-year-old Sheng Hailin successfully gave birth to two healthy baby girls. When the nurse walked out of the operating room with two pink little lives, Wu Jingzhou, who was waiting outside, cried with joy.

The hard-won twin daughters were named Zhizhi and Huihui by the couple.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

This miraculous birth experience not only filled the hole in Sheng Hailin's heart that lost Tingting, but also gave this family who had experienced vicissitudes of life hope to start over. Sheng Hailin's story quickly spread across the country and became a topic of conversation and hope for many families in similar situations.

The birth of twins Zhizhi and Huihui brought unprecedented joy and challenges to Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou's lives. The parents were faced with the daunting task of raising their newborns, but their eyes twinkled with a new lease of life.

However, fate always seems unwilling to give the family much respite. In 2016, a bolt from the blue struck the family that had just regained hope - Wu Jingzhou unfortunately suffered a stroke.

This sudden blow threw the otherwise orderly life into chaos again. Wu Jingzhou's ability to take care of himself is severely limited and requires round-the-clock care.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

Faced with this change, Sheng Hailin had to make a difficult choice. She gave up her hard-won career to devote herself to caring for her husband and daughters.

To ease the burden, she also hired a nanny to assist in taking care of the family. Although life has become more difficult, Sheng Hailin still supports the family strongly, and her eyes shine with an unyielding light.

Even in such a difficult situation, Sheng Hailin still did not neglect the education of her daughters. She nurture her two daughters, send them to the country's top universities at any cost, and encourage them to learn dance and develop their artistic temperament.

Whenever the children show their talents in the classroom or on stage, Sheng Hailin will use her camera to record these precious moments and share them online. Her strength and dedication have touched countless netizens and gained a lot of attention and support.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

However, in 2022, fate once again ruthlessly knocked on the door of this family. Wu Jingzhou's condition deteriorated dramatically, and despite the best efforts of Sheng Hailin and the medical staff, his life could not be saved in the end.

At her husband's funeral, Sheng Hailin and her two young daughters wept bitterly, a scene that moved everyone present.

The blow of losing her husband made Sheng Hailin fall into deep despair for a while. She felt helpless and lonely, as if she had returned to the dark time when she lost Tingting.

However, this time, there are two little lives by her side that need her. It was for the sake of Zhizhi and Huihui that Sheng Hailin once again mustered up her courage and was determined to move forward.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

After a period of adjustment, Sheng Hailin gradually recovered from the pain of bereavement. She is well aware that she has a dual responsibility: to be both a mother to Zhizhi and Huihui, and to play the role of a father.

Despite her advanced age, she raised her two young daughters on her own with remarkable perseverance.

Sheng Hailin continued the habit of recording the bits and pieces of her life, and often shared her daughters' growth process online. Her story continues to touch countless netizens, and many people have given her encouragement and support through messages.

These virtual warmth became one of the motivations for Sheng Hailin to persevere.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

Every Qingming season, Sheng Hailin will take her daughters to worship the ancestors. She patiently recounted the history of the family to her daughters, teaching them to be grateful and cherish.

In the cemetery, when she saw her two little daughters timidly saying "Dad, we miss you" to her father's tombstone, Sheng Hailin's eyes were always full of tears, both distressed and proud.

Recently, Sheng Hailin shared a video online to record her daughters' thoughts about their late father. In the video, Zhizhi and Huihui's immature voices call for "Dad", and their innocent eyes are full of longing for fatherly love.

This video instantly touched the heartstrings of countless netizens and sparked widespread resonance and sympathy.

Sheng Hailin: At the age of 60, she risked death to give birth to twins, and now her husband died suddenly, and her daughter is crying and thinking about her father

In the face of the burden of life, Sheng Hailin still maintains a positive and optimistic attitude. She often says, "Although life is difficult, as long as I see my daughters grow up healthy and happy, I feel that everything is worth it."

This mother, who has experienced life and death, uses her strength and courage to compose a moving hymn to life.

Today's Sheng Hailin, although she is over the age of old, is still in good spirits. She is busy with her daughters' studies and life every day, and at the same time, she does not forget to pay attention to her physical condition.

She hopes that she will live a long and healthy life, watch her daughters grow up, and fulfill their dreams. Sheng Hailin's story is becoming a legend of love, courage and perseverance.

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