
Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

author:Cereal bars talk about the past and the present
Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions
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Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

With trembling hands, the mother handed Jiang Wen a bulging brown paper envelope. He took the envelope and felt the unusual weight. It was filled with cash, foreign currency, and even foreign exchange bills that had long since ceased circulation.

Jiang Wen stared at his mother's wrinkled face, and had mixed feelings for a while.

This seemingly ordinary act turned out to be their last communication. It wasn't until his mother passed away that Jiang Wen suddenly realized what kind of profound maternal love was behind this letter.

A complex mother-son relationship spanning half a century takes an unexpected turn at this moment.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

Jiang Wen's childhood began in Tangshan, Hebei Province, but continued in Beijing due to the divorce of his parents. Following his remarried mother to the capital, the young Jiang Wen faces a new living environment and family relationships.

As a teacher, Jiang Wen's mother implemented the concept of "strict teachers produce high apprentices" to the extreme, especially for her eldest son Jiang Wen.

In this reorganized family, Jiang Wen became the focus of his mother's strict education. Every day, he walked on thin ice, for fear that his every move would annoy his mother.

However, no matter how careful he is, it always seems difficult to live up to his mother's expectations. Punishment often comes suddenly and violently, sometimes even in the middle of the night. Jiang Wen still remembers the night when he was dragged from his sleep by his mother and inexplicably beaten.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

This harsh discipline method planted the seeds of confusion and pain in Jiang Wen's young heart.

Compared to the harshness Jiang Wen receives, his younger brother Jiang Wu and younger sister Jiang Huan seem to live in another world. The gentleness and tolerance shown by their mother to them contrasted sharply with her attitude towards Jiang Wen.

This differential treatment made Jiang Wen feel aggrieved, and it also made the relationship between him and his mother increasingly strained. In order to escape the oppressive atmosphere at home, Jiang Wen began to hang out with his friends frequently, looking for the warmth and identity he lacked in the outside world.

Despite this, Jiang Wen did not give up his efforts to win his mother's approval. At home, he was like a hard-working little worker, taking on most of the household chores. Laundry, cooking, washing dishes, mopping floors, everything.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

Jiang Wen hopes that through these efforts, he can win a trace of praise from his mother, but in exchange for indifference and criticism. In this family, even a smile from his mother has become extremely precious to Jiang Wen.

This harsh family environment has shaped Jiang Wen's stubborn and sensitive character. He secretly made up his mind to win his mother's favor through excellent academic performance.

This desire to be recognized has become the driving force for Jiang Wen to keep moving forward, and it has also laid the groundwork for his future achievements in his acting career.

However, even though Jiang Wen had made some achievements, his mother's reaction still disappointed him. When he handed the admission letter of the Central Academy of Drama to his mother with great anticipation, he received a cold "You still have clothes that have not been washed".

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

This kind of indifference, which was almost cruel, deeply pierced Jiang Wen's heart.

Despite this, this difficult upbringing did not defeat Jiang Wen. On the contrary, it forged his tenacity and provided a rich emotional source for his later artistic creations.

The boy who grew up under a strict education eventually grew up to be an important figure in the Chinese film industry, interpreting complex human nature and family affection with his own works.

Although Jiang Wen's childhood was shrouded in his mother's strict discipline, life in a military compound opened a door to the world of art. Here, he made a group of like-minded friends, including Ma Weidu, Yingda and Cui Jian, who later made great achievements in the cultural world.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

These childhood playmates not only enriched Jiang Wen's life, but also invisibly shaped his artistic feelings.

Among them, Yingda's influence on Jiang Wen is particularly far-reaching. He often took Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu to the People's Art Theater to watch his father Yingruocheng's drama rehearsals. It was in this environment full of artistic atmosphere that Jiang Wen, who was only ten years old, found spiritual sustenance.

The charm of drama deeply attracted him, and he dreamed of becoming an excellent actor. This wish is like a seed, quietly taking root in Jiang Wen's heart.

With his love for acting, Jiang Wen resolutely chose Beijing Film Academy during the college entrance examination. However, the gap between ideals and reality is often unexpected.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

The blow of losing the first college entrance examination did not extinguish Jiang Wen's enthusiasm, but inspired him to have a greater fighting spirit. After a year of hard work, he was finally admitted to the Central Academy of Drama.

However, when Jiang Wen happily handed the admission letter to his mother, the long-awaited praise and encouragement did not come as expected. The mother's cold reaction was like a basin of cold water, which extinguished the joy in Jiang Wen's heart.

But this blow did not shake his determination to pursue art, but strengthened his belief in pursuing excellence on the road of acting.

The study experience at the Central Academy of Drama has laid a solid professional foundation for Jiang Wen. After graduating, he quickly made his mark in the entertainment industry with his keen insight and unique artistic vision.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

Jiang Wen has participated in widely acclaimed works such as "Furong Town" and "Red Sorghum", and has gradually grown into one of the most influential directors in China.

Jiang Wen's success is not only reflected in his excellent acting skills, but also in his talent as a director. He is adept at combining personal experience with social reality to create works that are both in-depth and ornamental.

This unique artistic style has made him unique in the Chinese film industry and has won wide recognition from the audience and the industry.

