
Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

author:Cereal bars talk about the past and the present
Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story
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Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

In 1985, the spring sun gently shone on the corridor of the hospital. Sun Jinfang hugged her daughter Jiang Chao, who had just reached the full moon, and her face was full of the happiness of a new mother.

However, fate played a cruel joke on her at this moment.

During the routine physical examination, the doctor's expression suddenly became solemn. He whispered the shocking diagnosis - leukemia. This word was like a hammer, instantly shattering Sun Jinfang's peaceful life.

The female players who once dominated the volleyball world feel unprecedented helplessness at this moment. But soon, the familiar fighting spirit ignited in her eyes again. In order to survive, for the sake of her family, she made a difficult decision: to seek treatment in the United States.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

The moment she stepped on the plane, Sun Jinfang's heart was full of worries about the unknown and concern for her relatives. However, she knew that this was a tough battle that had to be fought, and she was never afraid of a challenge.

The final of the Asian Championship in 1979 became a turning point in Sun Jinfang's career. Facing the Japanese team, known as the "Oriental Witch", this team that has maintained an unbeaten record of 118 games, Sun Jinfang showed extraordinary calmness and wisdom.

During the game, she keenly observed that the opponent implemented a tight defense against the main attacker Lang Ping. Sun Jinfang quickly adjusted her tactics, on the one hand, creating gaps for Lang Ping through precise passes, and on the other hand, using secondary attacks unexpectedly, disrupting the opponent's rhythm.

Under her command, the Chinese women's volleyball team finally defeated this powerful opponent and broke the myth of the Japanese team's undefeated.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

This victory not only established Sun Jinfang's position as the core of the team, but also strengthened the confidence of the Chinese women's volleyball team to impact the world championship. Two years later, in the 1981 World Cup, Sun Jinfang once again showed amazing strength.

Her outstanding performance not only helped the Chinese women's volleyball team win the world championship for the first time, but also won three awards for herself: "Best Athlete", "Outstanding Athlete" and "Best Setter", creating a precedent in the history of the World Cup.

As the behind-the-scenes hero of the Chinese women's volleyball team's five consecutive championships, Sun Jinfang's contribution is indelible. Her keen tactical vision, accurate passing skills and excellent leadership skills have paved the way for the glory of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

In the game, she can always stabilize the morale of the army at critical moments and infect her teammates with her calmness. Even against strong opponents, Sun Jinfang can keep a clear mind and develop the best offensive strategy for the team.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

However, behind the brilliance is countless sweat and dedication. In order to maintain her peak condition, Sun Jinfang has made unimaginable efforts. Every morning, while most people are still asleep, she has already started training.

Even when she is physically exhausted, she never relaxes her demands on herself.

Sun Jinfang's success is not only a reflection of personal talent, but also the result of hard training and tenacity. She illustrates what true sportsmanship is.

Under her influence, the entire Chinese women's volleyball team has formed a team spirit of never giving up and moving forward bravely.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

It is this spirit that supports the Chinese women's volleyball team to create a brilliant record of five consecutive championships in the following years. And Sun Jinfang, as the "soul of the court" of this king's division, has carved a strong stroke in the history of Chinese volleyball with his wisdom and sweat.

Outside of the bright spotlight, Sun Jinfang also has a little-known romantic story. The red line of fate quietly linked her to Jiang Weiguang, a young teacher at Nanjing Institute of Aeronautics.

The beginning of this relationship originated from the recommendation of a mutual friend.

When they met for the first time, Jiang Weiguang was uneasy in his heart. Facing this famous female player in the volleyball world, he couldn't hide his nervousness. However, when he saw Sun Jinfang's gentle and gentle side, his heart couldn't help but move.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

is different from the vigorous and resolute on the court, Sun Jinfang in life shows a girl's tender side. Sun Jinfang, on the other hand, was attracted by Jiang Weiguang's elegant temperament, and she was deeply impressed by his knowledge and modesty.

However, as the captain of the hot women's volleyball team at that time, Sun Jinfang was well aware of the responsibility on her shoulders. In order not to affect training and competitions, she put forward strict dating conditions to Jiang Weiguang: keep the relationship secret, do not interfere with her career, and cannot mention marriage before her retirement.

In the face of these requests, Jiang Weiguang agreed without hesitation. He proved with his actions that he was willing to pay patience and understanding for this feeling.

In between busy training and competitions, the two can only convey their thoughts through letters. Each letter is full of affection, recording each other's lives and inner worlds.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

These letters became the spiritual strength that supported Sun Jinfang through the hard training, and also allowed Jiang Weiguang to understand the inner world of this strong girl more deeply.

In 1983, when Sun Jinfang decided to retire, the two could finally enter the palace of marriage hand in hand. Years of waiting and testing have made them cherish each other even more.

The life after marriage is plain and happy, Sun Jinfang and Jiang Weiguang support each other and face the challenges of life together.

This relationship that has been baptized by time has witnessed the power of true love. It not only adds warmth to Sun Jinfang's life, but also becomes an important support for her inside and outside the arena.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

Jiang Weiguang's silent dedication and firm companionship have injected deep connotation into this relationship, allowing this volleyball girl to find a spiritual harbor in love.

Behind the brilliant career, Sun Jinfang has also experienced twists and turns on and off the court. One of the most striking is a misunderstanding between her and her teammate Lang Ping.

