
The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

author:Cereal bars talk about the past and the present
The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?
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The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

In Hengdian, Zhejiang, a huge film and television city covering an area of more than 50,000 acres, countless tragicomedies of dreamers are staged every day. Known as the "Star Factory of China", it has attracted more than 200,000 young people to pursue their dreams.

They are full of hope and look forward to being able to become the next Zhao Liying or Wang Baoqiang.

However, the reality is like a basin of cold water, which has extinguished the enthusiasm of many people. Every day, less than 100 crews shoot here, and there are as many group performances as there are waiting for the opportunity.

Under the critical gaze of the directors, the once confident handsome men and women suddenly found that they were just a grain of sand among all living beings. What's even more chilling is that even if you work hard for 8 hours, your income is only 90 yuan.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

Even if you work overtime and follow the "007" work system, it is difficult for your monthly income to break through the 4,000 yuan mark.

In Hengdian Film and Television City, the life of group performances is far more difficult than the outside world imagines. Every morning, hundreds of young people gather in front of the crews, hoping to seize even the slightest opportunity.

However, the harsh reality often disappoints them.

The casting process is a nightmare for ensembles. The directors' gaze is like a cold scanner, and it only takes a dozen seconds to decide whether a person will go or stay. "You're not tall enough.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

"You, your eyes are too small." Such judgments are staged every day. Some group performances take two days and go through layers of screening, but in the end, they may be ruthlessly eliminated because a line is not standard or an action is not in place.

This huge psychological gap is difficult for many people to bear.

In order to increase their meager income, the group performers had to try all kinds of ways. Some people choose to play the role of a "dead corpse", and they do not hesitate to smear themselves dirty and lie on the mud floor, just to earn a few dozen yuan more.

What's more, participating in "martial arts scenes" is actually "beating scenes". They risk injury in the hope of being able to get a "high salary" of $200. However, these efforts have often had little effect.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

For female ensembles, the situation is more complicated. Some people have to accept some large-scale roles for higher salaries. Playing the role of a girl in a green house or being insulted may bring in an additional income of $200.

If you are willing to dress revealingly or accept a kissing scene, the salary may reach 300 to 500 yuan. However, this practice is often accompanied by great psychological stress and moral distress.

Under the pressure of survival, some group performances even took risks. Some people get up at three or four o'clock in the morning and shuttle between various crews in the night, hoping to "pick up the leak" and get a chance.

What's more, they quietly knock on the door of the director or producer in an attempt to get the role through improper means. These actions are not only unethical, but also further exacerbate the competitive environment in Hengdian.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

The most poignant thing is that in this place known as the "Star Factory", some group performers have even been reduced to the point of rummaging through the trash cans to satisfy their hunger. Their dreams fade under the weight of reality, and they hover between hope and despair every day.

The group performance life in Hengdian is a real documentary about the collision of dreams and reality. It shows the hardships on the road to chasing dreams, and also reveals the cruel reality behind the entertainment industry.

For these young people, every day is a test of survival, and whether they can persevere often depends on their inner attachment to their dreams.

Hengdian Film and Television City is not only a place of beautiful women, but also a melting pot of all kinds of people. Here, lazy people and singles abound, and everyone has a big or small "star dream" in their hearts.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

Surprisingly, more than 90% of the group performers in Hengdian did not even have a high school degree. These young people could have supported themselves by working hard, in factories or delivering food.

However, they chose this seemingly glamorous but in fact difficult path. The reason may be the escape from reality, or the obsession with fame.

In Hengdian, we can see a variety of groups. Some people have a gambler mentality and are looking forward to becoming famous overnight. Every day, they fantasize about whether they will become the next amateur star who "makes an unexpected debut".

Male ensembles often dream of being able to "fall in love with a rich female star", or at least find a beautiful "peer" as a lifelong partner. The female ensemble performers set their sights on the director, producer, and even a small stage worker, hoping to soar to the sky.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

However, the huge gap between reality and ideals has put many group performers under unimaginable psychological pressure. As a result, some people became insane, suffered from schizophrenia, and roamed the streets of Hengdian like walking corpses.

Others have become reticent and lonely in the face of the harsh reality.

This complex state of mind reflects the confusion and struggle of contemporary young people in the face of dreams and reality. They are eager to succeed, but they are not willing to put in the hard work; They yearn for a life of stardom, but they can't afford to fail.

In this seductive place, everyone hovers between dreams and reality, looking for their place.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

Hengdian became a microcosm of these ambivalences. It is both a cradle of dreams and a grave of dreams. Here, we see the desire of young people to succeed and also witness their loss under the blows of reality.

This complex psychological state not only reflects the survival status of Hengdian group performances, but also reflects the pursuit and definition of success in the whole society.

For these group performances, Hengdian is both a place of hope and an abyss of despair. They need to find a balance between chasing their dreams and facing reality in order to survive in this brutal environment.

