
Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him
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Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

In the bright starlight, Hu Ge's name is like a dazzling star. However, under his glamorous appearance, there is an unspoken thanks, which has become the deepest regret in his heart.

"I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her." Hu Ge admitted frankly in an in-depth interview, with an imperceptible tremor in his voice. Behind this sentence is a little-known past, a man who has played an important role in his life.

And when the reporter found Xue Jianing for verification, she responded calmly: "It's not me who takes care of him." This simple sentence raises more questions. Who was with Hu Ge in his most difficult moments? Why did Hu Ge never express his gratitude to that person? This dusty past may reveal the unknown real life behind the halo of stars.

Recalling those dark days, a trace of pain that could not be concealed flashed in Hu Ge's eyes. "At that time, I was really full of doubts about myself and the future," he said softly, with a slight choked voice in his voice, "It was a torment to look in the mirror every day, and I didn't know if I could continue my acting career."

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

Just when Hu Ge fell into a low point in his life, Xue Jianing's appearance was like a ray of warm sunshine. , an actress who is a few years older than Hu Ge, resolutely put down her rising career and chose to stay by Hu Ge's side to take care of him.

Her selfless dedication has become an important force to support Hu Ge through difficulties.

However, fate is always full of drama. When Hu Ge gradually recovered and stood up again, he failed to express his due gratitude to Xue Jianing in time for various reasons.

This regret has become an indelible scar in his heart.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

"At that time, I couldn't openly talk about any topics related to her," Hu Ge admitted, frowning slightly, "This is mainly due to a lot of irresistible factors. But looking back now, I really regret not thanking her properly.

This catastrophe not only changed the trajectory of Hu Ge's life, but also profoundly affected his character. He has become more introverted and has seen a major shift in his attitude towards life and career.

But at the same time, this experience also inspired his inner resilience, making him cherish life and the people around him even more.

From being on the verge of desperation to returning to the screen, Hu Ge's experience can be called a legend in the entertainment industry. He used his strength and perseverance to write a gorgeous chapter of rebirth from the ashes.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

However, in these ups and downs, the unspoken thanks has always been like a thorn in his heart.

After the car accident, the relationship between Hu Ge and Xue Jianing should have been stronger, but the reality gave the lovers a heavy blow. The difference in their personalities was infinitely magnified during this special period, which eventually led to their parting of ways.

Hu Ge once mentioned in an interview: "Maybe it's because of our respective personality traits. There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes. As a typical machismo, Hu Ge deeply felt that he should take on the responsibility of supporting his family and give his partner meticulous care.

However, his physical condition and career stagnation after the car accident made it difficult for him to realize this wish, and this feeling of powerlessness deeply troubled him.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

On the other hand, Xue Jianing, as a mature and independent woman, is willing to pay for love, but it is difficult to fully adapt to this role change. She is a few years older than Hu Ge, which undoubtedly increases her psychological burden.

While taking care of Hu Ge, she is also worried about her career and future.

Social pressure is undoubtedly also an important factor that leads to their eventual breakup. At that time, the idol route was prevalent in the entertainment industry, and many celebrities chose not to disclose their relationships in order to maintain their image and fan base.

Hu Ge, as a person with a great sense of responsibility, had to make a difficult choice between career and relationship.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

Although the relationship ended, the two did not become strangers because of this. On the contrary, they maintain a rare friendly relationship. When asked about Hu Ge, Xue Jianing always gave sincere praise.

In 2015, when Hu Ge became popular because of "Langya Bang", she politely refused the opportunity to take the opportunity to hype, showing an admirable mind.

"Now that Mr. Hu has become popular, I will no longer take this opportunity to hype." Xue Jianing's words not only reflect her kindness, but also show that she has been relieved from her past feelings.

Although this relationship ended in regret, it became an important experience for the two to grow up. Hu Ge learned how to protect his private space in the public eye, and he also cherished the people around him more.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

Xue Jianing has strengthened her independent attitude towards life.

Looking back, Hu Ge sighed: "She is really very good. This simple sentence contains too many complex emotions. Regret, gratitude, regret, all kinds of emotions are intertwined, forming a unique footnote to this relationship.

Their story tells us that the test of love comes not only from the pressure of the outside world, but also from the inner game of two people. Although they didn't come together in the end, the experience was undoubtedly a valuable asset for them.

It allows them to walk more steadily and further on the road of life, and also gives them a deeper understanding of love and life.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

The car accident not only changed the trajectory of Hu Ge's life, but also left him with a heavy psychological baggage. In that nightmare accident, Hu Ge's assistant Zhang Mian unfortunately passed away.

This cruel fact is like a boulder, always pressing on Hu Ge's heart, making him difficult to let go.