Despite his thriving career, Jiang Wen still longs for his mother's approval deep down. This complex emotion has become the driving force for him to constantly break through himself and pursue the pinnacle of art.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

The completion of each work seems to be an attempt by Jiang Wen to prove himself to his mother.

Jiang Wen's acting career is not only a story of chasing dreams, but also a journey of self-realization. From a teenager with the dream of being an actor in the military compound to a director who is important in the Chinese film industry, Jiang Wen has written a legend of his own with his own efforts and talents.

In 1994, Jiang Wen began to prepare for his directorial debut, "Sunny Day". This film not only marks an important turning point in Jiang Wen's artistic career, but also becomes a delicate node in his relationship with his mother.

In this semi-autobiographical film, Jiang Wen recreates his childhood through the performance of young actor Xia Yu. In one of the scenes where a mother beats her son, the famous actor Siqin Gaowa plays the role of a mother.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

The filming process of this scene was extremely arduous and required many repetitions. As the shooting progressed, Siqin Gaowa's palms gradually became red and swollen, and Xia Yu's cheeks were as red as ripe eggplants.

Coincidentally, Jiang Wen's mother came to visit the class on the set and witnessed this scene with her own eyes. Looking at her son's hard work for artistic creation, she was silent for a long time, and her heart was strongly shocked.

This moment seems to open a new perspective for a mother to know her son. Since then, she has begun to re-examine Jiang Wen's work and have a deeper understanding of his dedication.

"Sunny Day" is not only an artistic presentation of Jiang Wen's childhood experience, but also a bridge of emotional communication between him and his mother. Through the screen, Jiang Wen was able to express his inner world to his mother in another way.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

And the mother also sees her son's growth and talent in it, which is a side that she may overlook in her daily life.

The mother-son relationship in the film reflects the complex emotions between Jiang Wen and his mother to some extent. Although the plot in the movie is artistically processed, the sincere emotions contained in it touched the mother in reality.

This kind of emotional exchange through artistic creation provides an opportunity for the relationship between Jiang Wen and his mother to ease.

The creative process of "Sunny Day" became a turning point in the relationship between Jiang Wen and his mother. Although this change was slow and subtle, it planted the seeds of hope for the future repair of the mother-child relationship.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

Through this movie, Jiang Wen not only realized his artistic pursuit, but also invisibly narrowed the distance between him and his mother.

This experience made Jiang Wen deeply realize that artistic creation is not only a way of self-expression, but also a bridge of communication and understanding. This recognition also influenced his subsequent creative career, allowing his works to reach new heights in both artistry and emotional depth.

With the passage of time, although the relationship between Jiang Wen and his mother has eased, there is still a gap that is difficult to overcome. When Jiang Wen's career encountered a bottleneck, his mother offered to give financial support many times.

However, Jiang Wen always politely declined these kindnesses. Behind this seemingly stubborn attitude, Jiang Wen wants to prove his ability, and it may also be a self-protection mechanism formed over the years.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

However, fate didn't give them much time to mend their relationship. In March 2018, a sudden bad news broke Jiang Wen's life - his mother died suddenly due to the sequelae of cerebral infarction.

At the last moment of her life, her mother put her savings for many years into a cowhide envelope and handed it to Jiang Wen with her own hands. This seemingly simple act actually contains the mother's life's work and deep and implicit love for her son.

When Jiang Wen finally understood the deep meaning of his mother's behavior, he had lost the opportunity to communicate with her. This regret has become an eternal pain in Jiang Wen's heart. He began to reflect on his past actions and realized that he may have missed many opportunities to communicate and understand with his mother.

Now, Jiang Wen's younger brother Jiang Wu and younger sister Jiang Huan both say that Jiang Wen's personality is more and more like their late mother. This similarity is not only the inheritance of blood relationship, but also the accumulation of life experience.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

Jiang Wen finally understood his mother's good intentions, but he could no longer express his gratitude to her in person.

This letter full of money is not only a material gift, but also an expression of the mother's silent love for her son. It became the last connection between Jiang Wen and his mother, and it also became an important turning point in Jiang Wen's future life.

This experience made Jiang Wen deeply realize the importance of timely communication and expression of love in family relationships. Although it cannot change the past, this realization will influence his attitude towards life and artistic creation in the future.

In the eyes of the public, 59-year-old Jiang Wen is an iron-clad tough guy and a "walking hormone". He conquered countless audiences with his resolute and strong image and became an iconic figure in the Chinese film industry.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

Jiang Wen's works are often full of power, showing his deep insight and critique of social reality.

However, under this strong appearance, there is always a "child" who longs for the approval of his mother. This complex inner world has become the source of Jiang Wen's creation, pushing him to continue to explore and move forward on the road of art.

His films often contain thoughts on family affection, reflecting the emotional wounds in his heart that have not fully healed.

Today, Jiang Wen has become one of the most influential directors in China. We look forward to this tough guy full of passion and passion to continue to bring more shocking works to the audience.

Jiang Wen: I didn't have a good relationship with my mother in my life, and a letter after her death only understood her good intentions

At the same time, we also hope that he can find inner solace in his artistic creation, soothe the regrets between him and his mother, and achieve self-reconciliation. Jiang Wen's story is not only an artist's growth process, but also a human fable about understanding and reconciliation.

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