And this may be the biggest test that Hengdian gives to every dreamer.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

Among the stories of many group performances in Hengdian, Zhao Liying's experience is undoubtedly the most eye-catching. As a model of "grassroots actress", she has gradually climbed from an unknown actor to the leading role in 7 years, interpreting what is real persistence and transformation.

Zhao Liying's career has been full of hardships and challenges. In the past 7 years, she has played an unknown maid, and she has also played a small role with only two minutes of scenes. Every opportunity, no matter how small, she gave it her all.

However, the road has not been easy. Without a professional background, her initial acting skills were inevitably immature, so she was severely criticized by the director many times.

At one point, a director bluntly pointed out her shortcomings: "Why is your mouth always pouting, like a pig's mouth!" In the face of such sharp criticism, Zhao Liying held back her tears and did not dare to cry on the spot, for fear of affecting her makeup and delaying the filming progress.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

After each criticism, she would silently hide under the covers and cry all night, then wipe away her tears and readjust to face the next day's challenges.

Zhao Liying's success not only stems from her persistence, but also from her love for performance and determination to constantly improve herself. Even in the toughest of times, she did not give up her pursuit of theater and art.

She is not satisfied with just appearing in front of the camera, but constantly learning and improving her acting skills.

Zhao Liying's experience tells us that in Hengdian, a highly competitive place, the people who can really succeed are not those who are bent on taking shortcuts, but those who can be down-to-earth and constantly improve themselves.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

Her story has become a ray of hope for countless drifting group performances, proving that as long as you persevere, your dreams will eventually come true.

Wang Baoqiang's story can be called the most legendary page in the Hengdian group performance. His struggle began at the age of 8 when he entered the Shaolin Temple to practice martial arts, and after six years of rigorous training, he developed a tenacious will.

With this perseverance, the young Wang Baoqiang came to Hengdian alone and began his arduous acting career.

During his six years in Hengdian, Wang Baoqiang faced great challenges. With his short stature and mediocre appearance, he is often ridiculed by his peers as "rustic". For the needs of the role, he often did not hesitate to be injured and was beaten to the point that his nose and face were swollen.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

However, it is this hard-working spirit, coupled with his love for kung fu movies, that supports him step by step.

The turning point came in 2003, when director Li Yanghui had a good eye and let Wang Baoqiang star in the movie "Blind Well". With this work, Wang Baoqiang stood on the podium of the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards and announced the results of his years of hard work.

From the original actor, to the glory of winning the Golden Horse actor, and now becoming a powerful actor with a box office of 10 billion, Wang Baoqiang has spent 18 years.

Wang Baoqiang's success is by no means accidental, but stems from his persistence and hard work. His story tells us that even if the starting point is not high, as long as you are willing to give, your dreams will eventually come true.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

However, we also need to recognize that not everyone can replicate Wang's success. Success requires opportunities, but also long-term persistence and hard work.

Wang Baoqiang's experience has pointed out the direction for countless group performers who are struggling in Hengdian. He proved that as long as you keep your original intention and work hard to improve yourself, even if you start from the bottom, it is possible to reach the peak of your acting career.

His story has become the spiritual pillar of the Hengdian group performers in difficult times, inspiring them to continue to chase their dreams.

The current situation of Hengdian presents us with a complex picture, which is not only a stage for dreams, but also an examination room for reality. In the face of the situation of "the flood of beautiful women and the lazy people are everywhere", we need to re-examine the way of chasing dreams and the attitude of life.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

First of all, we should pay tribute to those ensembles who are down-to-earth and take every role seriously. While they may not be the brightest stars, their professionalism deserves our respect.

These unknown group performers used their persistence to interpret what is the persistence of dreams.

Second, we need to be wary of the fantasy of "overnight success". Whether it is Zhao Liying's 7 years or Wang Baoqiang's 18 years, they all tell us that success takes time and effort.

Those who expect to take shortcuts and want to take one step to the top are often the easiest to lose themselves in the harsh reality.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

For those who are struggling in Hengdian, it's time to re-evaluate their options. Do you want to keep dreaming, or do you want to return to reality? This requires each person to make a judgment based on their own situation.

But in any case, dwelling on empty hopes will only allow you to miss out on more opportunities.

The story of Hengdian reflects the confusion and struggle of contemporary young people in the process of chasing their dreams. It reminds us to keep a clear head and find a balance between dreams and reality while chasing our dreams.

We should learn to grow through perseverance and draw strength from setbacks. Don't be fooled by superficial prosperity, and don't give up hope because of temporary difficulties.

The current situation of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beautiful lazy people are everywhere, and they want to be famous and want to go crazy?

True success comes from the continuous transcendence of oneself and the grasp of opportunities.

Hengdian's enlightenment tells us that only by facing reality and being down-to-earth can we go further on the road of life and finally realize our own wonderful life.

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