Whenever this past incident is mentioned, Hu Ge's eyes always reveal deep self-blame and pain. "If we hadn't swapped seats, maybe it wouldn't have turned out differently," he whispered, his voice filled with remorse.

This sense of guilt drove Hu Ge to make an important decision: to devote himself to public welfare in the name of Zhang Mian.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

Hu Ge began to actively participate in the construction of schools in poor areas, helping children who lacked educational resources. He not only donated money and materials, but also traveled to remote areas to understand the actual needs of the local area.

In addition, Hu Ge also solemnly promised to support Zhang Mian's family and fulfill this responsibility with practical actions.

These actions are not only a kind of compensation, but also a rethinking of the meaning of life by Hu Ge. In public, he is a glamorous star; Behind the camera, he is an ordinary person who is responsible and seeks redemption.

This contrast allows people to see the real humanity under the halo of stars.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

Hu Ge's actions are not only a memorial to the deceased, but also a reverence for life and a return to the society. It profoundly shaped Hu Ge's character and values, making him understand that fame and fortune are not all in life, and true success should include responsibility to others and society.

This kind of consciousness has become the internal driving force that pushes Hu Ge forward. In his subsequent acting career, he not only pursued breakthroughs in his works, but also insisted on participating in various public welfare activities.

Hu Ge used his actions to interpret the social responsibility of a public figure and showed another side of the star.

Time flies, and the former young idol has transformed into a mature and stable man. In 2021, Hu Ge announced that he would marry his girlfriend Huang Xining outside the circle and love his daughter, which was like a bombshell, causing a lot of shock in the entertainment industry.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

Ten years younger than Hu Ge, Huang Xining initially worked as his life assistant, then progressively promoted to his stylist and eventually became his executive agent. The development of this relationship is like a silent urban love drama, low-key and warm.

However, this choice has caused quite a bit of controversy among the public. Some people questioned that Huang Xining's appearance was not outstanding enough, and thought that Hu Ge's conditions should have found a more beautiful and talented partner.

In the face of these discussions, Hu Ge seemed unusually calm.

In an interview, Hu Ge's eyes showed happiness and contentment: "What I need now is someone who can take care of my daily life, arrange my work affairs, and is willing to support me wholeheartedly."

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

These words speak to his true expectations for family life and reflect a shift in his values.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Hu Ge's views on love and marriage have undergone subtle changes. He no longer pursues vigorous love, but attaches more importance to the sincerity in the ordinary.

This transformation is a natural consequence of his life experience and a reflection of his inner maturity.

Hu Ge's choice of marriage, to a certain extent, also reflects his thinking and summary of his past feelings. From his relationship with Xue Jianing to his relationship with Jiang Shuying, every experience has given him a clearer understanding of his needs.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

He ended up choosing a partner who understood him and supported his career, rather than a glamorous star.

Although there have been many discussions about his choice from the outside world, Hu Ge has always maintained his usual calmness and firmness. He proved with practical actions that true happiness does not lie in external brilliance, but in inner satisfaction and understanding.

Today's Hu Ge has found a balance between career and family. He is still the shining star, but he is also a gentle husband and loving father.

This new identity has added more color to his life and given him a new source of inspiration for his acting career.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

Hu Ge's story tells us that everyone has a different definition of happiness. True happiness often comes from inner choices, rather than external expectations.

Although Hu Ge has opened a new chapter in his life, he has not completely left his past emotional experiences behind. Instead, he reconciled with his past in a mature and rational manner.

During an event on the same stage with Jiang Shuying, attentive viewers noticed that Hu Ge tried to make eye contact or say hello to her many times. Although these attempts were not reciprocated, this move undoubtedly shows Hu Ge's broad-mindedness and openness to the past.

What's even more touching is that Hu Ge also went to the scene to watch Xue Jianing's musical performance. The two not only had a pleasant conversation backstage, but also took a group photo with bright smiles.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

This scene seems to be a tribute to the past and a blessing to the present.

When talking about these predecessors, Hu Ge always maintains an attitude of respect and gratitude. "Every relationship has made me grow," he said in an interview, "and I'm grateful to everyone I've had in my life."

This way of dealing with past feelings not only shows Hu Ge's sincerity and kindness, but also interprets his attitude towards life: cherish the beauty of the past and choose to be good friends in each other's lives.

Hu Ge's story tells us that every experience on the road of life, whether sweet or bitter, is worth cherishing. It is these experiences that have shaped today's Hu Ge, allowing him to maintain his sincerity and gratitude while succeeding.

Hu Ge: I thanked everyone, but I didn't thank her. Xue Jianing: It's not me who takes care of him

The afterglow of this emotion may be the most precious wealth of life.

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