It was a crucial match, with a tense atmosphere and a close match. The opponent adopted a tight defensive strategy against the main attacker Lang Ping, which put her under great pressure.

As an experienced setter, Sun Jinfang is keenly aware of this.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

In a crucial service break, Sun tried to remind Lang Ping to be aware of her opponent's blocking moves, suggesting that she adjust her offensive route. However, due to the noisy noise and the fact that Lang Ping was focused on the game, she didn't fully understand Sun's intentions.

This misunderstanding made Sun Jinfang stunned for a moment. As a veteran setter, she knows that a misjudgment can have a direct impact on the performance of the entire team. For a while, her mood was affected, and the accuracy of her passes also decreased.

After the game, head coach Yuan Weimin criticized Sun Jinfang. This exacerbated her sense of grievance, and her emotions were difficult to control for a while. However, after calming down, Sun Jinfang realized that it was just a misunderstanding caused by miscommunication.

Although this episode was short, it made Sun Jinfang deeply realize the importance of communication. Since then, she has focused more on communicating with her teammates, not only mentoring the young players technically, but also supporting and encouraging them psychologically.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

Despite the growing physical injury, Sun continued to play until his retirement. She has relied on occlusive needles to relieve her pain on several occasions, just to be able to contribute to the team when it matters most.

This spirit of defying difficulties and moving forward bravely is a true portrayal of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Sun Jinfang used his own actions to explain what true sportsmanship and team spirit are. This experience not only brought the team together, but also added a valuable lesson to her career.

After retiring, Sun Jinfang transferred her passion and persistence on the sports field to family life. As a daughter-in-law, her performance is amazing. When she first stepped into her in-law's house, Sun Jinfang felt the restraint of her in-laws.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

As a well-known athlete, she realized that her identity put some pressure on the elderly.

But Sun Jinfang did not back down. She slowly resolved this gap with care and thoughtfulness. Every morning, she would accompany her mother-in-law to exercise in the morning; In her spare time, she patiently listened to the old man tell about the past; When shopping in the market, she always carefully asks her mother-in-law about her preferences.

Gradually, her mother-in-law no longer regarded her as a "big star", but as her own daughter.

This intimate relationship not only warmed the old age of the two old people, but also created a harmonious and warm atmosphere for the whole family. Sun Jinfang's filial piety and thoughtfulness won the love of her in-laws and became a model of family harmony.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

In 1985, Sun Jinfang loved her daughter Jiang Chao, and the whole family loved this little life very much. As a mother, Sun Jinfang brings the rigor and persistence of athletes to parenting.

She not only pays attention to her daughter's learning, but also does not neglect physical exercise, hoping that Jiang Chao can develop in an all-round way. Even in the days when she went to the United States for treatment, Sun Jinfang was always concerned about her daughter's growth.

During her treatment in the United States, Sun Jinfang met a warm-hearted family of Chinese fans. The family not only provided her with free accommodation, but also took care of her in all aspects of life.

Faced with Sun Jinfang's request to pay rent, the family resolutely refused, saying that it was their honor to be able to help their idol. This warmth from strangers made Sun Jinfang, who was in a foreign land, feel warm, and also made her more determined to defeat the disease.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

Today, Jiang Chao has started a family and has his own career in the financial industry. Watching her daughter's growth, Sun Jinfang felt relieved and grateful that she could continue to witness her daughter's life.

This warm family has become an important force to support Sun Jinfang in facing the challenges of life.

Today, although Sun Jinfang no longer needs to go to the United States to seek medical treatment, he still needs to endure the pain of regular exchange of blood. However, the former female ranker was not knocked out by the illness.

She faced the challenges of life with the same tenacity and perseverance, showing the indomitable spirit of the women's volleyball team.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

Every time she undergoes an exchange transfusion, Sun Jinfang recalls her years of hard work on the court. At that time, she could endure any pain in order to win the competition; Now, for the sake of life, she still maintains this strength.

The hospital ward seems to have become another arena, and she is still the warrior who never gives up.

Despite her poor physical condition, Sun Jinfang still maintained her love for volleyball. She is often invited to attend various sports talks to share her experience and experience with the younger generation.

In her opinion, retiring does not mean insulating himself from volleyball, but continuing his sporting career in another way. Whenever she sees young players sweating on the field, her eyes always shine with satisfaction and anticipation.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

Sun Jinfang's story is not only a legend of an athlete, but also a true portrayal of how an ordinary person persevered in the face of adversity. Her brilliance on the court, her warmth in the family, and her strength in the midst of illness all interpret what is the true spirit of the women's volleyball team.

This spirit is not only reflected in the hard work on the field, but also in the courage and determination in the face of difficulties in life.

Today, although her physical condition does not allow her to be as active as she was when she was younger, Sun Jinfang is still looking for various ways to contribute to society. She actively participates in public welfare activities and contributes to the promotion of volleyball.

In her view, the meaning of life lies not only in personal achievement, but also in being able to bring positive impact to others and society.

Sun Jinfang's tenacious life: overseas treatment overcomes serious illness, and the love between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a good story

Sun Jinfang's story is a vivid portrayal of the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team. She used her life to interpret what it means to never give up and what it means to move forward. Whether it's the moments on the pitch or the challenges she faces in life, she has always maintained that tenacity and love.

This spirit will continue to inspire countless people and become a banner of China's sportsmanship.

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